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Module 2
Menstrual Phases… a cycle!

Most Essential Learning Competency

 Explain the menstrual cycle (S5LT-1Ic-31)

To the Learner

This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the lesson
objectives. Read and follow the simple instructions as your guide.
1. Set a conducive learning space at home so you can focus.
2. Seek assistance from your parents or guardian to guide you in doing the activities.
3. Take down important concepts and list questions you would like to ask from your
4. Reflect and apply the concepts learned.


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. identify and describe the phases of menstrual cycle;
2. construct diagram to illustrate the phases of menstrual cycle; and
3. explain menstrual cycle.

Directions: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheets

A. Menstrual Phase C. Follicular Phase

B. Ovulation Phase D. Luteal Phase

1. It is when bleeding occurs.

2. This is when the mature egg cell is released in the ovary.
3. The egg cell travels in the fallopian tube.
4. It is when the lining of the uterus becomes thicker.
5. In this phase, the uterine lining starts shedding.

Looking Back

Identify the changes that take place among boys and girls. Write B for changes that
occur in boys and G for girls on your answer sheet.
_____ 1. Menstrual flow
_____ 2. Widening of hips
_____ 3. Hair growth on chin
_____ 4. Breast development
_____ 5. Deep sounding voices
_____ 6. Softening of skin texture
_____ 7. Enlargement of muscles

Brief Introduction

When a female reaches puberty, one of the changes that happens to her is the
onset of menstruation. The first onset of menstruation is called menarche. Menstruation
is referred to as female’s monthly bleeding. Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.
Many girls experience problems during menstruation. These include menstrual pains and
discomfort, tenderness of the breasts, headache, irritability, and depression with no
apparent cause. All of these refer to premenstrual stress or PMS.
The menstrual cycle is a monthly occurrence in female and it has an average
span of 28 days. It is a process that prepares a woman for pregnancy.
The menstrual cycle has four phases. Namely, the menstrual phase, follicular
phase, ovulation phase, and the luteal phase. Different things happen in each phase, like
shedding of the uterine lining, releasing of the mature egg cell, travelling of the egg in the
fallopian tube and thickening of the uterine lining.

Activity 1- Tell what’s next!

Direction: Study the diagram of the menstrual cycle. Describe briefly what happens
in each stage.

Guide Questions:
1. How do you call each phase of menstrual cycle? _______________
2. From the diagram, identify the things that happen in each phase. _________

Activity 2- Make me a Bracelet!

What you need: red beads, orange beads, black beads, white beads, bracelet
cords, crayons
(Note: In case beads are not available at home, the pupils may use other materials
available that could resemble the beads)
What to do:
1. Create a bracelet that illustrates the phases of the menstrual cycle.
2. First, color the diagram below to plan your bracelet.
3. Use a red color for the menstrual phase days, white color for the follicular phase
days, orange color for the ovulation phase day, and black color for the luteal
phase days.
Menstrual Cycle Phases
I Menstrual Phase 1st day to 5th day Use red beads
II Follicular Phase 6th day to 13th day Use white beads
III Ovulation Phase 14th day Use orange beads
IV Luteal Phase 15th day to 28th day Use black beads

4. Assemble the menstrual bracelet.
5. Insert the beads through the cord in this order: red, white, orange, black.
6. Knot the ends of the cord together.

* Did you enjoy the activity? ___________________

* What you have done can be used in the next activities. Enjoy!!!!

Activity 3- Tracking the Cycle!

Directions: Read the short text and do the activity below.

Tina has a normal menstrual cycle. If she has her first day of menstruation on
September 6, what will be the dates for the following events?
1. the day when the uterine lining was released from the body;
2. the days when the uterine wall will become thick and spongy, and
3. the period when the mature egg cell will be released from the ovary to the
fallopian tube.
(You may refer to the illustration below to trace the menstrual cycle of Tina.)

Activity 4- Ask, plot…then compare!
1. Ask a female family member who is already menstruating about the date when
her first day of menstruation occurred.
2. From the date she gave you, try to plot her menstrual cycle on the calendar.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

3. Compare the menstrual cycle you made with that of your classmates.
Answer these questions:
a. Is the menstrual cycle you plotted the same with that of your classmate? What does this
indicate? ________________________________________________
b. Why is it important for girls to know how to plot their menstrual cycle?

Activity 5- Pick and Match!

