Monologue 1 Summer Jobs For Teenagers

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Teenagers very often look for a summer job. It‘s a great way to earn some extra money and learn
something new that will help to succeed in the world of work. Although it‘s not that easy to find one
because there is tough competition from college students and older, unemployed workers.

I have never had a part-time job but I would love to get one. As a matter of fact, as I‘m turning 18 in
less than half a year, I will be looking for a part-time or a full-time job for this summer. I‘m thrilled to
start earning money on my own.

In Lithuania the variety of jobs for teenagers isn‘t that big actually. The jobs which are offered mostly
are just helping the staff or promoting the company or the product that is being sold therefore
where isn‘t a big choice of jobs which you can do. And it‘s definitely not easy to get one either. A lot
of teenagers start to look for a job early in their teenage years and for this reason the older ones are
left without much choices.

In my view, the main benefits of having a part-time job for teenagers are that they develop better
time-management skills so it helps them to become punctual. In addition they earn money that can
be used for fun or for tuition, while gaining experience that will be attractive to other employers.
Moreover, part-time jobs help teenagers to understand in that sphere they are the best at and have
the necessary skills in. And of course they get to know themselves better and learn what they are
capable of.


There are thousands of careers in the world. Most of them are seriously affected by technological
development. For example in the UK, technological development has helped to open up a whole
new field of jobs which gives people more options which career path to choose.

After I graduate from school, I am planning to apply for a spot in either university of Vilnius or
Vytautas Magnus university in Kaunas. I want to get a job in which I could use English 24/7 therefore
I pan to study English language and literature. English language has been my passion for many years
so it would be absolutely a dream come true to study it even more closely.

Among Lithuanian youth, the most wanted and selected professions are doctors, IT specialists,
economists. In fact the majority of Lithuanian youth‘s picked professions are connected with science
and technology studies. I assume that they are the most popular because the demand of skilled
workers in these fields is growing every year and of course mostly of these jobs are highly paid and
have good career prospects so that‘s no surprise as to why they are so popular.

It is my firm belief that employers, schools and families are all equaly responsible for providing
information to pupils about different professional careers. Family members can play their part by
telling their children about their jobs, how did they get it and what they know about it in general
thus giving in sight about specific jobs. As for schools, it would be very useful for students if their
schools organised lectures about different career choices and how to choose a career that satisfies
the student therefore helping students decrease their worries about the future. Employers can take
a huge part in providing the necessary information about different professions. They could organise
excursions in their companies so that students would see the people of specific profession working
in real life.


Nowadays many young people find jobs abroad. There aren‘t many requirements for jobs like that,
although they need to speak English well enough. However Norway for example is looking for a
„brainy“ workforce to fill up the vacancies of tour guides and have requirements which are higher if
you want to get a job like this.

Firstly, I would be thrilled to get a summer job abroad because not only you are able to gain extra
money that will come in handy but also travel around the world, get to know new places and
experience different cultures. You are given a chance to broaden your horizons and see what it‘s like
to be away from your homeland. Besides you get to meet a lot of different people and hopefully
make some new friends.

Tour guide‘s profession is very exciting and rewarding but at the same time quite monotonous. Tour
guides usually work outdoors, the working hours are flexible but the salary is just below average.
Firstly, if the person wants to become a tour guide, she or he has to have strong communication
skills because if they have to communicate with new people on a daily basis, they just have to be
able to do it well. Secondly, they have to have a very good memory. Guides simply can’t get the
information wrong, spend extra time trying to remember it or spend the whole tour reading from a
piece of paper. And lastly tour guides should have improvisational skills. Attendees will likely have
additional questions or comments along the way. These things shouldn’t throw the tour guide for a
loop, they should be able to adjust their script as needed.

For young people it is very useful to travel, study or work abroad. It is the perfect opportunity to see
the world and get to know yourself. You get a lot of knowledge about different parts of the world
and what it is like out here.


Temporary jobs have some benefits. From extra money, to gained experience – a lot of people look
for a summer jobs which are temporary. Resort towns are the best choice if you are looking for
temporary jobs. The demand of workers there in summer is very high. Although it is quite difficult to
get a summer job, because mostly employers insist that you look for a job before even the summer
starts and that for students becomes rather a difficult task because the school year hasn‘t finished.

In Lithuania there is quite a few temporary jobs for young people. In summer, the most popular jobs
are waiters, sales assistants and babysitters. Although there are some jobs in Lithuania, young
people tend to find a summer job abroad. This is largely due to higher salary, however they work
more hours than usual and the job itself is much more tiring and demanding.

I would like to get a summer job. I would refuse extra money and experience which I can get by
working in a temporary job. It is a good chance to see if you‘re suitable for that specific career.
Moreover, it is a beneficial way to spend your time. Maybe you can even meet new people and step
out of your comfort zone.

Getting a temporary summer job abroad has quite a lot benefits including seeing the world. Many
people do not get the opportunity to travel as much as they would like once they start their careers.
This is a perfect opportunity in your life to branch out and see new places. Traveling to a foreign
country gives you the opportunity to learn about other cultures and how they do things. This can be
valuable knowledge whenever you enter your future career. Also, summer jobs abroad provides you
with valuable experience you can put on your resume. Furthermore, it will teach you to function as
an individual. Whenever you are in another country, you have to rely on yourself to get by. If you
have spent the majority of your life living with your parents, this experience can teach you some
great lessons about how to make it on your own.

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