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1]Cucurbits including melon is.......= Dioecious

2] When Total utility Maximum ; marginal utility is Zero.

3]Elasticity of matchbox is non-elastic/inelastic.

4]RBI burrow credit from commercial banks called Revers repo rate.

5]Father of economics is Adam Smith.

6]In agriculture which law is applied = Diminishing marginal utility.

7]Agribusiness is ....... structure . {vertical, horizontal, conglomerate}.

8]Late majority is also called as...... = Skeptical .

9]In SWOT analysis .. ‘T’ stands for = Threats.

10] Link between Source and Receiver is = Channel.

11] T&V system is given by = Daniel Benor.

12] Principle of Result demonstration is = Seeing is beleaving.

13] farm and home visits comes under = Individual contact .

14] Monopoly means = Single seller .

15] MS-Word is = Application software.

16] System softwares, programmes, user details are stored at = ROM.

17] Computer used for weather forecasting is = Super computer.

18] Contour lines are closer at the center on the given map denotes .....

= Hills.

19] Implement used for seedbed preparation as well as sowing by attached

seed drill called = Cultivator.
20] Mean is greater than variance in .... = Binomial distribution.

21] Meat of cow is called = Beef.

22] Triple cross breed developed by MPKV, Rahuri is = Phule Triveni.

23] Group of sheep and goats called = Flock.

24] Group of only goats called = Flock.

25] Draft purpose breed of cow is = Khillar.

26] Dangi is .... purpose breed. = Dual.

27] Cow milk is richer than buffalo milk in = Carotene.

28] In vidarbha region which breed is used for draft = Nagpuri.

29] Pashmina wool obtained from = Goat.

30] Origin of Chegu is = jammu & Kashmir.

31] Breed used for pelt purpose is = Karakkul.

32]Gestation period of goat is = 150 .

33] Reclamation of Acid soil is done by = Lime.

34] Reclamation of Sodic soil is done by = Gypsum.

35]Reclamation of saline soil is done by = Leaching with good quality water.

36] Pressmud is obtained from = Sugar Industry.

37] Fly ash is obtained from = Thermal power plants.

38] biogas yields = CH4 + Co2.

39] Protein are = Amino acids .

40] Biogas slurry is used as = Bulky organic manure.

41] Which sugar is used in beverages = Sucrose.

42] Malting is done in = Barley .

43] Chlorosis by nitrogen deficiency occurs on = Older leaves.

44]Clayey soil is more porous than = Sandy soil.

45] Infiltration rate of clayey soil is …. than sandy soil = lesser.

46] Neem coated urea used for decrease ……. {denitrification, volatization,
nitrification } = Denitrification.

47]Study of plants in relation to soil is called as ….. = Agronomy.

48]Konkan Bold is variety of = Karonda.

49]Orchid is propagated by = cuttings.

50]Gladiolus is propagated by = Corms.

51]Kagzi lime is propagated by = Seeds.

52]Pusa nanha is variety of = Papaya.

53]Spongy tissue is problem of =Alphonso.

54]In Maharashtra grapes are pruned ……. In year = Twice.

55]Litchi production is higher in = Bihar.

56]Mead-orchard is practiced in = Guava.

57]Red colour in carrot due to = Anthocyanin.

58] Curcumin is present in = Turmeric .

59] Curcuma longa is B.N. of = Turmeric .

60]Pungency in ginger due to =Zingirone.

61]Precursor of vitamin A present in = Papaya.

62]Which of the following seed is polyembryonic = Kagzi lime.

63]Which of the following is propagated by grafting …..

a.Coconut b. arekanut c. datepalm d.none of these.

64]Prabhavati is mutant variety of = Rice.

65]Dapog method is followed in = Rice.

66] Rice inflorescence is called as = Panicle.

67]Signs of maturity of rice are = Brown colour of coat and hard seed.

68]Male flower of maize = Tassel.

69]Dwarfing gene in wheat = Norin -10.

70]Short coleoptile length is found in = Mexican Wheat.

71]Dwarf varieties of cereals suitable for…….

a. more tillering b. fertilizer responsiveness c. lodging resistant

d. all of these.

72]Young Sorghum not fed to cattle due to = HCN(hydrocyanic acid) .

73]Sunhemp used for fibre purpose grown more in which state = W.B.

74]FAO Headquarter situated at = Rome (Italy) .

75]International institute in India =ICRISAT.

76] Head office of ICRISAT located at = Hyderabad.

77]Forage Reasearch instt. Located at = Jhansi.

78]National Reasearch Centre for Organic farming is located at=…..

79]Cereals are rich in ……….. protein = Methionine.

80]Seed putting in fields for good germination called =Sowing .

81]Rearing of animals with crop production = Mixed farming.

82]Growing of two or more crops simultaneously without any row

arrangement = Mixed cropping.

83]Sowing of Succeeding crop before harvesting of standing crop = Relay

cropping .
84]Application of fertilizers in standing crops = Top dressing .

85]Tillage operation done without disturbing main crop = Interculture.

86]In zero tillage weeds controlled by = Chemicals.

