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1. On the diagram provided, give the names for the articulators.  

2. Fill in each blank with a suitable word:  

+ Articulatory phonetics is the study of the way the ​vocal organs​ are used to produce speech sounds. 
+ Most speech is produced by an air stream that originates in the ​lungs​ and is pushed up through the 
trachea​ and the oral and nasal cavities. During its passage, the air stream is modified by the various 
organs of speech​. Each such modifocation has different acoustic effects, which are used for the 
differentiation of sounds.  
+ Organs of speech are described under 3 systems:​respiratory​; ​phonatory​; ​articulatory​. 
+ After Larynx, the airstream passes through other organs of speech that are laying above the 
larynx​. These Organs of speech make the articulatory System together. 
+ If a syllable has the coda, it is called a ​closed syllable​. For example : cap, sit, man.  
+ If a syllable doesn’t have the coda it is called as an ​open syllable​. For example : he, she, me  
3. Describe the following articulators: the Pharynx; The Soft Palate or Velum; The Hard 
Palate; The Alveolar Ridge; The Tongue; The Teeth 
- ​The Pharynx: It’s like a tube just above the Larynx and before Uvula. It’s top is divided in 2 parts: 
One part goes to oral cavity and another goes to nasal cavity. 
- The Soft Palate or Velum: The soft and moveable part of the roof of the mouth, immediately after 
the hard palate.  
- The Hard Palate: The hard bony surface of the roof of the mouth, immediately after alveolar ridge. 
It’s not moveable. 
- The Alveolar Ridge: It’s located just behind the upper front teeth and consonantal sounds like ​t, d, 
n, l, s, z​ are produced here. 
- The Tongue: + It’s the most important single organ of speech. -Even in many languages the word 
TONGUE means Language too. 
+It’s flexible and can make a large number of gestures to produce speech sounds. 
+ It has different parts: 1- tip 2- blade 3– front 4– back 5- rims 
- The Teeth: Certain consonants are produced with the help of the teeth. 
4. What are the English vowels? How many vowels are there in English? What are they? 
- ​Vowels: sounds which are made with a ​smooth, continuous, unobstructed airflow ​through the oral 
- 20 vowels: + 12 monopthongs : 5 long vowels “i:, ​ɜ:​, u:, o:, a:”  
  7 short vowels “i, ə, æ, ౮, ɒ, ʌ, e” 
+ 8 dipthongs “ ei, ai, au, iə, eə, uə, ၁i, əu” 
5. How many criteria are used to classify the English vowels? What are they? 
- ​the height of the tongue 
- part of the tongue (front/central/back) 
- the position of the lips (rounded/unrounded) 
6. Using the descriptive labels introduced for vowel classification, describle the following 
English vowels: u; e; a; i; o  
- u: high back rounded vowel 
- e: high front unrounded vowel 
- a: low back unrounded vowel 
- i: high front unrounded vowel  
- o: high back rounded vowel 
7. What are the English consonants? How many consonants are there in English? What 
are they? 
- ​Consonants: sounds which are made with some ​obstruction ​to the airflow in the oral cavity 
- 24 consonants: “p, b, d, t, k, g, f, v, ፀ, ð, s, z, ഽ, 了, h, ʧ, ʤ, m, n, ŋ, l, r, j, w” 
8. How many criteria are used to classify the English consonants? What are they? 
- the place of articulation, articulators 
- voicing (voiced/voiceless) 
- the manner of articulation 
9. What are English Bilabial; Labio-dental; dental; alveolar; palato-alveolar; palatal; velar; 
glottal consonants?. Give examples to illustrate  
- bilabial: made with both lips (e.g. [ m ], [ p ] ) 
- labio-dental: (upper) teeth against (lower) teeth (e.g. [ f ], [ v ] ) 
- dental: tip/blade of tongue against (upper) teeth (e.g. [ ፀ ], [ ð ] ) 
- alveolar: tip/blade of tongue raised against alveolar ridge (e.g. [ t ],[ s ], [ n ] ) 
- palato-alveolar: front of tongue raised against hard palate, and tip/blade of tongue raised against 
alveolar ridge (e.g. [ ഽ ], [ ʧ] ) 
- palatal: front of tongue raised against hard palate (e.g. [ j ] ) 
- velar: back of tongue raised against velum (e.g. [ k ], [ ŋ ]) 
10. What are English stops (plosives); nasals; fricatives; affricatives; laterals; approximants? 
Give examples to illustrate  
Stops/Plosives​: airstream is completed stopped at some point 
e.g. [p], [b] 
Fricatives​: airstream is partially obstructed causing friction in the the airflow 
e.g. [f], [s] 
Affricates:​ a combined effect of a stop + fricative 
e.g. [t∫] in cheese; June [dʒu:n] 
They are produced in a way that similar to stops, but instead of suddenly releasing the air, the 
speech organs are slowly separated, thus giving the sound of fricative ending which is a mixture of a 
stop and fricative sound. 
English has two affricates. /ʧ, ʤ / 
Nasals​: in producing a nasal sound the air doesn’t escape through the lips, but through the nose.   
English has three nasal consonants. /m, n, ŋ/ 
Laterals:​ They are formed by partially blocking the centre of the air passage and by letting air pass 
on the both sides of the tongue, which is raised towards the middle of the mouth. 
English has only lateral phoneme ./l/. 
Approximants: ​They are called Semi vowels since they have the characteristics of vowels, but they 
look like consonants, because the mouth is not quite open. 
English has three approximants. /w, j, r/. 
11. What are the voiced consonants? How many voiced consonants are there in English? What 
are they?  
- ​Some sounds are voiced, which means that ​the vocal chords are vibrated when the sound is 
- 15 consonants: /b, d, g, v, ð, z, ʒ, ʤ, m, n, ŋ, l, r, j, w/  
12. What are the voiceless consonants? How many voiceless consonants are there in English? 
What are they?  
- Voiceless sounds are produced without any vibration of the vocal chords. 
- 9 consonants: /p, t, k, f, θ, s, ∫, t∫, h/ 
13. Using the descriptive labels introduced for consonant classification, describle 24 English 

