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Rolan B. Mamalias

January 21, 2021

Thor Domato Jr.

Bachelor of Public Administration

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Starting a business in a competitive world might be difficult as there are many factors that needs to be

considered that needs a thorough planning to increase the chances on making it successful. Though it is

challenging to start a new venture in a location where the proposed kind of business is already existing, with a

proper execution of plans and creativeness, there is still a huge opportunity to achieve victory.

Goal Setting

One of the most important part of starting the Karaoke Business that my uncle wants is to create first a

business plan where the description of the kind of business market analysis, organization and management,

service or product line, marketing and sales, funds needed, and financial projection will be discussed. I would

also make sure that a feasibility study will be done where examination of current market environment or the

demographics will be determined, requirements needed to complete the project, financial rewards and return on

investment (ROI) to make sure to have an overall analysis and recommendations to the Karaoke Bar business

my uncle wants to be established near the University belt in Manila.

Executing the Plan

Now that the business plan and the feasibility study have passed, construction of the building will be

started and will be given 3 months to finish. Once done, the proposed exterior and interior design will need to be

done in 2 weeks. While it is ongoing, I will also start looking for personnel and staff such as waiter or waitress,

front desk officer and a chief and kitchen assistance. Legal documents will also be accomplished before opening

the establishment such as DTI registration, Mayor’s business permit, BIR registration for Tax Identification

Number (TIN for business), official receipts and invoices. The benefits of the employees will also be

implemented once they got hired such as SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-Ibig Fund. After applying and Securing the

needed clearance and business permits, an opening date will now be decided.

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Measuring the Results

To determine if the business performance is gaining or losing, I will make sure that all the ins and outs

will be entered in the computer and will be calculated daily. Every month, the total earning will divided from its

cost and multiply by a hundred to get the Return on Investment (ROI).

Sustaining Growth

To sustain the Karaoke Bar business, I will make sure that myself as a manager and my staff will stay

efficient in all we do. I will also start putting ads on social media to spread the awareness to many more people

about the business and give special promotions to keep new and existing customers.

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