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Human Resources Management


Human Resource Management means employing people, developing their

resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with
the job and organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals
of the organization, individual and the society.

1. To help the organization reach its goals
2. To employ the skill and abilities of the workforce efficiently.
3. To provide the organization with well trained and well motivated
4. To increase to the fullest of employee’s job satisfaction and self
5. To develop and maintain quality of work life.
6. To communicate HR policies to all employees.
7. To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.

1. Attract and retain talent
2. Train people for challenging roles.
3. Develop skills and competencies.
4. Promote team spirit.
5. Develop loyalty and commitment.
6. Increase productivity and profits.
7. Improve job satisfaction.
8. Enhance standard of living.

1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Directing
4. Controlling


1. Employment
2. Human Resource Development
3. Compensation
4. Human Relations
5. Industrial Relations

 Policy maker
 Administrative expert
 Advisor
 Housekeeper
 Counselor
 Welfare officer
 Legal consultant

 Recruiter
 Trainer developer, motivator
 Coordinator
 Mediator
 Employee champion

 Change agent
 Strategic partner
1. Analyzing the corporate and unit level strategies
2. Demand forecasting of the overall human resource requirements
3. Supply forecasting
4. Estimating the net human resources requirements
5. Action plan for redeployment, redundancy/retrenchment
6. Action plan for outsourcing

It is the process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for
existing or anticipated job openings. It aims at attracting a large number of
qualified applicants who are ready to take up job if it’s offered and offering
enough information for unqualified persons to self select themselves out.


 Internal Sources: Persons who are already working in an organization

constitute the ‘internal sources’. Retrenched employees, retired
employees, dependents of the deceased employees may also constitute
the internal sources.
 External Sources: This lies outside the organization. Here the organization
can have the services of employees working in other organizations, job
aspirants registered with employment exchanges, students from reputed
educational institutions, candidates responding to advertisements and
unsolicited applications/walk-ins.

 Internal Methods
1. Promotions & Transfers
2. Job Posting
3. Employee Referrals

 Direct Methods
1. Campus Recruitment

 Indirect Method
1. Advertisements
 Newspaper ads
 Television & Radio ads

 Third Party Method

1. Private Employment Search Firms
2. Employment Exchanges
3. Gate Hiring & Contractors
4. Walk-ins
5. Internet Recruiting

To select means to choose. Selection is the process of picking up individuals who
have relevant qualifications to fill in an organization. The basic purpose is to
choose individual who can most successfully perform the job, from the pool of
qualified candidates.


1. Reception
2. Screening Interview
3. Application Bank
4. Selection Tests
5. Selection Interview
6. Medical Examination
7. Reference Checks
8. Hiring Decision


Is the determination of the job to which an accepted candidate is to be

assigned and his assignment to that job. It is a matching of what the
supervisor has reason to think he can do with the job requirements, it is a
matching of what he imposes and what he offers in the form of pay roll,
companionship with others, promotional possibilities etc. It is not easy to
match all the factors to the new employee who is still unknown to many.
So, the new employee is placed as a probationer until the training period
is over.

It is the task of introducing the new employees of the organization and its
policies, procedures and rules. A typical formal orientation programme
may last a day or less in most organizations. During this time, the new
employee is provided with information about the company, its history, its
current position, and the benefits for which he is eligible, leave rules, etc.
Also covered are the more routine things a newcomer must learn, such as
the location of the rest rooms, break rooms, parking spaces, etc.


After an employee is selected, placed and introduced in an organization

he/she must be provided with training facilities in order to adjust him to
the job. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an
employee for doing a particular job. Training is a short term educational
process and utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which
employees learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.


It is a systematic way of determining the worth of a job in relation to

other job in an organization. It tries to make a systematic comparison
between jobs to assess their relative worth for the purpose of
establishing a rational pay structure.

It is a method of evaluating the behavior of employees in the work spot,

normally including both the qualitative and the quantitative aspects of
job performance.


It is the inner state that energizes, activates, or moves and directs or

channels behavior goals.


It is the exercise of authority and making decisions.


It is the passing of information and understanding from one person to


1. What made me approach Bhagyamma?

As I everyday pass by the Railway Station, I always see a lady sitting and
begging for alms that belonged to the Beggars Colony situated in Magadi
Road, this is how I made an approach to Bhagyamma.

2. Age?
50 years old.

3. Family Members?
A husband & 3 children

4. Occupation of the husband?

A beggar

5. Education of the children?

No education.

6. Living Conditions?
Lives in the Beggars Colony situated in Magadi road which serves them
free food and basic facilities. It is government aided.

7. Source of earnings?
Both husband and wife are beggars so there is not much of earning but
we collect Rs.200 to Rs.300 per day at an average. Not much can be saved
from it because my husband spends ½ of the money in alcohol hence my
Children cannot get the basic education also and the rest are paid to the
manager of the Colony and sometime we pay the policemen in form of
bribe for allowing us to sit outside religious places. She also adds, I
previously had 2 more children who died because of lack of money for the
treatment and lack of medical treatment in the Colony.

8. Has the government helped you in anyway?

Yes, they have, but it is not sufficient. They are doing something for the
rehabilitation but we aren’t aware of anything thus, our situation and
conditions remains the same mentally, physically and financially.

1. What made me approach Mrs. Pratima Rao?

Mrs. Pratima Rao is a computer teacher in Baldwin Girls’ High School
and I was a part of that school. Seeing her progressing in her career
from a normal teacher to a high post in Wipro and also in many social
activities made me approach her.

2. Age?
48 years old.

3. Family members?
A husband & 2 children.

4. Occupation of the husband?

A businessman.

5. Education of the children?

Son- Doctor
Daughter- Software Engineer, MBA

6. Living Conditions?
I thrive in the very posh area of Bangalore which is in Kormangala. I
own a bungalow I also own around 22 properties in and out Bangalore.
I am also the chief officer in Magna a software company and a part of
the Wipro Company. I earn around 2lacs to 2.5lacs per month as if
now. I’m satisfied with my living and happy to see my children settled
in abroad.

Lives are different, people are different and people come up in life
with immense hard work. Money is earned with great difficulty and
hence should be spent wisely and should be saved for the future.

Human Resource Management-Appaniah Reddy

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