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Selling Java Subscriptions 2020 Overview, Post Assessment

1. What two agreements must be signed-off by partners as part of the requirements?

2. What are the devices in scope for Java SE licensing?

3. What is one of the customers' pain points when referring to Java SE install base?
Incorrect. Please review Selling Java Subscriptions Overview to find the correct answer.

4. What industries or business type does the end customer occupy?

Incorrect. Please review Selling Java Subscriptions Overview to find the correct answer.

5. What is the minimum OPN Program requirement for Oracle Java SE Subscription for Public Sector?

1. Selling Java Subscriptions 2020 Overview, Post Assessment

1. What is the minimum OPN Program requirement for Oracle Java SE Subscription for Public Sector?

1.Base OPN Membership and License & Hardware Track
2.Partners can resell if they are at Gold or Platinum level
3.Platinum OPN Membership and License Track
4.Gold and Platinum OPN Membership and License Track

2. What two agreements must be signed-off by partners as part of the requirements?

1.Full Use Distribution Addendum (FUDA) and Non-Compete Agreement (NCA)
2.Execute the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) and Full Use Distribution Addendum
3.Execute the Master Distribution Agreement (MDA) and MDA Addendum
4.Full Use Distribution Addendum (FUDA) and MDA Addendum

3. What industries or business type does the end customer occupy?

Incorrect. Please review Selling Java Subscriptions Overview to find the correct answer.

5.Oil & Gas

4. What is one of the customers' pain points when referring to Java SE install base?

1.Manual tracking of Java SE use, installation of updates, uninstallation of down rev versions
can be error prone and tedious
2.Many Public Sector organizations have dozens of distinct versions of Java SE installed.
3.Free version of Java does not support their Apps
4.Why should I pay a License for a product that is free?
5. What are the devices in scope for Java SE licensing?

3.Cloud deployments
4.Mobile Devices

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