Edu Indonesia

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Education in Indonesia Education - all levels

East Asia and the Pacific

General information

227 345 HIV rate (%) in adults (15-49 years) * (2007) 0.2
Total population (000)
Poverty (% of pop. on less than $2 a day) * (2007) 60
Annual population growth rate (%) * 1.2
GDP per capita (PPP) US$ * 4 001
Population 0-14 years (%) 26
GDP growth rate (%) * 6.0
Rural population (%) * 49
Total debt service as a % of GNI (%) * 4.5
Total fertility rate (births per woman) * 2.2
Children of primary school-age who are out-of- 1
Infant mortality rate (0/00) * 31
school (%)
Life expectancy at birth (years) * 71
* World Bank World Development Indicators

Participation in education
Percentages of children in school are represented by Gross Enrolment Ratios (GER) and Net Enrolment Rates (NER). GER is the number of pupils
enrolled in a given level of education regardless of age expressed as a percentage of the population in the theoretical age group for that level of
education. NER is the number of pupils in the theoretical age group who are enrolled expressed as a percentage of the same population.

Pre-primary enrolment

1991 1999 2002 2008 2008

43% of children are enrolled in pre-primary school
Pre-primary Regional

MF ... (**) 24 (**) 28 43 49

GER(%) M ... (**) 24 (**) 27 42 ...

F ... (**) 24 (**) 29 44 ...

Primary enrolment

1991 1999 2002 2008 2008

94% of girls and 97% of boys are in primary school
Primary Regional

MF ... ... 117 119 110

GER(%) M ... ... 118 121 110

F ... ... 115 118 111

MF ... ... 95 96 ...

NER(%) M ... ... 96 97 ...

F ... ... 95 94 ...

© UNESCO - UIS 2010

68% of girls and 69% of boys are in secondary school
Secondary enrolment

1991 1999 2002 2008 2008

Secondary Regional

MF ... ... 60 74 77

GER(%) M ... ... 60 75 75

F ... ... 59 74 78

MF ... ... ... 68 ...

NER(%) M ... ... ... 69 ...

F ... ... ... 68 ...

21% of the population of tertiary age are in tertiary

Tertiary enrolment education
1991 1999 2002 2008 2008
Tertiary Regional

MF ... ... 15 21 ...

GER(%) M ... ... 17 22 ...

F ... ... 14 20 ...

Progression and completion in education

106% of children complete a full course of primary


School life expectancy ISCED 1-6 (years) (**) 12.7

Percentage of repeaters, primary (%) 3

Survival rate to grade 5 (%) (2007) 86

Gross intake rate to last grade of primary (%) 106

Primary to secondary transition rate (%) (2007) 90

© UNESCO - UIS 2010

Resources for education

18.7% of government spending goes to education


Pupil / teacher ratio (primary) 17

Public expenditure on education :

as % of GDP (2007) 3.5

as % of total government expenditure (2007) 18.7

Distribution of public expenditure per level (%) - 2007 :

pre-primary 1

primary 57

secondary 32

tertiary ...

unknown -

Literacy rates

Literacy rates 1990 2006 2008 92.0% of adults and 96.7% of youth are literate

MF 81.5 92.0 93.7

Adult (15+) % 88.0 95.2 96.3


F 75.3 88.8 91.0

MF 96.2 96.7 98.3

Youth (15-24) % 97.4 97.0 98.4


F 95.1 96.3 98.1

Symbols used : Footnotes:

- Magnitude nil or negligible value All the education statistics, with the exception of the literacy data, refer to the year 2008 unless
otherwise noted. For more information on rates of out-of-school children, or other indicators see
... Data not available the online education glossary.
. Category not applicable
** UIS estimation
x Charts symbol: Data not available

© UNESCO - UIS 2010

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