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DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2011.01141.

Association of maternal risk factors with early childhood

caries in schoolchildren of Moradabad, India


Department of Public Health Dentistry, PDM Dental College and Research Institute, Sarai Aurangabad, Bahadurgarh,
Haryana, India, 2Department of Public Health Dentistry, Pacific Dental College and Hospital, Debari, Udaipur, Rajasthan,
India,3Department of Public Health Dentistry, Rajiv Gandhi Dental College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, and 4Department
of Public Health Dentistry, Kothiwal Dental College and Research Centre, Mora Mustaqueem, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh,

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2011; 21: assessed by a pretested questionnaire. After
382–388 obtaining the consent, the mothers and their chil-
dren were clinically examined for dental caries
using Radike criteria (1968). Saliva was collected
Background. Children who have caries in their pri- from all the participating mothers for assessing the
mary teeth in infancy or toddlerhood tend to Streptococcus mutans level.
develop dental caries in their permanent dentition. Results. Significant differences were found in
Although risk indicators are helpful in identifying mothers’ caries activity, high level of S. mutans,
groups at risk, they give little information about the educational level, socioeconomic status, frequency
causes of difference in caries experience. of maternal sugar consumption, and their child’s
Aim. To identify the association between maternal caries experience (P < 0.001).
risk factors and early childhood caries among Conclusions. Differences between children’s situa-
3- to 5-year-old schoolchildren of Moradabad City, tions in these underlying factors play out as
Uttar Pradesh, India. consequential disparities in both their health and
Design. A total of 150 child–mother pairs partici- the health care they receive.
pated in the study. The maternal risk factors were

primary tooth in a child 71 months of age or

Motherhood is the most desired phase of Cariogenic or decay-causing bacteria are typ-
every woman. It is a bond that commences ically transmitted from mother or caregiver to
with the umbilical cord and embalms in the child by behaviours that directly pass saliva,
years that follow. Oral health of the mother such as sharing a spoon when tasting baby
can affect the general and dental health of food, cleaning a dropped pacifier by mouth, or
the child during the perinatal life. A mouth wiping the baby’s mouth with saliva3,4. The
infection can lead to general health problems mother is the most common donor as noted in
like premature birth and low birthweight DNA fingerprinting studies that show geno-
putting the unborn baby at serious risk of life type matches between mothers and infants in
and also certain oral diseases like ‘early child- over 70% of cases5. Therefore, mothers who
hood caries’ (ECC)1. Currently, ECC is defined themselves have experienced extensive past or
as ‘the presence of 1 or more decayed (non- current caries have a particularly strong need
cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing (due for counselling on how to prevent childhood
to caries), or filled tooth surfaces in any caries. Furthermore, adoption of consistent
behavioural habits in childhood takes place at
Correspondence to: home, with the parents, especially the mother,
V. Agarwal, Department of Public Health Dentistry, PDM
being the primary sculpts for behaviour.
Dental College and Research Institute, Sarai Aurangabad,
124507 Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India. According to ecological plaque hypothesis,
E-mail: caries is a result of changes in the environment

 2011 The Authors

382 International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry  2011 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Association of maternal risk factors with early childhood caries 383

