Mallari Nervous Bsn1c

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Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


Activity 8.1
1. The Nervous System is classified into: Autom Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System,
and Enteric Nervous System. In tabular form, differentiate each system.




Autono Autonomic nervous The autonomic nervous

system, in vertebrates, system controls internal
mic the part of the nervous body processes such as the
Nervous system that controls following:
and regulates the Blood pressure
System internal organs without Heart and breathing rates
any conscious Body temperature
recognition or effort by Digestion
the organism. The Metabolism (thus affecting
autonomic nervous body weight)
system comprises two The balance of
antagonistic sets of water and electrolytes (suc
nerves, h as sodium and calcium)
the sympathetic and par The production of body
asympathetic nervous fluids (saliva, sweat, and
systems. tears)
The sympathetic Defecation
nervous Sexual response
system connects the
internal organs to
the brain by spinal
nerves. When
stimulated, these nerves
prepare the organism
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

for stress by increasing

the heart rate,
increasing blood flow to
the muscles, and
decreasing blood flow
to the skin. The nerve
fibres of
the parasympathetic
nervous system are
the cranial nerves,
primarily the vagus
nerve, and the lumbar
spinal nerves. When
stimulated, these nerves
increase digestive
secretions and reduce
the heartbeat.
Parasympat Parasympathetic The functions of the PNS
hetic nervous system, division are commonly described as
Nervous of the nervous the “rest and
System system that primarily digest” response, since it is
modulates visceral orga involved in slowing down
ns such as glands. The the heart rate, relaxing the
parasympathetic system sphincter muscles in
is one of two the gastrointestinal and uri
antagonistic sets of nary tracts and increasing
nerves of the autonomic intestinal and gland
nervous system; the activity. The final result is
other conserving energy and
set comprises the sympa regulating basic bodily
thetic nervous system. functions such as digestion
While providing and urination. It is
important control of contrasted to the
many tissues, the sympathetic nervous
parasympathetic system system, which is described
is not crucial for the as the “fight and flight”
maintenance of life— response that occurs in
unlike the sympathetic stressful situations and has
system, which activates mainly opposite functions.
the so-called fight-or-
flight response. The
nerve fibres of the
nervous system are
the cranial nerves,
primarily the vagus
nerve, and the
lumbar spinal nerves.
When stimulated, these
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

nerves increase
digestive secretions and
reduce the heartbeat.

Enteric The enteric nervous The enteric nervous

system (ENS) is a web system (ENS) controls
Nervous of sensory effector systems of
System neurons, motor the digestive tract,
neurons, consisting of the
and interneurons embe musculature, secretory
dded in the wall of the glands, and blood vessels.
gastrointesinal system, As in the central nervous
stretching from the system, circuits at the
lower third of the effector sites have evolved
esophagus right as an organized array of
through to the rectum. different kinds of neurons
The neurons of the ENS interconnected
are arranged in two by chemical synapses.
layers, the submucosal Function in the circuits is
and myenteric plexuses determined by generation
of the gut wall. It has of action potentials within
been estimated that the single neurons and
ENS actually contains chemical transmission of
more neurons than the information at the points
whole of the spinal of contact (i.e., synapses)
cord. The ENS processes between neurons. Action
a range of sensations, potentials transmit coded
such as the nature of information from one
gut contents and gut region of the neuron to
distension, and another.
integrates this
information with input
from the autonomic
nervous system.
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

2. The Autonomic Nervous System is affected by the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

Nervous System. In tabular form, differentiate the effects of sympathetics and
parasympathetics in various tissues and vital
organs in the body.

In the autonomic nervous system, a preganglionic neuron of

the CNS synapses with a postganglionic neuron of the PNS. The
postganglionic neuron, in turn, acts on a target organ.
Autonomic responses are mediated by the sympathetic and the
parasympathetic systems, which are antagonistic to one
another. The sympathetic system activates the “fight or flight”
response, while the parasympathetic system activates the “rest
and digest” response.