1. /p/ voiceless, bilabial, stop.  

2. /b/ voiced, bilabial, stop.  
3. /t/ voiceless, alveolar, stop.  
4. /d/ voiced, alveolar, stop.  
5. /k/ voiceless, velar, stop.  
6. /voiced, velar, stop.  
7. /f/ voiceless, labio-dental, fricative.  
8. /v/ voiced, labio-dental, fricative.  
9. /Ɵ/ voiceless, dental, fricative.  
10. /ð/ voiced, dental, fricative.  
11. /s/ voiceless, alveolar, fricative.  
12. /z/ voiced, alveolar, fricative. 
13. /∫/ voiceless, palato-alveolar, fricative. 
14. /了/ voiced, palato-alveolar, fricative. 
15. /h/ voiceless, glottal, fricative.  
16. /ʧ/ voiceless, palate-alveolar, affricate.  
17. /ʤ/ voiced, palate-alveolar, affricate. 
18. /m/ voiced, bilabial, nasal.  
19. /n/ voiced, alveolar, nasal.  
20. /ŋ/ voiced, velar, nasal. 
21. /l/ voiced, alveolar, lateral.  
22. /r/ voiced, alveolar, semi vowel.  
23. /j/ voiced, palate-alveolar, semi vowel. 
24. /w/ voiced, bilabial, semi vowel. 