because of acid production from the

Material and methods
fermentation of dietary carbohydrates, which
selects for acidogenic and acid-tolerating
Study area and design
species such as Streptococcus mutans and
Lactobacillus. Disease could be prevented not A cross-sectional study was conducted in
only by targeting the putative pathogens Moradabad having eight administrative blocks
directly but also by interfering with the key division. The list of primary schools of Mora-
environmental factors driving the deleterious dabad was obtained from the Basic Shiksha
ecological shifts in the composition of the pla- Adhikari of the city. One school from each
que biofilms6. block was selected randomly by Tippet’s ran-
Childhood caries is a public health problem dom number table (total eight schools) to
that affects infants and preschoolers through- obtain a purposive sample of 150 children.
out the world, leading to pain, chewing All children aged between 3 and 5 years
difficulties, speech problems, general health attending the selected schools, accompanied
disorders, psychological problems, and lower by their mothers on the parent–teacher meet-
quality of life7. Further decay of primary ing day, were invited to participate. Children
teeth can affect children’s growth, leading to whose parents gave consent for the same
malocclusion by adversely affecting the cor- were included in the survey. Given that chil-
rect guidance of the permanent dentition. dren have all their primary teeth by the age
The prevalence of caries experience was of 3 years and as the focus of this study is on
found to be high in Uttar Pradesh state in all ECC, only children aged between 3 and
the age groups. According to national oral 5 years were considered.
health survey, the caries prevalence in
5-year-old children was found to be 42.3%
Ethical clearance and consent
with a mean dmft of 1.48. Moradabad in
Uttar Pradesh, India, is a home to a popula- The study was reviewed and approved by the
tion of various ethnicities, socioeconomic sta- Ethical Committee of Kothiwal Dental College
tus, and religion. Although adequate data are and Research Center, Moradabad. Written
available for recognition that dental caries is a permission to conduct the survey in selected
social problem in disadvantaged communities, schools was obtained from the local adminis-
childhood caries requires the implementation tration authorities and respective school
of educational and preventive programmes, authorities. Informed consent was obtained
especially where the disease is highly from the mothers before clinical examination
prevalent9. of their children.
There is, however, still insufficient scientific
evidence, on which the public health inter-
Data collection
ventions to prevent childhood caries could be
based. There are several unexplained interac- A pretested questionnaire designed in local
tions among unknown confounders and tradi- language was used for collecting all the
tional risk factors, such as the maternal level required and relevant information regarding
of education, family income, oral hygiene personal data, socioeconomic profile, oral
practices, and frequency of sugar consump- hygiene practices, frequency of dental visits,
tion that can contribute to the causation of sugar consumption, family income, and edu-
ECC10. The literature has emphasized the cational level of mothers. Children of those
need for cross-sectional studies starting from parents who gave the informed consent and
the earliest possible age to provide informa- duly filled questionnaire were clinically exam-
tion regarding how to promote infant oral ined for dental caries using Radike criteria
health11. Hence, this study was undertaken (1968)12, which was modified so that no
with the objective to associate the maternal lesions were recorded unless there was frank
risk factors with ECC among 3–5-year-old open cavitation accessible to the explorer.
schoolchildren of Moradabad city. For appropriate analysis, similar identification

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384 V. Agarwal et al.

number was used for the questionnaire and on the examiner’s lap, whereas the mothers
the forms in which the saliva samples collected were asked to sit comfortably on the chair
from the mother and the respective child was and recline their head such that the oral cav-
recorded. The examiner was trained and cali- ity is clearly visible to the examiner. Type III
brated to limit the examiner variability (Kappa clinical examination was carried out for den-
score = 0.8). tal caries using plain mouth mirror and
explorer. Each mother whose child was found
to have at least one frank active or restored
Saliva collection and microbiological analysis
carious lesion was enrolled in the case group
Semi-quantitative microbiological analysis was (75 subjects). For each participating mother
carried out using the sterile saliva swab col- in the case group, the mother of the next
lected from the dorsum of tongue. On every caries-free child screened was offered a place
subject, the dorsum of tongue was swabbed in the control group (75 subjects). The
on fixed four sites without the stimulation of dmft ⁄ DMFT score for each child ⁄ mother was
salivary secretion, and the saliva specimen was calculated, and teeth lost as a result of trauma
dispersed in 1 mL of sterile distilled water. This or exfoliation was excluded from the calcula-
saliva sample was then added to 2 mL of thio- tion. Strict sterilization protocol was main-
glycolate transport medium and refrigerated tained throughout the examination.
at 4C till it was transported to laboratory
within an hour. Using a cyclomixer, all the
Statistical methods
samples were vortexed to ensure uniform mix.
A 5 lL was inoculated on Mitis Salivarius Baci- The Statistical Package for Social Sciences
tracin (MSB; HI Media Labs Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, Version 15.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
India) agar, selective medium for S. mutans and USA) was used for data analysis. Differences
incubated at 37C for 48 h. The colonies grown in group means were tested using Student’s t-
on the MSB agar were counted using a digital test, and differences in proportions were eval-
colony counter. uated using chi-square test. Multivariate anal-
yses were performed using logistic regression
analysis to assess maternal characteristics as
Average duration of acid production (in minutes)
potential covariates. P-value £0.05 was con-
The average duration of acid production (in sidered as statistically significant.
minutes) was calculated by multiplying the
frequency of sugar consumption in any form
(solid ⁄ liquid) in a day by a factor of 20. The
factor 20 represents approximately the num-
Correlation between caries experience of children
ber of minutes that the plaque pH remains at
and their mothers
a tooth demineralization potential when con-
centrated sweets in liquid form come into A total of 150 children (75 cases and 75 con-
contact with dental plaque. trols) participated in the study, among which
27 (36%) girls and 48 (64%) boys were in
case group and 37 (49.3%) girls and 38
Clinical examination
(50.7%) boys belonged to control group.
The clinical examination was carried out by a There was no significant difference between
single trained and calibrated investigator, children with caries and children without car-
facilitated by the primary teachers, whereas a ies (P = 0.099) with respect to gender as
trained assistant recorded the observations. shown in Table 1. The children and their
Caries experience of children and mothers mothers were distributed according to the
was assessed under field conditions using number of carious teeth. Among the cases,
natural light. The child was seated on a chair mean number of carious teeth in mothers
facing away from the examiner and reclining was 3.53 and in children, the mean was 4.51,
to rest her or his head on a cushion placed whereas among controls, the mean number

