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Which leadership type is the most effective - transformational, transactional, task-focused or people-

Over the decades the concept of the leadership started to change drastically due to new technologies
and new approach to work. Once, people were afraid of the leaders because they were intimidating. If
employees didn’t listen to the leaders, there were a chance to be terribly penalized for that. As I have
mentioned before, 21th century have changed the definition of the leadership and some new types of
the leadership started to exist: transformational, transactional, task-focused or people-focused. In my
opinion transformational and people-focused leadership fits mostly nowadays economical
background. To support my opinion, I will compare with other leaderships.
Transformational leadership became one the most common leadership types. This concept can be
defined as leader, who is encouraging, inspiring and motivating his employees in order to gain a profit
and success of their company. They don’t offer physical rewards like bonuses or promotions.
Although leaders influence employees in order to get employee loyalty and everyone support the
leader. This type of leadership creates a strong bond between the leader and the employees. It's
suitable for long term relationships. To compare with, transactional leadership, also known as a
managerial leadership is focused on controlling the employees. Leaders usually penalize or reward in
order to motivate the subordinates. It follows that employees are very limited in creativity or
expressing their opinion. There is no self- development because they are afraid to do something new.
That’s because transformational leadership has strong potential in this case. Leaders don’t penalize or
reward their subordinates. Leaders motivate them and give them opportunity to show off. That way
employees are confident and are not afraid of the leader. This trait helps boost productivity of the
Talking about task-focused leadership to some extent it reminds a transactional leadership. Leaders
are only focused on the task accomplishment of the company despite anything else (etc. subordinates
mental health). Leaders expect that subordinates will be achieve some results since leaders give some
direction. Otherwise, employees won't have the reward People-focused leadership reminds a
transformational leadership. It encourages people to take part in creating ideas or accept the
significant decisions. Leader is like inspiration for the employees, because he energizes the employees
to work and feel the satisfaction from it. Also, due to pandemic the world has changed drastically, and
people-focused leadership fits better today's world because is more flexible.
To sum up, I would say that every type of leadership has their advantages and disadvantages. But if
we take into consideration current economic background (consequences of the coronavirus), some of
the drawbacks became irrelevant. That’s why I have chosen transformational and people-focused

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