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1. Why is physical evidence so important in a service company marketing strategy?

Customers often rely on tangible cues, or physical evidence, to evaluate the
service before its purchase and to assess their satisfaction with the service during
and after consumption. Effective design of physical, tangible evidence is important
for closing gap. Physical evidence affects service quality expectations and
perceptions. So, every service organization should first understand the importance of
physical evidence. An effective planning is needed for physical evidence. The
planning strategy should be linked to organization’s overall goals and vision. The
planner must carefully design the strategy that can support the accomplishment of
organizational goals.
When customers visit a service facility, they expect it to be user friendly easy
to find, simple to use, and staffed by helpful personnel. Operations specialists tend to
focus on the functional aspects of facility design, with an emphasis on productive use
of resources and safe, efficient delivery of services. But marketers also care about
the impression that service facilities and personnel make on customers and how they
contribute to the overall service experience.

2. What is the impact of ambient conditions on customers’ behavior?

Customer satisfaction, a business term is a measure of how products and
services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Basically,
customer satisfaction is the act of just doing enough to be acceptable to a customer.
It is simply meeting basic expectations. Customer satisfaction can be defined in
terms of meeting the expectations of the customers in terms of parameters
associated with satisfaction Gaining high level of customer satisfaction is very
important to businesses because satisfied customers are most likely to be loyal and
to make repeated orders and to use a wide range of service offered by a business.
Customers are the sole reason for the existence of commercial establishments in
other words customer satisfaction is goods or services which fulfil the customer
expectation in terms of quality and service for which he paid.
Ambient conditions affect the five senses of the customer’s mind. The
dimensions of ambient conditions are going to be studied separately. This will allow
the researcher to clearly explore effects caused by ambient conditions dimensions
one by one. Should there be a chance that either one dimension has a positive
relationship with customer satisfaction and the other one does not have, this can be
elaborated clearly by studying each dimension on its own. Hence generalization of
effects of ambient conditions on customer satisfaction is minimized since each
dimension is measured on its own. However, this is not in line with Gestalt approach.
The Gestalt approach has the sense that, meaning cannot be found from breaking


things down into parts, but comes from appreciation of the whole, in other words,

3. What are the roles of spatial layout and functionality, signs, symbols, and
Benefit situations ought to be balanced to customers’ needs and empower
them to go easily through benefit prepare. In this way, benefit scape originators
ought to guarantee that clients get exact and obvious data on where benefit offices
are found and how to continue to induce a craved benefit. Signs, symbols, and
artifacts play a really critical part as a communication apparatus amid benefit
conveyance. Signs can be utilized to show the title of the benefit facility,
communicate the benefit script, and to instruct the rules within the benefit settings. In
open buildings, at the airplane terminals, in healing centers, at stadiums, in schools,
in shopping centers and other places that draw in numerous individuals such signs
are required to guarantee arrange and provide critical data approximately headings,
benefit offices, codes of conduct and forced rules and directions.
The benefit environment plays a vital part in making benefit involvement and
forming customers’ recognition almost a company. All components of the physical
prove counting the office outside, office insides, and other tangibles contribute to the
individuals’ involvement, in any case, clients tend to see benefit capes
comprehensively. This implies that in spite of the fact that they take note specific
components of the benefit environment, their last evaluation is based on the
generally impression. Subsequently, benefit scape creators ought to put their
endeavors into making a interesting air inside a benefit outlet, instead of being
centered on person angle of the physical prove. Such an all-encompassing approach
makes a difference guarantee that benefit experience would be a vital and
extraordinary encounter, coming about in higher client fulfillment and superior
common connections.

4. Develop a strategy for a chosen service company that would enhance the firm’s
sight, sound, scent, touch, and taste appeals. You may include pictures.
Sight. Color of the firm’s physical prove contains a solid effect on how
individuals feel and regularly makes first impression on clients. Colors can be
classified into warm and cool colors, which symbolize diverse things and bring out
distinctive emotions.


Sound. Music is an important mood-setter, yet research studies have shown
that besides creating positive mood, music can additionally influence people buying

Scent. The presence of scent influences people’s mood and atmosphere of

the service outlet, so marketers should pay attention to ensure pleasurable
experience for customers in this regard.