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Association of maternal risk factors with early childhood caries 385

Table 1. Distribution of children according to gender. 20

Cases (n = 75) Control (n = 75) 16

Children's dmft
Gender No. % No. % 12
Girls 27 36 37 49.3
Boys 48 64 38 50.7
of carious teeth in mothers was 1.45 and in 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
children, the mean was zero. Difference Mothers' DMFT
between mean number of carious teeth of
Fig. 1. Correlation between DMFT of mothers and dmft of
mothers in case group (3.53 ± 1.81) and
children (irrespective of caries status).
mean number of carious teeth of mothers in
control group (1.45 ± 1.85) was statistically
significant (P < 0.001). A moderate positive Table 4. Distribution of study subjects according to
demographic variables.
correlation (r = 0.554; P < 0.001) between
number of caries affected teeth of mothers Mothers’ Mothers’
and number of caries exposed teeth of of cases of controls
children was also seen (Table 2). v2 value
Demographic variables n (%) n (%) P-value
Bivariate analysis showed a significant posi-
tive correlation (r = 0.548; P < 0.001) between Mothers’ education
mother’s DMFT and child’s dmft indicating Illiterate 1 (1.3) 0 (0.0) v2 = 6.648
Up to intermediate 42 (56.0) 28 (37.3) P = 0.036
that those mothers who had higher DMFT had University graduate ⁄ PG 32 (42.7) 47 (62.7)
children with higher dmft (Table 3, Fig. 1). Socioeconomic status
Lower class 7 (9.3) 1 (1.3) v2 = 6.533
Upper lower class 6 (8.0) 3 (4.0) P = 0.038
Correlation of caries experience between mothers Lower middle class 22 (29.3) 11 (14.6)
and their children according to demographic Upper middle class 10 (13.3) 19 (25.3)
Upper class 30 (40.0) 41 (54.7)
variables No. of mutans colony in mother’s saliva
<50 cfu 13 (17.3) 70 (93.3) v2 = 87.637
Table 4 summarizes the distribution of study More than 50 cfu 62 (82.7) 5 (6.7) P < 0.001
subjects in relation to the demographic vari- Frequency of mothers’ toothbrushing
Once 72 (96.0) 66 (88.0) v2 = 6.533
Twice 3 (4.0) 9 (12.0) P = 0.038
Table 2. Distribution of study subjects according to mean Use of dentifrice
number of carious teeth. Toothpaste 9 (12.0) 6 (8.0) v2 = 0.667
Toothpowder 66 (88.0) 69 (92.0) P = 0.414
Cases Controls Total Frequency of mother’s dental visits
(n = 75) (n = 75) (n = 150) Once ⁄ year 2 (2.7) 8 (10.7) v2 = 0.667
Whenever needed 27 (36.0) 21 (28.0) P = 0.414
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD t P Never 46 (61.3) 46 (61.3)

