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Name of Subject : GSS

Name Of Teacher : Mam Taudheeda

Topic of assignment : Hienarchy Of Sentence

Nature of assignment : Prelim

Name Of Student : Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa Javeed

Programme : M.A (ENG)3rd

Due date : 1st Feb 2011


a).According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary(8th Edition),

hierarchy means:

1- A system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are

organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest.

2- The group of people in control of a large organization or institution.

3- A system that ideas or beliefs can be arranged into: a hierarchy of needs.

b). According to Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics, hierarchy means

the basic structural principle according to which elements of a set are ordered. The
graphic representation of a herarichy furnishes a tree diagram which branches


Hierarchy of sentence means the organizational structure of

the sentanc i.e. for what the sentence is made up of.

The hierarchy of the sentence is as follow:




Now each ingredient/part is discussed


According to George Yule(The study of language, 2nd Edition), a

morpheme is "a minimal unit of meaning or grammatical function ". For instance,
the word reopned consist of three morphemes :

-re (meaning again)

-open (stem)

-ed (indicates past tense)

The further division of morpheme is as follow:


| |

Free Morpheme Boundmorpheme

| |

| | |

Lexical Functional
Derivational Inflectional Morpheme
Morpheme Morpheme Morpheme

a). Free Morpheme: A free morpheme is the one which can stand by themselves
as a single word e.g open, tour.

It is further divided into two categories

i) Lexical Morpheme : These are the set of ordinary nouns, adjectives and verbs
which carry the 'content' of the massage we convey e.g boy, man, house.

ii) Functional Morpheme: This set consist largly of the functional words, such as
conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns. Examples are : and, but, when,

b). Bound Morpheme: Which cantnot normally stand alone but are typically
attached to another form, e.g re, ed and s.

This category is also of two types :

i) Derivational Morpheme : They are used to make new words. They change the
grammatical category of the word. e.g from good to goodness.

i) Inflectional Morpheme:The additional of these words with the stem word

indicates aspects of the grammatical functions of a word.There are eight inflectional
morphemes 's, s, ing, ed, en, est, er.

2.WORD : According to Leonard Bloomfield, words are though of as the smallest

meaningful unit of speech that can stand by themselves.

Words are divided into different kind or classes, called Parts of Speech, according
to their use ; that is, according to the work they do in a sectence. The parts of
speech are eight in number:

1). Noune: A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing ; as,

Akbar was a great king.

The rose smells sweet.

The suns shines bright.

Note- The word thing includes(i) all objects that we can see, hear, tast, touch, or
smell; and (ii) somethings that we cant think of, but cannot percieve by the senses.

2). Adjective: An Adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a

noun ; as,

He is a brave boy.

There are twenty boys in this class.

3)Pronoun: A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun ; as,

Humas is absent, beacause he is ill.

The books are where you left them.

4).Verb: A Verb is a word used to express an action or state ; as,

The girl wrote a letter to her cousin.

Lahore is a big city.

Iron and copper are useful metals.

5).Adverb: An Adverb is a word used to add somethig to the meaning of a verb, an

adjective,or another adverb ; as,

He worked the sum quickly.

This flower is very beautiful.

She pornounced the word quite correctly.

6). Prepostion: An prepostion is a word used without a noun or a pornoun to show

how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pornoun stand in reletion to
something else : as,

There is a cow in the garden.

The girl is found of music.

A fair little girl sat under a tree.

7). Conjunction: A Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentences ; as,

Aun and Waji are cousins.

Two and two make four.

I ran fast but ,I missed the train.

8).Interjection: An interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling ;


Hurrah ! We have won the game.

Alas ! she is dead.


Phrases are group of words which do not express a complete thought, but
which act as a unit. They may function as noun, modifiers, or verbs:

Swimming and running are two excellent forms of exercise. | A verb phrase
function as

He sat near pool. | A

prepositional phrase
functions as an adverb.

a).Noun Phrase:A noun phrase is a phrase which can be the subject, object, or
complementof a clause, or as a prepositional complement. A noun phrase usually
has a noun as its head(i.e. main part of the phrase), although pronouns and
adjectives may also be heads of noun phrases. The head word may appear togather
with determiners, in particular and one or more modifiers:

NP-subject NP-Object NP-complement

Sana likes girls with blonde hair.

(headword = noun)

NP-Subject NP-Object
she spoke softly to the dying man.

(headword = a pronoun)

NP-Subject NP-Object NP-Complement

The poor comprise a large section of the Asian


(NP = Noun Phrase)

b).Verb Phrase: A verb phrase consist of either a main verb, or a main verb plus
one or more auxillary verbs:

My sister reads two story books everyweek

(Verb Phrase = main verb)

My sister is reading story book about animals.

(Verbs Phrase = main verb + auxiliary)

c).Prepositional Phrase: A prepositional phrase consist of a preposition followed

by a prepositional complement -either a noun phrase, a wh-clause, or an -ing

There are 200 students in the lecture hall.

(preposition) + (noun phrase)

We were not sure of what the teacher said.

(preposition) +(wh- clause)

She brightend the house by putting fresh flowers in every room.

(preposition) + (-ing clause)


Clauses are group pf words containing both subject and predicate (i.e. a
subject + verb + complement +(optional)adverbial). Almost all sentances contain at
lest onle clause

Thus, a typical clause structure looks like this:

1. Clsuse

Subject + Adverbial + Verb + Object

He Slowly climbed the hill.

2. Clause

Adverbial + Subject + Verb + Complement

Immediately the baby fell asleep.

a).Independent Clause: Independent(Main) Clauses are those which are complete

in themslever (like two exapmles above). They can thus stand by themselvers as
complete sentaences. Alternately, two main clauses which are equal in construction,
can be joined by a conjunction to form a complete sentence:


Main Clause Main clause

subject verb object conjection Subject

verb object

You can sweep the floor or You can wash

the dishes.

I play the piano and My sister plays

the violin.

b).Dependent Clause: Dependent (subordinate) Clauses are generally not able to

stand alone as a main clause of a sentence. Usually they are included as sub-
clauses in main clause. As such, they act as modifires to alter, limite, or to clarify
the ideas in the main clause. They can function as nouns, adjectives or adverbs and
they are normally linked to the main clause by linking words such as that and wh-
words like which and where.


Indepent clause Dependent clauses

1. I realize it. I realize that he is the


(Clause replaces a noun or

2. MY friend went on a round-the-world My friend went on a trip which

trip. them
around the world.

(Clause replaces adjectives.)

3.He left his book here. He left his book wher he colud
find it.

(clause replaces adverbs.)


Main clause

subject verb object

He left his book.


Conjunction subject verb object

(WH- word)

where he could find it.


A group of words as mentioned above which make complete sence is

called a sentance.

There are four kinds of sentances

a).Declarative/Assertive: Those which make statements or assertions ; as,

Novair sat on a wall

b).Interrogative: Those which ask questions ; as,

wher do you live?

c).Imperative: Those which express commands. request, entreaties ; as,

Be quiet.

d).Exclamatory: Those which express strong feelings ; as,

How cold the night is!

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