87]B.N. of Hajardani is= Phyllanthus niruri .

88]Open pan evaporimeter measures = Evapotranspiration.

89]Green gram classified on the basis of use called = Pulses.

90]Arkel is the variety of = Pea.

91]Grain crops are classified on the basis of use called = cereals.

92]Wheat is used as = food grain.

93]Total meterological weeks in year = 52.

94]Tamarind fruit botanically called as = Pod.

95]Which of the following are kharif crops

a. sorghum & maize b. wheat & gram

c. Black gram & green gram d. Both (a) & (c).

96]Marginal farmers grow which oilseed crop in kharif season =


97]MSP not announced for ……… crop = Chilli.

98]For buying milch animals which loan is given =………

99]Variety of Napier is = Jaiwant.

100]Overland flow is controlled by = Cynodon dactylon.

101]Low waterflow is measured by = Triangular notch ( V notch)

102]Pureline used for

a. measuring mutation b. as a variety

c. for hybridization d. all of these .

103]which seed is not require certification = Breeder.

104]Initial seed for developing variety is =Nucleus.

105]first transgenic crop in India was = Tobacco.

106]Powerhouse of cell is = Mitochondria

107] Photorespiration is high in = C3 plants (Rice).

108] Which of the following is C4 plant = Sugarcane.

109] Homozygous lines are

a. RR b. rr c. Rr d. Both (a) & (b)

110]Water molecules are bind together by = Cohesion.

111]Water and minerals are absorbed by = Root hairs.

112]Single stranded DNA obtained by = Cosmid .

113] AFLP is combination of RFLP and……. = RAPD.

114] F1 crossed with Recessive parent = Test cross.

115] HaNPV is = Stomach poison.

116] Brine solution treatment is = Physical method.

117]Soil solarization is = Physical method.

118]Potato tuber moth is = field and storage pest.

119]Bokadya / Murda disease in chilli transmit by = Thrips .

120]Witch broom / green is symptom of = Smut.

121]Metaldehyde is = Molluscide.

122]Rodents are controlled by = Rodenticides.

123]Methyl eugenol used to control = Fruit fly .

124]Vegetative spores are = Chlamydospores.

125] Penicilin discovered by = Alexander Flemming.

126] Antibiotic produced from bacillus subtilis =…………….

127] One meter cube is equal to = 1000 lit.

128] Live seed indicates = viability of seed.

129]Virus is = Obligate parasite .

130] Poor mans timber = Bamboo.

131] Average rainfall of India is = 1194 mm.

132]Water removed in drainage = gravitational water.

133] Partial root parasite of jowar is = Striga.

134] Father of Agronomy is = Peter Decrensenzi.

135] Dollar earner crop of India is = Cashewnut.

136]Basic unit of sociology is = family.

137]Farm owned by government called = State farming.

138]Stem of farm diameter is reduced from bottom to upward called =


139]Animals are rared on large scale for = obtain milk and milk products.

140] Branding operation done for = Identification.

141] Unit of Brightness of light is = Lux.

142] Bright sunshine hours are measured by = Sunshine recorder.

143] Line on map parallel to equator =

144] Flood irrigation is good for = Paddy .

145]Water available to crop throughout season called = irrigated crop.

146]Parthenium weed is controlled by = Zygogramma bicolorata.

147]Range of visible light = 400-700nm.

148] Isolation distance for certified seed in hybrid seed programme of

Tomato is = 25mm.

149]Root promoting harmone =Auxin.

150]Urea is = Straight fertilizer.

151] “7” is ………. pH = Neutral.

152] pH of raw milk is =Acidic.

153] Gene bank for Rice at global level located at = IRRI , philipines.

154]Introduction of new varieties in India by =NBPGR.

155] Biofertilizer used in soybean is = Rizobium japonicum.

156 ] Human excreta includes solid portion as faeces and liquid as urine
called = Night soil.

157] Which of the following is not production function.

a. water b. Land c. Labour d. Capital .

158]Preparation of farm for loan , expenditure and capital is includes in =

Financial management .

159]Yellow vein mosaic is disease in = okra .

160] Paraboiling is done in = Rice .

161] Conservation of species out of its natural habitat = Ex-situ.

162] Canning is also called as = Apperatizing.

163]Repeated treatment given on experiment =…….

164] Oil and Protein content in soybean =18 & 42 %

165] Addition of aroma and flavor by curing is done in …. = Tobacco.

166] Embryo obtained from somatic cells is = somatic .

167]Porosity more than 50 % = clay soil.

168]……………is edaphic factor. = Topography.

169]Seed comes under = Variable cost.

170] AGMARK located at = Nagpur.

171] Crop insurance increases farmers = Risk bearing ability.

172] Good method for semen collection = Artificial vagina method.

173] Average length of revenue chain = 33ft.

174] Cereals are cut with the help of = Reaper.

175] Surrounding near roots of plants = Rhizosphere.

176] Winter season crop = Cauliflower.

177] Oxalic acid present in = leafy vegetables .

178] Physical state after ploughing = Tilth.

179] Dumpy level

180] f0 =

181] Speculator.

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