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About BigBlueButton

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing solution for online learning that provides real-
time sharing of audio, video, slides, whiteboard, chat and screen. It also allows participants to join the
conferences with their webcams and invite guest speakers.

BigBlueButton Overview for Viewers (Students)


To access BigBlueButton, a student has to login to iCloudEMS ERP using his/her login credential.


After successful login it will show the Dashboard and next the student has to click on Time Table icon
shown in the dashboard.

Then it will show the list of classes configured by the MIS cell according to the Time Table. From the list
the student has to choose the class that is currently scheduled and click on Online Class shows against the


Then it will show two options, which are Microphone and Listen only. If a student choose listen only then
He / She can only listen whatever the things discussed in the class and when choose Microphone the
student can able to both speak and listen in the class.
When click on Microphone the student must allow the audio or make necessary changes in the browser


If the echo test is successful the click on the thumbs on otherwise repeat echo test again

After that the student can able to see the screen shared by the Presenter (Teacher).


When the presenter click on shared notes to the students by writing something then the students can
able see it as well as can share his/her response in this.

When the student clicks on his / her name from the user list, it will show the Emojis along with raise hand
option. If a student wants to talk or have some queries then he/she has to raise hand to draw the attention
of the teacher or post it in the public chart box. A student can also do private chart with the other
participants by clicking on the name listed in the users list.


Whatever the presentation uploaded by the presenter, the students can able to read it as well as able to
download it.

Similarly when a linked video is uploaded and played by the presenter the same can be viewed by the


A presenter can do poll during his/her session and in response the student has to participate in the poll.
The different types are Yes/No, True/False, A/B/C, A/B/C/D, A/B/C/D/E etc.
If it is True/False the Polling option shows two options True, False and the student has to select any one
from this.

Once the Poll result is published by the presenter the students can able to see the same on their screen
as follows.

Similarly a presenter can go for A/B/C/D Polling option which is shown as below.

When a presenter uses a Whiteboard for drawing or for any other explanation work and turn multi-user
whiteboard on, the students can able to simultaneously work on the same whiteboard shared by the
presenter and put their views/ideas.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can a student present or Share His / Her presentation?

Ans: To share presentation/screen the student has to take permission from a Teacher and the
Teacher/presenter must allow the students by clicking on Make presenter.

2. How can a student ask His/Her doubts?

Ans: To students can use public chat for text communication/raise hand to take permission for
unmute and can talk with the presenter.

3. Can a student post private chat?

Ans: Yes, it is allowed.

4. Can a student able to download the PPT uploaded by the Teacher?

Ans: Yes students can download the PPT/Documents uploaded by the teacher.

5. Can a student use Whiteboard simultaneously?

Ans: Yes

For Any queries contact us:



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