14. What is a Phoneme? What are the differences between phonemes and letters? Give 
examples to illustrate  
- Contrastive sound categories are called phonemes. 
- Phonemes should not be confused with letters.Phonemes are the sounds of speech. Letters may 
represent phonemes in written language. 
/k/ /a/ /t/ 
/h/ /a/ /t/ 
/h/ /o/ /t/ 
/h/ /o/ /p/ 
15. What are allophones? What are Aspirated and unaspirated allophones?  
- Allophones are the sounds that merely variations in pronunciation of the same phoneme and do not 
change the meaning of the word. 
- Aspirated and unaspirated allophones are one example of complementary distribution: where the 
one occurs, the other cannot occur. Aspirated, as you can see in this example, occurs only at the 
beginning of words. [aspirated p] and [p as in pit] are only allophones of the same phoneme /p/. 
16. What are Phonemic/ phoneme symbols? What are Phonetic symbols? Give examples to 
- ​Phonemic/ phoneme symbols: are the symbols used to represent individual phoneme sounds in 
transcription, e.g. in a dictionary. 
- Phonetic symbol is written character used in phonetic transcription of represent a particular speech 
17. What are Semi vowels? How many semi-vowels are there?  
- English has three approximants. /​w, j, r​/. They are called Semi vowels since they have the 
characteristics of vowels, but they look like consonants, because the mouth is not quite open. 
18. What is syllable? How many parts does the syllable consist of? What are 
- Syllable is the unit that the word can be cut up into.  
- The syllable consists of 3 parts : the ONSET, the PEAK, the CODA. 
19. What is stress?  
- ​Stress is the degree of loudness or prominence with which a sound or a word is 
1. Draw a vowel quadrilateral and indicate on it the correct places for the following English 
vowels:  a. æ  b. ʌ  c. i  d. e  

2. Write the symbols for the vowels in the following words: ​a. br​ea​d [ e ] b. r​ou​gh [ ∧ ]  
c.f​oo​t [ u ] d. h​y​mn [ i ] e. P​u​ll [ u ] f. C​ou​gh [ ၁ ]  g. M​a​t [ æ ] d. fr​ie​nd [ e ] 
3. On the vowel diagram given below, indicate the glides for the diphthongs in the following 
a. fright  b. home  c. clear  d. cow  
4. Write the symbols for the long vowels in the following words.​ a. broad b. ward
c.caft d. learn e. Cool f. Team g. err h. Seal i. curl 

5. Write the symbols for the diphthongs in the following words. 
a. tone b. style c.out d. way e. Beer f. Coil g. hair h. Why i. they 

6. The words in the following list should be transcribed first ​phonemically​, then (in square 
brackers) ​phonetically.​ In your phonetic transcription you can use the following diacritics:

Words for transcription  

a. speech 
b. partake 
c. book 
d. goat   
7. Transcribe the following words phonemically:  
a. fishes b. shaver c. sixth d. these e. Achieves f. Others g. Measure h. ahead  

8. List all the consonant phonemes of RP (Received Pronunication), grouped according to 
manner of ariculation.  
9.  When  the  vocal  tract  is in its resting position for normal breathing, the soft palate is usually 
lowerd.  Describe  what  movements  are  carried  out  by  the  soft  palate  in  the  pronunciation  of 
the following items:  
a. banner  b. mid  c. angle  

10. Using the analysis of the word “cramped” given below as a model, analyse the structure of 
the follwing one- syllable English words: 

a. squealed   

b. eighths   

c. splash  

d. texts 

11.  The  following  sentences  have  been  partially  transcribed,  but  the  vowels  have  been  left 
blank.  Fill  in  the  vowels,  taking  care  to  identify  which  vowels  are  weak;  put  no  vowel  at all if 
you  think  a  syllabic  consonant  is  appropriate,  but  put  a  syllabic  mark  beneath  the  syllabic 

12. Mark the stress on the following words.  
a. protect 
b. clammer   
c. festoon   
d. detest   
e. Bellow   
f. Menace   
g. Disconnect   
h. Entering  
13. Put stress marks on the following words (try to put secondary stress marks on as well) 
a. shop-fitter b. open- ended c. japanese ​ ​d. birth-mark e. anti-clockwise 
f.confirmation g. Eight-sided h. Fruit-cake i. defective j. Roof-timber  

