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Nama Mahasiswa : Muh. Safri

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM :

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201/Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 80/Makassar

Masa Ujian : 2019/20.2 (2020.1)


The Number of GDP Can Always Tell Wether a Country Is Prosperous or Not

Initial Paragraph:
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one indicator of a country's financial progress. GDP is
obtained from the sum of each added value obtained from all business units in each country. It
can also be produced from the final output of the total value of goods and services produced by
all production units. In general, GDP can be a method of calculating national income.

Paragraph Content:
If GDP is the total of total sales of all goods and services released during a certain period of time,
then GDP can also be referred to as all discussions from the public and business, including
related to the income of workers or employees. From GDP, we can later understand which
financial sectors are being improved and which are declining.

Talking about GDP, we will also mention nominal GDP and real GDP. According to Ricky W.
Griffin, nominal GDP cannot be contested and not taken into account, whereas GDP in contrast,
is very contrasting. In nominal GDP, the value of goods and services produced over a certain
period of time, can be annual or quarterly, is calculated according to the prices prevailing at that
time. However, existing prices will increase due to an increase and cause an increase in nominal
GDP, the amount of goods and services that do not change. This real GDP is obtained from BEA
which will usually go back to the previous year or quarter and then the assessed goods and
services will be adjusted to be used to measure the increase.

Closing Paragraph:
Improving, calculating, and paying, community income increases to be one of the assessment
factors to measure the health of the country. This is related to the high demand for labor by
various business sectors in meeting the increased production needs due to economic growth.

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