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Salem-Campus, Attur Main Road, Minnampalli, Salem -636 106.

Internal Test - I

Class: IV YEAR/ECE 30
Date: 25.09.2020 Minutes
Time :
Semester: VII
and Name :

S. No Questions Taxonomy

Answer All Questions

Part A— (30 X 1=30)
A wireless network without a centralized access point may BTL 2 CO 1
a.An infrastructure network b. An ad hoc network
c. All of these d.None of these
Which of the following technologies enable wireless ad- BTL 1 CO 1
hoc networking
b. 4G(LTE)
c. All of the above
d.None of these
The self-properties of self-organization networks are BTL 1 CO 1
known by the acronym.
a. Self-POT
The main source of power consumption in wireless BTL 1 CO 1
sensor networks is due to
c. Processing
d.None of these
Throughput in wireless ad hoc networks with N nodes BTL 1 CO 1
5 decreases at a rate of
a.√N b.N^2 c.N^3 d.2N
BTL 1 CO 1
The nodes which are unable to perform an operation
because of either power failure or environmental events
6 are termed as
a.Selfish node b. Failed nodes
c. Dead node d.Malicious node
What is the access point (AP) in a wireless LAN? BTL 1 CO 1
a) device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired
7 b) wireless devices itself
c) both device that allows wireless devices to connect to a
wired network and wireless devices itself
d) all the nodes in the network
8 In wireless ad-hoc network _________ BTL 2 CO 1
a) access point is not required
b) access point is must
c) nodes are not required
d) all nodes are access points
9 Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE 802.11 BTL 3 CO 1
standard for wireless LAN?
10 In wireless distribution system __________ BTL 1 CO 1
a) multiple access point are inter-connected with each
b) there is no access point
c) only one access point exists
d) access points are not required
11 A wireless network interface controller can work in _______ BTL 1 CO 1
a) infrastructure mode
b) ad-hoc mode
c) both infrastructure mode and ad-hoc mode
d) WDS mode
12 In wireless network an extended service set is a set of BTL 1 CO 1
a) connected basic service sets
b) all stations
c) all access points
d) connected access points
13 BTL 3 CO 1
Mostly ________ is used in wireless LAN.
a) time division multiplexing
b) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
c) space division multiplexing
d) channel division multiplexing
14 1. Which one of the following event is not possible in wireless BTL 3 CO 1
a) collision detection
b) acknowledgement of data frames
c) multi-mode data transmission
d) connection to wired networks
15 What is WPA? BTL 1 CO 1
a) wi-fi protected access
b) wired protected access
c) wired process access
d) wi-fi process access
16 W-CDMA is ____. BTL 1 CO 1
(a) Wireless Code Division Multiple Access
(b) Wideband code division multiple access
(c) Wide code division multiple access
(d) Web band code division multiple access
17 Wireless networks are computer networks that use radio BTL 2 CO 1
frequency channels as their __ for communication.
(a) Physical Medium
(b) Medium Access Control
(c) TDMA
(d) CDMA
18 Which of the following is a collection of many separate BTL 1 CO 1
(a) LAN
(b) MAN
(c) WAN
(d) PAN
19 They can even use other services such as location tracking BTL 2 CO 1
using the __.
(a) GPS
(b) VPS
(c) GPRS
(d) GSM
20 The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum occupied by a BTL 1 CO 1
signal is called ________
(a) Signal spectrum
(b) Bandwidth
(c) Frequency width
(d) Signal strength
21 You have 5 information signals and only one BTL 1 CO 1
transmitter. What technique will help in transmitting all
the 5 signals?
(a) Frequency modulation
(b) Multiplexing
(c) Amplification
(d) Amplitude modulation
22 Which one of the IEEE 802 committees is tasked with BTL 1 CO 1
the development of security standards?
(a) 802.10 (b) 802.16 (c) 802.15 (d) 802.11
23 Ad hoc wireless networks can be very useful in BTL 1 CO 1
establishing ____ among a group of soldiers for tactical
operations. ( )
(a) Communication
(b) Information
(c) Network channel
(d) DCN
24 MANET does not face the challenge of ( ) BTL 2 CO 1
(a) Security
(b) Node cooperation
(c) QoS
(d) Quick network setup
25 This mode of wireless network allows devices to BTL 1 CO 1
communicate directly with each other.
(a) Ad-hoc
(b) Digital
(c) Physical
(d) Infrastructure
26 A __________ is self-created when roaming wireless BTL 1 CO 1
devices are connected over a wireless link.
(a) MANET (b) WPAN (c) DARPA (d) NTDR
27 RTS/CTS period is called ( ) BTL 3 CO 1
(a) Waiting period
(b) Contention period
(c) Running period
(d) none of these
28 Existing MAC protocols cannot be used in MANETs BTL 2 CO 1
because of ( )
(a) Resource constrained nodes
(b) Limited bandwidth
(c) Lack of centralized control
(d) All of the above
29 Why is implementation of MAC protocols important in BTL 2 CO1
context of WSNs?
a) Supports multi-hop communication, alongside single-
b) Special design for energy-constrained environments
c) Support for Ad-hoc node deployment
d) All of the above
30 Battery-driven systems are those systems which are BTL 1 CO 1
designed taking into consideration mainly _______ ( )
(a) Battery and its internal characteristics
(b) An electrolyte medium
(c) Environmental impact
(d) None of the above

Part B — (02 X 10=20)

With a neat sketch explain the applications of Adhoc BTL 1 CO1
1 wireless Networks and also justify the examples of issues
in Adhoc wireless networks.

2 Describe about the classification of routing Protocols BTL 3 CO1

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