14. In the following sentences, the transcription for the weak- form words is lef blank. Fill in 
the blanks, taking care to use the appropriate form.  
15. Divide the following sentences up into feet, using the / mark as a boundary symbol. If a 
sentence starts with an unstressed syllable, leave it out of consideration- it doesn’t belong in a 
16. Try to draw tree diagrams of the rhythmcal structure of the follwing phrases. 
a. Chrismast present b. Rolls Royce c. Pet food dealer d. Rolls- Royce really event  

17.  The  following  sentences  are  given  in  spelling  and  in  a  “slow,  careful”  phonemic 
transcription.  Rewrite  the  phonemic  transcription  as  a  “broad  phonetic”  one  so  as  to  show 
likely assimilations, elisions and linking.  
18.In the following sentences and bits of dialogue, each underlined syllable must be given an 
appropriate tone mark. Write a tone mark just in front of each of the syllables. 

19. The following sentences are given with intonation transcribed. Draw underneath them a 
diagram of the pitch movements, leaving a gap between each syllable.  
For example:  
C- Please read the questions provided with four choices, marked A, B, C, and D in this 
reading paper. Then, on your answer sheet, tick the correct box for the letter that 
corresponds to the answer you have chosen.  

1. /p/ voiceless, bilabial, stop.  

e.g. pin, people. 
​2. /b/ voiced, bilabial, stop.  
e.g. by, bin, bleed. 
​3. /t/ voiceless, alveolar, stop.  
e.g. table, ten, dot. 
​4. /d/ voiced, alveolar, stop.  
e.g. down, do, drip. 
​5. /k/ voiceless, velar, stop.  
e.g. class, coat, clue. 
​6. /voiced, velar, stop.  
e.g. glass, goat, glue. 
​7. /f/ voiceless, labio-dental, fricative.  
e.g. lie, safe. 
​8. /v/ voiced, labio-dental, fricative.  
e.g. five, view. 
​9. /Ɵ/ voiceless, dental, fricative.  
e.g. thin, earth. 
​10. /ð/ voiced, dental, fricative.  
e.g. this, they. 
​11. /s/ voiceless, alveolar, fricative.  
e.g. sick, sort. 
12. /z/ voiced, alveolar, fricative. 
e.g. close, zoo 
13. /∫/ voiceless, palato-alveolar, fricative. 
e.g. she, sheet 
14. /了/ voiced, palato-alveolar, fricative. 
e.g. vision 
​15. /h/ voiceless, glottal, fricative.  
e.g. hat, how. 
​16. /ʧ/ voiceless, palate-alveolar, affricate.  
e.g. church, chair. 
​17. /ʤ/ voiced, palate-alveolar, affricate. 
e.g. Jane, job. 
​18. /m/ voiced, bilabial, nasal.  
e.g. milk, summer. 
​19. /n/ voiced, alveolar, nasal.  
e.g. now, nine 
​20. /ŋ/ voiced, velar, nasal.  
e.g. thing, rang. 
​21. /l/ voiced, alveolar, lateral.  
e.g. leave, little. 
​22. /r/ voiced, alveolar, semi vowel.  
e.g. true, write. 
23. /j/ voiced, palate-alveolar, semi vowel. 
e.g. yet. 
​24. /w/ voiced, bilabial, semi vowel.  
e.g. wait, white 

1. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in ​voicing​ from the other 
A. [z, d , T, b ] B. [ m, n, ŋ , D ] C. [ w, j , r, l ] D. [ b, d, g, z 

