MM 312 First Exam

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1. Online selling count as an E-tailing business is model capture by
Internet sales, which can include into selling via online. Electronic
retailing is the sale of goods and services through the internet and E-
tailing can include B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to

1. Know your customer
2. Internal resources such as good communication, knowledgeable people.
3. Tangible assets such as intellectual property, proprietary technologies,
capita etc.
4. Qualities that separate you from your competitors
5. Improving Security


1. Outsourcing challenges
2. Price Manipulations
3. Unclear unique selling proposition
4. Data leaks
5. Hacks


1. Competitor's Weaknesses
2. Advanced tech capabilities
3. Growing interest in support for locally sourced.
4. Loyal customers
5. Customer demand


1. Lot of competitors
2. Competitors have a similar product
3. Quick change of fashion trends
4. Lack of Communication skills
5. Aggressive competition

2.1. Market penetration refers to how much a product or service is being

used. It is measured on current products and current markets in order to
increase market share, example if could be lowering the price then can aims
of increasing sales we called a price adjustment tactics.

2.2. Market development strategy helps businesses growth by identify a

new solution by looking a new target and develop new opportunities to sell
their current line, strategy for a current brand when it expands the potential
market through new users or new uses.

2.3. Product Development is the complete process of delivering a new

introduce product for customers and it can support many different
category of product from software to hardware, to consumer goods and

2.4. Forward Integration is a form of vertical integration, means which is a

form of management controlling the distribution of its products. It was
shown that the companies increase their marketing efforts.

2.5. Backward Integration is a new level of supply chain that company

merges with other businesses that supply raw materials needed.

2.6. Horizontal Integration is the acquisition of business operating at the

same level of the value chain in the same time acquires another firm
operating in the same industry between two companies operating in the
same industry.

2.7. Concentric Diversification strategy by adding new, but related products

and allowing businesses to achieve large goals with less cost.

2.8. Horizontal Diversification involves new and unrelated product, if the

company decided to add more that are unrelated to what they offer

2.9. Conglomerate Diversification a growth strategy in which develop by

adding totally unrelated products and will look to enter a previously
untapped market, in this strategy company seeks to control risk by
smoothing exposure concentrations to certain line of business. As a define
business cycle through the proper selection of business segments.

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