The sympathetic nervous system directs Once released, noradrenaline

the body's rapid involuntary response to and adrenaline bind adrenergic
dangerous or stressful situations. A flash receptors on peripheral tissues.
flood of hormones boosts the body's alertness Binding to adrenergic receptors
and heart rate, sending extra blood to the causes the effects seen during
muscles. the fight-or-flight response.
These include pupil dilation,
KIDNEY- when stimulated, have multitude of increased sweating, increased
heart rate, and increased blood
effects including increased renin secretion,
decreased renal blood flow and increased
renal tubular sodium absorption[15]. These
changes contribute to the increased fluid
retention and sustenance of
vascular hypertension.

HEART- It releases the hormones

(catecholamines - epinephrine and
norepinephrine) to accelerate the heart rate.
LIVER- The sympathetic innervation to
the liver also influences ketone body
metabolism. In the
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

perfused liver model, sympathetic stimulation

inhibits hepatic ketogenesis, resulting in a
reduced ketone body output from the liver.

BLADDER- When the sympathetic nervous

system is active, it causes
the bladder to increase its capacity without
increasing detrusor resting pressure
(accommodation) and stimulates the
internal urinary sphincter to remain tightly
HEART- The parasympathetic nervous The parasympathetic activity
system (PNS) releases the hormone increases the contraction of
acetylcholine to slow the heart rate. smooth muscles present in
the wall of the gut. Thus, it
LIVER- Stimulation of several brain areas has promotes peristalsis and the
been shown to induce similar changes process of digestion.
in liver glucose metabolism as produced by The parasympathetic
direct stimulation of sympathetic system also promotes the
or parasympathetic nerves. These brain areas secretions of different glands
are either proposed or proven to be able associated with the
to affect liver glucose metabolism via alimentary tract.
their effect on autonomic neuronal output.

LUNGS- The lungs: Breathing slows down.

The bronchi (the tubes that bring air to
the lungs) also get narrower. The eyes: The
pupils get smaller. The digestive system:
Extra blood is sent to the stomach and

BLADDER- When the bladder is full, afferent

activity conveying this information centrally
increases parasympathetic tone
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Case Analysis 8.1.

A 53-year old male complained of left side body weakness associated with changes in
speech and sensorium. He was diagnosed as a case of Cerebrovascular Attack probably
Infarct vs. Bleed. You understand that thepathology is on the right side of the brain.
Discuss why this is so.

A pathologist is a medical doctor who specializes in

the classification and grading of tumors based on examining
tissue under the microscope and is responsible for the
management of various clinical laboratories.

Generally speaking, the left side of your brain controls the right
side of your body, and the right side of your brain
controls the left side of your body, according to the website
The Brain from Top to Bottom, which was written and
developed by Bruno Dubuc, a neuroscientist at McGill
University in Montreal.The brain has a commisure of both
sides of Brains . These commisures are crossing opposite to
each other making chyasmia. Thus making impulse travels
from right side of brain to left side of the bodily activities. if
you make across section through this chysmia then both sides
function will be lost. That is why we say right side of the brain
control left side of body & left side is control from right side of
the brain.

Individuals who lead a more active lifestyle manifest increased

survival and fewer adverse health outcomes.1 Physical activity is
a complex behavior that depends on diverse physiologic
systems, including musculoskeletal structures, systemic
metabolism, and cardiopulmonary systems, as well as neural
systems that originate in the brain.2 Thus, degeneration and
the accumulation of age-related pathologies in the brain may
lead to lower levels of physical activity. The planning,
initiation, and execution of physical activity are under
volitional control. Thus, in addition to assessing an individual's
motor capacity for example grip strength and gait speed, it is
crucial to assess the quantity of how much an individual
actually moves during the course of the day. Previous studies in
this cohort have shown that higher levels of diverse brain
pathologies are associated with lower levels of motor capacity
in community-dwelling older adults proximate to death.3,–
5 However, it is not known to what extent brain pathologies are
related to objective metrics of the quantity of total daily
physical activity in community-dwelling older adults.
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


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