A. T: voiceless, còn lại voiced C. voiced 
B. voiced D. voiced 
2. Which of the following is closest to the ​minimal pair?  
A. [ fæt ] [ hit ] fat – hit  B. [ fæt ] [ væt ] fat – vat  
C. [ fæt ] [ kæt ] fat – cat  D. [ fæt ] [ kit ] fat – kit 
Phonemes should not be confused with letters.Phonemes are the sounds of speech. 
3. Which of the following statements is correct? All the consonants are produced 
A. an extra puff of the air strongly 
B. an obstruction of the airstream (complete or partial)  
C. no vibration of the vocal cords  
D. vibration of the vocal cords  
4. Which of the following statements is correct​? P ​ alato- alveolar is the sound made 
A. as a very rapidly articulated non-syllabic segment  
B. just behind the alveolar ridge  
C. with the identical articulation to that of the long vowel [ i: ]  
D. with the tongue at the 
alveolar ridge 
5. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​voiced labiodental fricative  
A. [ f ]  B. [ w ]  C. [ð ]  D. [ v ]  
A. voiceless, labiodental, fricative 
B. voiced, bilabial, semi vowel 
C. voiceless, dental, fricative 
6. Which of the following statements is incorrect?  
A. The phonetic representation of utterances shows what the speakers know about the 
pronunciation of utterances.  
B. The phonemic representation of utterances shows what speakers know about the abstract 
underlying phonology.  
C. The phonemic representation of utterances shows the finer points of the sounds or 
segments in pronunciation  
D. The phonetic representation of utterances shows the non-distinctive features of the 
Articulatory phonetics is the study of the way the vocal organs are used to produce speech sounds 
7. How many segments are there in the sound sequence [[,ɑ:ti'fi∫əl ] ​artificial​?   
A. 7  B. 8  C. 9 D. 10  
8. Which of the following assimilatory processes that may happen to the voiced alveolar stop [ 
g ] in this context: My grandfather has a ​dog ​[mai 'grændfɑ:ðə 'hæz ə 'dɒg]?  
A. [ g ] may be ​devoiced​ after the vowel [ɒ ] ​- phụ âm kêu như không kêu 
B. [ g ] may be devoiced at the end of the word [ dɒg ]  
C. [ g ] may be ​labialised​ after the vowel [ɒ ] - ​âm môi hoá 
D. [ g ] may be ​voiced​ at the end of the word [ dɒg ]  
9. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​long mid back vowel  
A. [ɔ:]  B. [ a: ]  C. [ i: ]  D. [ u: ] 
B. long low back C. long high front D. long high back 
10. Which of the following statements is correct?  
A. Phonology aims to provide the set of features, or properties that can describe all sounds 
in human language.  
B. Phonology deals with the articulatory and acoustic aspects of speech 
C. Phonology provides the means for describing speech sounds.  
D. Phonology studies the ways phonemes function in language  
11. Which of the following is the phonetic transcription of this form “tank”? 

