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Vocabulary 19

Calligraphy - the art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush

iwan - An iwan is a rectangular hall or space, usually vaulted, walled on three sides,
with one end entirely open. The formal gateway to the iwan is called pishtaq, a Persian
term for a portal projecting from the facade of a building, usually decorated with
calligraphy bands, glazed tilework, and geometric designs. 

lusterware - ceramic articles with an iridescent metallic glaze.

madrasa - a college for Islamic instruction.

mihrab - prayer niche in the qiblah wall (that facing Mecca) of a mosque; mihrabs vary
in size but are usually ornately decorated

minaret -  in Islamic religious architecture, the tower from which the faithful are called to
prayer five times each day by a muezzin, or crier. 

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