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ENGLISH (3) a.

b. last Monday
1) The representative of the president
c. written
had issued a public apology before the
d. my
victims ________ the case.
a. file 8) In one of his poems, the Filipino
b. filed author Zulueta da Acosta said that the
c. filing Filipinos are like the Molave. What
d. have filed figure of speech was used?
a. Simile
2) According to the report done by the
b. Personification
fire department, the explosion was
c. Metaphor
caused by ________ connection.
d. Hyperbole
a. lost
b. lose 9) Helen of Troy is the face who
c. loose launched a thousand ships. What figure
d. losing of speech is used in the given
3) You ________ finished writing your
a. Ellipsis
novel before the winter comes.
b. Synecdoche
a. had
c. Alliteration
b. will be
d. Irony
c. will have
d. was 10) The rustling trees during winter
inspired Robert Frost in writing most of
4) Charlotte Bronte ________ finishing
his inspirational poems. What figure of
her novel when death arrives.
speech is used in the given phrase?
a. will have
a. Metonymy
b. will have to be
b. Apostrophe
c. will have been
c. Asyndeton
d. will be having to
d. Onomatopoeia
5) Technology in the field of medicine
11) What figure of speech is used in the
________ tremendously since the
given lines that follow:
beginning of the 21st century.
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I
a. does improve
stood there wondering, fearing,
b. has improved
Doubting, dreaming, dreams no mortal
c. have improved
ever dared to dream before."
d. had improved
a. Euphemism
6) Some of our relatives ________ to b. Alliteration
visit our great-grandmother in the c. Personification
States. d. Oxymoron
a. has decided
12) The lines given in item no. 11 are
b. had decided
from what canonical and widely read
c. have decided
d. will have decided
a. Annabel Lee
7) I have written my report last Monday. b. The Cask of Amontillado
What makes this sentence wrong?
c. The Raven 18) Agamemnon, the leader of the
d. The Mask of the Red Death Acheans has FONDNESS for women.
The capitalizedword has the synonym:
13) The ode "Intimations of Immortality
a. aversion
from Recollections of Early Childhood"
b. penchant
is authored by ________.
c. defiance
a. William Shakespeare
d. dislike
b. Robert Frost
c. William Wordsworth 19) Edgar Allan Poe feels LIKE A FISH
d. Willa Carter OUT OF WATER upon arriving in a
foreign land. The capitalized phrase
14) The Greek goddess Aphrodite is an
exemplification of feminine
a. One who is outside his usual
PULCHRITUDE in the antiquity. The
capitalized word means ________.
b. A fish that was taken out of the sea.
a. homeliness
c. One who feels that he/she is not
b. loveliness
c. plain
d. One who feels that he-she is not well
d. ugliness
15) Emily Dickinson is known for her
20) He is a Filipino poet who used
CANDOR aboit some issues on poetic
punctuation marks extensively in his
freedom. The word CANDOR means
pieces - most especially "commas".
a. Paz Marquez Benitez
a. appeal
b. Nick Joaquin
b. frankness
c. Jose Garcia Villa
c. opinions
d. Edilberto Tiempo
d. tact
21) Charles Dickens wrote the following,
16) Which of the statements below best
a. Pickwick Papers
a. A story that is created through
b. A Christmas Carol
exchanges of letters.
c. David Copperfield
b. A story that is based on history.
d. The Communist Manifesto
c. A story that is created based on the
epistles. 22) Your findings are IMPERTINENT to
d. A story that exhibits the adventures of the results of this investigation. The
the crusades against the Jihads. capitalized word means:
a. malicious
17) Most experts agree that climate
b. violent
change is an APOCALYPTIC event that
c. important
must be feared by the inhabitants of this
d. irrelevant
planet. Apocalyptic means ________.
a. encouraging 23) Several elements must be
b. climacteric TRANSMUTED to see the real
c. attractive implications of this event. The
d. careless capitalized word means:
a. surpassed
b. estimated
c. changed c. am
d. summed d. were
24) You should be ashamed of yourself 31) Soome of my friends ________
for having such CARNAL desires. The here.
capitalized word means: a. are
a. spiritual b. was
b. bold c. will
c. worldly d. am
d. guilty
32) The pair of scissors ________ on
25) The price of these sneakers the table.
________ reasonable. a. was left
a. is b. were left
b. are c. was leaving
c. seem d. is leaving
d. aren't
33) Mathematics ________ the most
26) Bread and butter ________ our daily difficult subject in the board exam.
food. a. remain
a. is b. remains
b. are c. remaining
c. were d. has remains
d. am
34) Juan lives ________ Santillan road.
27) The famous singer and composer a. in
________ arrived. b. on
a. have c. at
b. has d. to
c. will
35) Catherine will be ready to leave
d. is
________ about thirty minutes.
28) Collecting stamps ________ one of a. in
his favorite pastimes. b. at
a. are c. on
b. were d. where
c. has
36) Since he met his new girlfriend,
d. is
Miko never seems to be ________
29) Neither his father nor his sisters home.
________ mahjong. a. on
a. play b. at
b. plays c. in
c. are play d. towards
d. are plays
37) Jeremy responded to his mother's
30) Neither parent ________ fond of demands ________ throwing a tantrum.
playing cards. a. with
a. is b. by
b. are
c. from c. very tall
d. through d. taller
38) I think Carmen spent the entire 45) After ________ all day, she finally
afternoon ________ the phone. saw the lake.
a. on a. walking
b. in b. had walked
c. at  c. having walked
d. with d. have walked
39) The nearest post office is on 46) I ________ gone with you.
________. a. have
a. Twenty-second street b. should have
b. Twenty second Street c. had
c. Twenty Second Street d. am
d. Twenty-second Street
47) I ________ walked two kilometers
40) Please read the chapter ________. by the time you catch up with me.
a. Filing your Income Tax Returns. a. have
b. Filing Your Income Tax Returns. b. would have
c. "Filing your Income Tax Returns." c. will have
d. "Filing Your Income Tax Returns." d. had
41) New students at the shop should 48) If I ________ President, I would live
bring ________. in Malacanang.
a. hammers wrenches and screwdrivers a. was
b. hammers, wrenches, and b. am
screwdrivers c. should be
c. hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers d. were
d. hammers wrenches, and screwsrivers
49) The means of transportation
42) The test was hard for Paul and ________ dramatically since the end of
________. the 20th century.
a. me a. have changed
b. I b. has changed
c. myself c. will change
d. himself d. will have changed
43) The suggestions of the employees 50) If I ________ the same problems
________ appropriate. you had as a child, I might not have
a. seems succeeded in life as well as you have.
b. seem a. should
c. is b. had
d. is very c. have
d. would have
44) He is the ________ of the two
brothers. ANSWERS:
a. most tall
1. B
b. tallest
2. C
3. C 49. B
4. C 50. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. D
29. A
30. A
31. A
32. A
33. B
34. B
35. A
36. B
37. B
38. A
39. D
40. D
41. B
42. A
43. B
44. D
45. C
46. B
47. C
48. D

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