A. [ ' tængk ]  B. [ ' tænk ]  C. [ ' tæηk]  D. [' t h​ æηk] 
12. Which of the following statements is incorrect?  
A. A minimal pair consists of two forms with distinct meanings that differ only by one 
segment in the same position of each form.  
B. Minimal pair test is a basic test for deciding which sounds are the allophones of the 
C. Minimal pairs consist of forms that are placed along the horizontal axis with respect to 
their place of articulation and the vertical axis to their manner of articulation D. Minimal 
pairs help us establish which sounds contrast in a language  
13. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in ​manner of articulation 
from the other segments?  
A. [ θ, ð, s, z ]  B. [ w, r, j, l ]  C. [ p, b, z, d ]  D. [ t, d, g, p ] 
A. fricative  B. semi vowel C. Z: fricative, còn lại stop D. stop 
14. Which of the following phonetic variations that may happen to the lateral [ l ] in this 
context: ['æηk,l ] ​ankle?  
A. [ l ] becomes devoiced after voiced stop [ k ]  
B. [ l ] becomes ​syllabic​ after voiced stop [ k ] -​ tạo thành 1 âm tiết 
C. [ l ] becomes unaspirated after voiced stop [ k ]  
D. [ l] becomes ​aspirated​ after voiced stop [ k ] ​- âm bật hơi 
15. Which of the following statements is correct?  
The affricates [​ t∫ ] and [dʒ ] ​are  
A. consonants produced with a continuous airflow through the mouth  
B. consonants produced with the complete stoppage of the air in the mouth which causes 
C. consonants produced with the lowering of the soft palate  
D. produced with an initial stop then with a slow separation of the tongue to make friction. 
Affricates are produced in a way that similar to stops, but instead of suddenly releasing the air, the 
speech organs are slowly separated, thus giving the sound of fricative ending which is a mixture of a 
stop and fricative sound.   
16. Which of the following assimilatory processes occurs to the voiceless alveolar [ t ] in this 
context [ðæt jiə] ​that year  
A. [ t ] is aspirated before palatal [ j ]  
B. [ t ] is ​palatalized​ before palatal [ j ] -​ biến thành âm vòm 
C. [ t ] is deleted before palatal [ j ]  
D. [ t ] is ​velarized​ before palatal [ j ] ​- phát âm khi lưỡi để gần ngạc mềm 
17. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​voiced velar nasal​?  
A. [ g ]  B. [ k ]  C. [ð ]  D. [η ]  
A. voiced, velar, stop B. voiceless, velar, stop C. voiced, dental, fricative 
18. Which of the following statements is correct?  
When two or more sounds never occur in the same phonemic context or environment they are 
said to be  
A. allophones of a phoneme  B. different phonemes  
C. identical segments D. in free variation  
19. Which of the following assimilatory processes that may happen to the alveolar [ t ] in this 
context: [' fæt ' gɜ:l] ​fat girl​?  
A. [ t ] may be deleted before the velar [ g ]  
B. [ t ] may be aspirated before the velar [ g ]  
C. [ t ] may be velarized before the velar [ g ]  
D. [ t ] may become syllabic before the velar [ g ]  
20. Which of the following segments corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description? ​long high back rounded vowel  
A. [ i: ] B. [ɔ: ]  C. [ u: ]  D. [ a: ]  
A. long high front unrounded B. long mid back unrounded D. long low back unrounded 
21. Which of the following statements is incorrect?  
Progressive assimilation is a process by which  
A. the change of a segment is brought about by the preceding segment  
B. a sound copies one or more phonetic features from the following sound
C. the sound becomes more like the preceding sound  
D. a sound spreads one or more phonetic features to the following sound  
22. Which of the following is the correct stress pattern of this word “grasshopper”? 
A. ['grɑ:s'hɒpə]  B. [grɑ:s'hɒpə] ​C. ['grɑ:shɒpə]  D. [,grɑ:s'hɒpə] 
23. Which of the following statement is correct? Consonants include  
A. vowels, nasals, and voiced affricates 
B. vowels, nasals, and voiceless stops 
C. vowels, nasals, liquids and glides 
D. vowels, nasals, fricatives and liquids 
Some sounds are voiced, which means that the vocal chords are vibrated when the sound is created. 
Eg: /b, d, g, v, ð, z, ʒ, ʤ, m, n, , l, r, j, w/ + vowels (a, e, o, u, i.) 
24. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions that corresponds to each of the following 
phonetic description: ​voiced bilabial nasal ?​   
A. [ m ]  B. [ n ]  C. [ŋ ]  D. [ w ] 
B. alveolar nasal C. velar nasal  D. approximant velar 

