First Time Accreditation - NSW Education Standards

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NESA home > Teacher accreditation > Apply > First time accreditation


All teachers are required to be accredited to work in a NSW school or centre-based early childhood service. This includes current teacher education students, graduates and interstate
or overseas teachers.

Types of initial accreditation

Apply for Conditional accreditation if you:

■ are in your final year of an accredited undergraduate or graduate entry teaching degree, or

■ have completed a non-teaching bachelor degree (eg Bachelor of Arts) and have an offer of employment as a teacher in a NSW school.

Apply for Provisional accreditation if you have successfully completed an approved teaching degree.

Moving from Conditional to Provisional Accreditation

To move from Conditional to Provisional Accreditation, you will need to upload a certified copy of your final transcript confirming you have completed your degree and the conferral
date to the ‘Final Transcript task’ on your dashboard. You need to do this within 12 months of being granted Conditional Accreditation. This task will be available on your dashboard
for 12 months from the date of your Conditional Accreditation.

Before you apply

Documents you will need:
■ certified copies of your university transcripts and awards for completed qualifications (evidence of current enrolment does not need to be certified)

■ certified copies of 100 points of identification (eg passport or driver licence) as well as any change of name documents (eg marriage certificate)
■ a current NSW Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance for paid employment issued by the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian.

■ evidence of successful completion of an approved English Language Proficiency Test if part of your qualifications are from a country where English is not the main language.

If any of your documentation is in a language other than English, you need to provide certified copies of both the original documents and their translation. The translator must be
accredited with the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) .

Apply online
Create your NESA online account (eTAMS):

1. Log in to your account and update your details.

2. Complete and submit the declaration task.

3. Complete and finalise your Statement of Accreditation task. You must upload the following relevant documentation and then ‘Save and Proceed’ to the next step:
a. Proof of identity: 100 points required (PDF, 1 page, 200BK)

b. English Language Proficiency Test Results (if applicable)

c. Additional information, eg Working with Children Check (mandatory), visa and offer of employment (if applicable).

d. Your Qualifications: if you have more than one qualification (eg Bachelor of Arts and Master of Teaching), create a new entry for each qualification, upload your university
transcript(s) and submit.
e. Save and Submit.

After you are accredited:

■ You can apply for work in:
Government schools: Contact the NSW Department of Education
Catholic schools: Contact one of the 11 Diocesan offices
Independent and private schools: Contact the school directly
Early childhood services: contact the service directly
Use your Statement of Accreditation to show potential employers that you hold accreditation as a teacher in NSW. You may need to apply for an approval to teach with an
¯ employer prior to commencing employment as a teacher.

■ Use your Statement of Accreditation to show potential employers that you hold accreditation as a teacher in NSW. You may need to apply for an approval to teach with an
employer prior to commencing employment as a teacher.
■ It is a requirement of accreditation that you pay an annual teacher accreditation fee and keep an up to date Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance.
■ Keep track of your accreditation timeframe in your NESA online account (eTAMS).
■ Develop your teaching practice and work towards achieving Proficient Teacher accreditation.

Related content
■ Moving to NSW
■ Accredited degrees
■ Provisional and Conditional Accreditation Policy
■ Apply for Proficient Teacher accreditation

■ WWCC clearances
■ Annual fee


Call: (02) 9268 6367

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