Touch. Appeals might influence buying decision as well as service experience,
it is important to deliver samples and promotional material to customers and use
other elements of physical evidence in the service outlet to improve service

Taste. Some services such as restaurants are associated with taste and taste
stimuli are of prime importance to customer satisfaction.


5. Choose a service company you are familiar with and discuss its service
environment in terms of its space arrangements and functionality. Include pictures.
Space functionality and arrangements is to emphasize the impact of the
physical environment in which a service process takes place. The aim of the services
capes model is to explain behavior of people within the service environment with a
view to designing environments that does not accomplish organizational goals in
terms of achieving desired behavioral responses. For consumers visiting a service or
retail store, the service environment is the first aspect of the service that is perceived
by the customer and it is at this stage that consumers are likely to form impressions
of the level of service they will receive.



1.) Explain each role of frontline in a service company

The role of the frontline in the service company is usually the first to call for the
customers, they are the one who handles problems, overcoming obstacles and
representing your brand. They are the one who assist the customers if the customers
doesn’t know what they want, they are everywhere they can work face to face, on
the phone, or in social media. Having a frontline in a service company is important
because they tend to assist customers and they are the one who face the customers
or they can do or guide what the customers wants. Also being a frontline in a service
company must have a patience because there are some customers that have their

2.) With the challenges our frontliners are facing in this time of pandemic, what type
of role stress they might be experiencing? WHY?
The frontliners in this pandemic is the one who treat, guide and help the
patients to recover, so they are also prone in COVID-19 because they are the one
who treats patients to recover. I think the role stress is heavy because anytime they


might be infected, so they have a heavy stress but they are doing their jobs to treat
patients. I think they experience anxiety and depression and over thinking because
they might be infected. The frontliners have a heavy duty and they are the heroes as
of now.

3.) How can a service company become preferred employer? Give examples of
companies, which have proven to be excellent employers.
One definition is that preferred employers are companies where people are so
engaged in their jobs that they're not interested in pursuing other opportunities.
Being such a destination workplace changes the success equation for small
businesses because a company is better able to uncover and capitalize on more
opportunities when it's strategic and systematic in the role its employees play in the
Becoming a preferred employer involves more than learning the
characteristics of such an organization, however-it also requires that you understand
what top performers want and value in a relationship with an employer. Interestingly,
the answers to both questions are the same. Examples of companies are NVIDIA.
Industry: Semiconductors & Equipment. Intuit. Industry: Software.

4.) What are the types of training service companies should conduct to ensure that
employees perform their jobs effectively?
To create a happy, productive workforce, training managers must provide
opportunities for further training and growth. Unfortunately, too many employees or
management dismiss training as boring or unnecessary. And, let’s face it, employee
training can be boring, but only when the wrong types of training are matched up
with the topic or issue, you’re tackling. Matching the types of employee training to
your employee needs can ensure they receive the information they need, in the
format best suited for it.
The best types of employee training methods for your workforce may include:
1. Instructor-led training
2. eLearning
3. Simulation employee training
4. Hands-on training
5. Coaching or mentoring
6. Lectures
7. Group discussion and activities


8. Role-playing
9. Management-specific activities
10. Case studies or other required reading

5. Give examples of companies that fall under the three cycles. Briefly explain
The business life cycle is the progression of a business in phases over time
and is most commonly divided into five stages: launch, growth, shake-out, maturity,
and decline. The cycle is shown on a graph with the horizontal axis as time and the
vertical axis as dollars or various financial metrics. In this article, we will use three
financial metrics to describe the status of each business life cycle phase, including
sales, profit, and cash flow.
The product life cycle may be used in planning. Marketers who understand the
cycle concept are better able to forecast future sales and plan new marketing
strategies. Figure is a brief summary of strategic needs at various stages of the
product life cycle. Marketers must be sure that a product has moved from one stage
to the next before changing its marketing strategy. A temporary sales decline should
not be interpreted as a sign that the product is dying. Pulling back marketing support
can become a self-fulfilling prophecy that brings about the early death of a healthy
I think all company has a three cycle because they can’t grow if the company
doesn’t have a life cycle, they can’t achieve their goals


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