Directions: Match the weeks with what happens during the menstrual cycle. Write
only the letter of your answer.
Monthly Cycle

___ 1. Week 1 A. Bleeding occurs

___ 2. Between weeks 1 and 2 B. Egg develops in the ovary

___ 3. Between weeks 2 and 3 C. Egg moves toward the uterus

D. Egg is released into the fallopian

___ 4. Between weeks 3 and 4
E. Uterus will thicken and is ready to
receive the egg

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Write your answer on your answer sheet. Make a flow chart showing what
happens during the menstrual cycle.
Day 1-5 Day 6-10 Day 11-18 Day 19-28

Directions: Make a diagram of the menstrual cycle when the first day of menstruation
is April 5. Use the following color codes:
Phase 1 - red
Phase 2 - yellow
Phase 3 - pink
Phase 4 - black

The menstrual cycle has four phases namely:
1. Menstrual Phase
2. Follicular Phase
3. Ovulation Phase, and
4. Luteal Phase

 The Menstrual Phase is the breaking down of the lining of the uterus. It can last
anytime from three to seven days.
 The Follicular Phase is the preparation of the ovaries to release an egg cell.
 The Ovulation Phase is the release of an egg cell from the ovary.
 The Luteal Phase is the changing of female hormone levels that cause the
uterine lining to shed.
Regular and painless menstruation signifies good health. Normal
menstruation should occur regularly without excessive pain, fatigue, or blood loss.
Most women should be able to carry on their usual activities.

Menstrual discharge can be absorbed either by a sanitary napkin, a
disposable pad, or any absorbent material worn with the underwear. These used
materials should be disposed of properly by the individual.


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct phase being described in each item. Write
your answers on the answer sheets on pages 9-10.
A. Menstrual Phase C. Ovulation Phase
B. Follicular Phase D. Luteal Phase
______ 1. The mature egg moves to the surface of the ovary just before the mid
______ 2. Uterine linings begin to break down and bleeding results.
______ 3. The endometrium becomes thicker in preparation for the implantation of
the fertilized egg.
______ 4. The lining of the uterus become thin after bleeding.
______ 5. The next menstrual cycle is then about to begin.


1. What are the beliefs that mothers follow during the first onset of menstruation
of their daughter? ______________________________________________
2. Do you think it is appropriate to follow those beliefs? Why or Why not?

3. Interview your sister or mother regarding menstruation. Use the sheet

below as a guide.

Interview Sheet

Name of Mother or Sister: ____________________________


1. How old were you when you had your first menstruation? _________

2. What was your initial reaction during your first menstrual period?
3. How do you deal with premenstrual syndrome? _________________
4. How do you maintain your health and sanitation during your menstrual
periods? _______________________________________________
5. What safety precautions do you consider following the four phases of
menstrual cycle? _________________________________________

4. Draw the phases of menstrual cycle in your Science notebook. Write a
brief explanation for each phase.


Name: _______________________________________________ Section: _______________

Pre-Test Looking Back

1. _____ 1. _____
2. _____ 2. _____
3. _____ 3. _____
4. _____ 4. _____

5. _____ 5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
Activity 1- Tell what’s next!

Activity 1
Guide Questions:
1. How do you call each phase of menstrual cycle? _______________________________
2. From the diagram, identify the things that happen in each phase. __________________

Activity 2- Make me a Bracelet!

Activity 4- Ask, plot…then

* Did you enjoy the activity? ___________________
* What you have done can be used to the next activities ahead. Enjoy!!!!
Activity 2

Activity 3- Tracking the Cycle!

1. The dayActivity
when the3 uterine lining was released from the body; ___________________
2. The days when the uterine wall will become thick and spongy, and ______________
3. The period when the mature egg cell will be released from the ovary to the fallopian
tube. ________________________________________________________________

Activity 4- Ask, plot…then compare!

Activity 4
Answer these questions:
a. Is the menstrual cycle you plotted the same with that of your classmate? What does this
indicate? _____________________________________________________________

b. Why is it important for girls to know how to plot their menstrual cycle?

Activity 5- Pick and Match!

Activity 5
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. _______ 5. _______

Check Your Understanding

Directions: Make a flow chart showing what happens during the menstrual cycle.
Day 1-5 Day 6-10 Day 11-18 Day 19-28

Directions: Make a diagram of the menstrual cycle when the first day of menstruation
is April 5. Use the following color codes:
Phase 1 - red
Phase 2 - yellow
Phase 3 - pink
Phase 4 - black

Post test

1. ______5 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. _______ 5. _______


1. What are the beliefs that mothers follow during the first onset of menstruation of
their daughter? ______________________________________________

2. Do you think it is appropriate to follow those beliefs? Why or Why not?


3. Interview your sister or mother regarding menstruation. Use the sheet below as
a guide.

Interview Sheet

Name of Mother or Sister: ____________________________________


1. How old were you when you had your first menstruation? _________

2. What was your initial reaction during your first menstrual period?
3. How do you deal with premenstrual syndrome? _________________
4. How do you maintain your health and sanitation during your menstrual
periods? _______________________________________________

5. What safety precautions do you consider following the four phases of

menstrual cycle? ____________________________________

4. Draw the phases of menstrual cycle in your Science notebook. Write a brief
explanation for each phase.


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