25. Which of the following phonetic variations that may happen to the voiced [ v ] in this 
context: Let me do it ['let mi: du: it ]?  
A. [ t ] is aspirated at the end of the word ['let ]  
B. [ t ] is devoiced word finally  
C. [ t ] is labialized before the bilabial [ m ]  
D. [ t ] is voiced in the final position of a stressed syllable  
26. Which of the following statements is incorrect?  
A. An allophone is a predictable phonetic variant of a phoneme  
B. An allophone is an abstract unit  
C. An allophone is a phonetic realization or variant of a phoneme  
D. An allophone is uttered in speech  
27. Which of the following is incorrect?  
When a feature is predictable by the phonological rules, it is  
A. a redundant feature  B. a phonetic feature  
C. a phonemic feature  D. both A and B  
28. Which of the following groups contains a segment that differs in ​place of articulation​ from 
the other segments?  
A. [ k, w, n, g ] B[ t, d, n, s ]  C. [ p, m, w, b ]  D. [ t, d, z, n ] 
A. k: velar; w: bilabial; n: alveolar; g: velar B. alveolar C. bilabial D. alveolar 
29. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​voiceless dental fricative​?  
A. [ m ]  B. [θ ]  C. [ t ]  D. [ð ]  
A. voiced bilabial nasal C. voiceless alveolar stop D. voiced dental fricative 
30. Which of the following assimilatory processes may occur to the sound sequence ['fæktjuəl] 
factual ​?  
A. regressive assimilation  B. progressive assimilation  
C. mutual assimilation  D. None of the above  
31. Which of the following statements is correct?  
Palatal is made  
A. at the hard palate  B. at the soft area toward the rear of the roof of the mouth 
C. at the teeth ridge  D. with the tongue placed against the teeth  
Palatal: front of tongue raised against hard palate 
32. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions that corresponds to each of the following 
phonetic description: ​voiced palato-alveolar affricate​?  
A. [ t∫ ]  B. [dʒ ]  C. [∫]  D. [ j ]   
A. voiceless palato-alveolar affricate    
C. voiceless, palate-alveolar fricative   
D. voiced palate alveolar semi vowel 
33. Which of the following phonetic transcriptions that corresponds to each of the following 
phonetic description: ​high back rounded vowel ​?
A. [ɒ]  B. [ i: ]  C. [ u: ]  D. [ʊ ]  
A. low back unrounded B. long high front unrounded C. long high back rounded 
34. Which of the following statements is correct?  
When a feature value is unpredictable by a general principle or rule, it is  
A. a distinctive feature for that class of segments  
B. a non-distinctive or non-phonemic feature for that class of segments  
C. a phonetic feature for sounds that contrast  
D. a redundant feature for that class of segment  
35. Which of the following is the stress distribution for the compound word “green house” 
[gri:n haus ]?  
A. ['gri:n 'haus ] B. [gri:n 'haus ]  C. ['gri:n haus ]  D. [,gri:n 'haus ]  
36. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​long high front unrounded vowel​?  
A. [ i: ]  B. [æ ]  C. [ e ]  D. [ i ]  
B. low front unrounded C. high front unrounded D. high front unrounded 
37. Which of the following phonetic variations the voiceless alveolar [ t ] may have in this 
context (in terms of American pronunciation)['lit əl] ​little​?  
A. [ t ] becomes aspirated between stressed vowel [ I ] and unstressed vowel [ə ] 
B. [ t ] may be deleted between stressed vowel [ I ] and unstressed vowel [ə ] 
C. [ t ] may become glottal stop between stressed vowel [ I ] and unstressed vowel [ə ] 
D. [ t ] may become voiced flap between stressed vowel [ I ] and unstressed vowel [ə ] 
38. Which of the following statements is correct?  
Nasal sounds are produced with  
A. the airstream released through the oral cavity  
B. the continuous air flow through the mouth  
C. with the velum being lowered 
D. A & B  
39. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​low front unrounded vowel?  
A. [ i: ]  B. [ e ]  C. [ i ]  D. [æ ]  
A. long high front unrounded B. high front unrounded C. high front unrounded 
40. Which of the following symbols that corresponds to each of the following phonetic 
description: ​voiced palato-alveolar fricative?  
A. [ʒ ]  B. [t∫]  C. [dʒ ]  D. [∫ ]  
B. voiceless palato alveolar affricative  
C. voiced palato alveolar affricative  
D. voiceless palato alveolar fricative 


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