Mothers 3.53 ± 1.81 1.45 ± 1.85 2.49 ± 2.10 6.963 <0.001

Children 4.51 ± 2.55 0±0 2.25 ± 2.888 15.31 <0.001 ables. The mothers of children with ECC
r = 0.554; P < 0.001. showed higher percentage of either low level
of education or illiteracy. Thirty (40%) and
41 (54.7%) belonged to the upper class, and
Table 3. Correlation between DMFT of mothers and dmft of 7 (9.3%) and 1 (1.3%) belonged to lower
children (irrespective of caries status) (n = 150).
class group among ECC and caries-free chil-
Parameter Mothers of cases (mean ± SD) dren (CFC), respectively; the difference was
statistically significant (P = 0.038). Chi-square
DMFT of mothers 4.59 ± 3.77 test revealed 62 (82.7%) mothers of the cases
dmft of children 3.01 ± 3.95
and 5 (6.7%) mothers in the control group
r = 0.548; P < 0.001. had >50 number of S. mutans colony count.

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386 V. Agarwal et al.

The difference between the two groups was Logistic regression was used to measure the
statistically significant (P < 0.001). In this association between childhood caries and the
small purposive sample, no statistically sig- various potential maternal risk indicators,
nificant relationship was found between while simultaneously controlling for each of
childhood caries and oral hygiene practices. the other potential covariates. Using this
method, the only variables to attain or
approach statistical significance were the
Correlation of caries experience between children
mother’s S. mutans level (‡50 vs <50 cfu) and
and the sugar consumption of their mothers
sugar consumption (average duration of acid
Based on reported sugar consumption, the production) (Table 6).
mothers were dichotomized according to the
average duration of acid production (in min-
utes) per day into low sugar use (duration
<40 min) and high sugar use groups (dura- An analysis of caries experience in recent
tion >40 mins). In the ECC, the mean years, especially in developing countries,
number of mothers who consumed snacks in demonstrates that a significant proportion of
between meals or with meals had the mean infants and preschoolers are still affected by
duration of acid production value (in min- the disease with a strong polarization11. Some
utes) of 66.13 ± 22.28, whereas that of studies showed that about 10–17% of chil-
mothers of CFC was 20.45 ± 15.03, which dren concentrate 50% of carious lesions and
was statistically significant (P < 0.001). The 25–30% bears 75% of the lesions13.
mothers of children in case group had signifi- Untreated decayed teeth dominated the
cantly higher mean DMFT 6.52 ± 2.38 as dmft score (3.01 ± 3.95) among the children
compared to those in controls 2.65 ± 3.29 in this study indicates a high rate of unmet
(P < 0.001) as shown in Table 5. treatment needs. It corroborates Uttar Pradesh
National Oral Health Survey Reports, which
describe high caries prevalence rates in the
Table 5. Distribution of mothers according to frequency of primary dentition of under 5-year-old chil-
sugar consumption [average duration of acid production (in dren9. A similar trend of caries was reported
minutes) per day] and caries experience. in Dharwad in 199914, Ahmedabad in 200615,
Mothers of Mothers of
in eastern states of India like urban areas of
children children t-value Sikkim16.
with caries without caries P-value The prevalence of caries among boys and
girls in this study did not show any sta-
Average duration of 66.13 ± 22.28 20.45 ± 15.03 t = 14.719
acid production ⁄ day P < 0.001 tistically significant difference. This may be
Caries experience 6.52 ± 2.38 2.65 ± 3.29 t = 6.691 because at this early age, dietary and oral
P < 0.001 hygiene practices related to dental caries
are mostly controlled by parents ⁄ caregivers.
Cariogenic bacteria are typically acquired by
Table 6. Multivariate logistic regression to predict the
young children through direct salivary trans-
possibility of caries among children. mission from their mothers3. Factors influenc-
ing transmission are the levels of these
Parameters B SE Wald P-value
bacteria in maternal salivary reservoirs,
No. of mutans colonies >50 3.040 0.859 12.538 0.000 frequency and efficiency of transmission, the
Mother’s DMFT >4 0.170 0.671 0.064 0.801 child’s receptivity to implantation, timing of
Mother’s caries >2 0.282 0.656 0.184 0.668 transmission, which is affected by the win-
Mother’s education )0.050 0.723 0.005 0.945
up to intermediate dow of infectivity and the age of the child,
Not upper income group 0.743 0.739 1.011 0.315 and the composition and flow of the child’s
Average duration of acid 1.604 0.679 5.586 0.018 saliva.
production (>40 min)
Constant )2.536 0.668 14.395 0.000
Earlier, the transmission and more caries-
supportive the diet, the earlier and more

