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Vocabulary 4 –

 asymmetrical balance – occurs when you have different visual images on either side of
a design, and yet the image still seems balanced.

asymmetry - Lack of symmetry.

 balance - An arrangement of parts achieving a state of equilibrium between opposing

forces or influences.

 composition - The organization of visual elements in an artwork

 design - The process of organizing visual elements and the product of that process.

 directional forces - Pathways that the artist embeds in a work for the viewer’s eye to

 emphasis - A method an artist uses to draw attention to an area; may be done with
central placement, large size, bright color, or high contrast.

focal point - The principal area of emphasis in a work of art; the place to which the
artist directs the most attention through composition

format - The shape or proportions of a picture plane.

 lines - A long, narrow mark; usually made by drawing with a tool or a brush, but may
be created by placing two forms next to each other.

pattern - All-over design created by the repetitive ordering of design elements.

proportion - The size relationship of parts to a whole and to one another.

rhythm - The regular or ordered repetition of dominant and subordinate elements or
units within a design with related variations.

scale - The size relation of one thing to another.

shapes - A two-dimensional or implied two-dimensional area defined by line or
changes in color.

subordination - Technique by which an artist ranks certain areas of a work as of lesser
importance; areas are generally subordinated through placement, color, or size.
 symmetrical balance - The near or exact matching of left and right sides of a three-
dimensional form or a two-dimensional composition.

symmetry - A design (or composition) with nearly identical form on opposite sides of a
dividing line or central axis

 unity - The appearance of similarity, consistency, or oneness.

variety -The opposite of unity; diverse elements in the composition of a work of art.

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