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Marketing Induction - Acronym Buster

We at British American Tobacco are famous for using TLAs (three letter acronyms) - to
help you find your way, here is a list of some of them:

Acronym Definition

AME Africa & Middle East (Region)

America Pacific (previous region name, now included in 'The Americas'


ANP Alternative Nicotine Products

APR Annual Performance Review (identification of past issues)

ARF Activity Recommendation Form

ASM Area Sales Manager

AsPac Asia Pacific (region)

ASU30 Adult Smoker Under 30 Years Old

ATL Above the Line (traditional media advertising)

BM Brand Manager

BSE Brand Support Expenditures

BTL Below the Line (traditional merchandising / promotion)

BVS Brand Values Segmentation

C+1 Current cycle plus one (i.e. following planning cycle)

CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate

CAP Channel Account Profitability

CD Consumer Dialogue (old name - now BAT Way of Marketing)

CDC Consumer Dialogue Capability

CDF Consumer Disposition Funnel

CDF/RDF Consumer/Retailer Disposition Matrix

CDR Consumer Dialogue through Retail

CDMP Consumer Dialogue Media Planning

CFMP Consumer Focused Marketing Plan

CMIB Centrally-Managed International Brand

CORA Corporate & Regulatory Affairs Department

Marketing Induction - Acronym Buster

CPM Cycle Planning Meeting

CPTO Consumer Price Turnover

CRA Customer Relationship Amplifier

CSM Customer Satisfaction Measurement

DNP Duty Not Paid

DR Distribution Representative

DRM Demand Review Meeting

DSD Direct Sales Distribution

DSS Direct Store Sales (preferred route to market model)

DX Distribution Excellence

EBD European Board of Directors

ECA European Competitor Analysis

EM End-Market

EMF Effective Meeting Focus – old definition replaced with S&OP

FF Field Force

FMC Factory Manufactured Cigarettes

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

(products that are sold quickly at relatively low cost)

GB Global Brands

GBM Group Brand Manager

Global Brand Values Segmentation, or Global Brand Values Segment

(e.g. GBVS3)

GCS General Consumer Survey

GCS-S General Consumer Survey for Segmentation

GCU Global Customer Engagement Unit

GTR Global Travel Retail

Global Drive Brands (KENT, Pall Mall, Lucky Strike, DUNHILLl – can
also refer to Viceroy and Vogue if ‘GDB+2’)

GM General Manager

HoB Head of Brand

HoD Head of Department

Marketing Induction - Acronym Buster

HoF Head of Finance

HoReCa Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes

HoT Head of Trade

HTL A type of OTP (includes cigars)

IB International Brand (not GDB, e.g. Rothmans)

IBG International Brand Group

IMP International Marketing Programme

IMS International Marketing Standards

JTI Japan Tobacco International

Latin America and the Caribbean (previously a region, replaced by

The Americas region)

LE Latest Estimate (e.g. of year-end volumes / revenues)

LEP Limited Edition Pack

LEPP Limited Edition Product and Pack

LOI Letter of Intent

MASQ Method for Assessing Smoking Quality

MCD Market Context Development (identification of opportunities)

MD Marketing Director / Managing Director

MF Marketing Finance

MIF Marketing Investment Framework

MIM Marketing Information Manager

Marketing Leadership Team

MLT (Marketing Director, Head of Brand, Head of Trade, SPIM, possibly

MPM Marketing Planning Manager

MSDM Marketing Skills Development Manager

MRM Marketing Research Manager

MXS Marketing Excellence Series (Learning and Development programme)

MYO Make Your Own

NPD New Product Development

NTO Net Turnover

Marketing Induction - Acronym Buster

OP Operational Planning (translation of programmes into activities)

OOH Out of Home

OOS Out of Stocks

OTC Office of Tobacco Control (Ireland)

OTIF On Time, In Full (order fulfilment KPI measurement)

OTP Other Tobacco Products

PA Product Academy

P&E Pricing and Excise

P&L Profit and Loss (usually referring to accountability)

PDT Product Development Team

PEM Programme Effectiveness Measurement

PI&T Product Integrity and Traceability

PID Project Initiation Document

PIM Planning & Insights Manager

PIR Project Implementation Review

PMI Philip Morris International

PPS Public Place Smoking (Ban)

Potentially Reduced Exposure Products (i.e. potentially ‘less harmful


QMR Quarterly Marketing Report

QPR / QTR Quarterly Reviews

RCM Retail Classification Methodology

RCS Retail Classification System

RD Regional Director

RDF Retailer Disposition Funnel

RIM Regional Insights Manager

RMLT Regional Marketing Leadership Team

RMM Regional Marketing Manager

RSP Retail Sales Price

RTM Route-to-Market

RTP Reduced Toxicity Product (i.e. ‘safer cigarette’)

Marketing Induction - Acronym Buster

RQI Relative Quality Index

RYO Roll Your Own

S&OP Sales and Operational Planning

SCSC Supply Chain Service Centre

SIG Strategic Innovation Group

SKU Stock Keeping Unit

SP Strategic Planning (identification of objectives and programmes)

SPI Strategy, Planning and Insight Department

SPIM Strategic Planning and Insight Manager

SPLY Same Position Last Year (e.g. comparison of sales)

Superior quality (regarding outlets) other classifications are HQ (high

quality) and NQ (normal quality)

SSC Secondary Supply Chain

TCP Trade Coverage Plan

STM Simulated Test Market

TM&D Trade Marketing & Distribution

TMR Trade Marketing Representative

VFM Value for Money

Y+1 Current Year plus one (i.e. following calendar year)

YTD Year to Date

Anything missing? Let us know via MXS Homepage so that we can keep updated!

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