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Association of maternal risk factors with early childhood caries 387

substantial the transfer will be. For this rea- consumed snacks in between meals or with
son, mothers who have experienced extensive meals had higher caries prevalence. A highly
tooth decay most likely harbour high titres of significant association between mother’s fre-
S. mutans in their saliva and will more effec- quency of sugar consumption and caries in
tively transmit this infection vertically, children was seen. Similar findings were
thereby putting their young children at ele- reported by King25 showing that children
vated risk for ECC17. This study demonstrated acquire their dietary and oral hygiene habits
significantly higher proportions of children from parents. It also seems that children are
whose mothers had high S. mutans colonies being trained to accept a sweetened diet early
and had caries. The findings given by Zanata in childhood by mothers transmitting their
et al.18, were similar to our study who own, well-established taste patterns to their
reported a strong positive association between children. Sugars are not only used as a food
caries activity of mother–child couples. but are also given for other reasons such as
The mother’s education level and caries taste, as a pacifier, and a means of showing
prevalence in this study were inversely love and affection. Measures should be taken
proportional and similar with other studies to improve the public awareness and oral
carried out by Owusu et al.19, Dini et al.20, health–related practices of women of child-
Sabbah et al.21 This study also concurs with bearing age and of their children to reduce
the findings given by Hallet and Rourke22 the personal and maternal child health conse-
who reported that children from low socio- quences of poor oral health.
economic status are likely to have more ECC While we chose to study the relationship
at preschool age. The difference between between maternal risk factors and ECC, a
ECC experiences among children with regard multifactorial and comprehensive model that
to mother’s educational level could be attrib- incorporates other psychological and behavio-
uted to lack of knowledge and awareness ural aspects may be more intrusive in under-
of mothers regarding dental health, oral standing of the aetiology of ECC. With this
hygiene practices, and feeding habits. The picture in mind, planners of dental service
recognition that maternal education is a should develop new national strategies to
strong determinant of childhood caries con- support oral health education and caries pre-
firms that oral health cannot be achieved vention. Strategy should be that every child
without educational policies in developing should receive dental care prior to the age of
countries23. one so that needful children can be instituted
Promoting toothbrushing in preschool chil- with preventive measures and their parents
dren is of great relevance because this is a can be targeted for educational programmes.
way to favour dental health by maintaining
clean teeth. Dental visits for preschool chil-
dren in most countries have been noted to be What this paper adds?
strikingly low as reported by Carino et al.24 It d Stresses on the importance of good parental (especially

was similar to our study where a large pro- mothers) oral health and hygiene.
d Draws paediatricians attention to take the opportunity
portion of the study population had never of educating the mothers of young children during
been to the dentist. Preventive measures were antinatal check-ups and immunization.
not reported in any of the subjects, and the Why this paper is important to paediatric
proportion of children using toothpaste to dentists?
clean their teeth was very low. d Early childhood is an important period for instituting

preventive programmes because primary teeth erupt,

Even though the multifactorial aspect of the
bacteria colonize tooth surfaces, and dental behaviour
aetiology of ECC is now well established, the starts to develop during this time.
question of why its risk of occurrence is high- d For preventing dental caries both clinically and eco-

est among some group is unanswered. When nomically.

d India, a developing country with scarce resources that

considering possible explanations, dietary hab- are available for dental care, emphasis should be put
its and sweetened food intake frequency may on prevention and simple treatment.
be likely contributing factors. Mothers who

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388 V. Agarwal et al.

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