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Is it weird to remember a dream you had 7 years ago?

Imagine standing straight, you look down and you see grass, you look up and you’ll
see the clearest clear sky. The sun gently kisses your face. Face front and see the
world split in half.

You face one half and all you see are shadowy mountains with tall green trees.
Vines, hanging around branch per branch and tiny birds flying around freely.
Creatures, lurking in the shadows. You face the other half to see an abyss and
distant from it are trees, taller than an average giant. The feeling was somewhat
enchanting. You find yourself standing on the edge of a cliff, you feel the wind
brushing gently across your face as you hear the sounds of birds singing, waters
rushing and the wind whistling. Without notice, you were just there, standing,
forgetting everything you were thinking of and finding yourself at ease.

Suddenly you hear a loud beep. It was the sound of angry drivers honking in traffic.
You looked back at the other half and realized that the mountains had turned into
civilization. A road filled with cars, a city filled with tall buildings, and people walking
around with phones on their hands. You start walking and you see families laughing
inside diners as you pass by the sidewalks. You walk to a nearby park and you see
countless kids running around the playground. You continue to walk and you see
couples holding hands in a nearby pond, feeding ducks. As you kept going, you
found yourself in the entrance of a gigantic mall. The entrance door opened and a
cool breeze of air came welcoming you from the inside. You take a quick whiff of
what’s inside the mall and everything smelled very new.

You decide to keep walking, looking around, seeing clothing departments and
restaurants all filled with people. You stopped. You’re at the center of the mall. You
see me sitting alone on a bench staring into oblivion. You don’t know me, I was just a
stranger like everyone around you. However, your eyes were fixated on me,
questioning who I was and why it felt like we were connected. You tried to come
closer but the closer you got, the distance grew larger.

You started running towards me, and you noticed everything around you turning
black. It had already seemed like that you were running in an endless tunnel and I
was there waiting on the other end. Desperate, that your all questions be answered,
you sprinted and finally reached the end of the tunnel. Blinded by the light, you found
yourself standing at the exact same place you were standing on in the beginning
facing the mountains. Trying to adjust your eyes, you noticed me standing on the
edge of the cliff, you calmly walked towards me and stood by my side. “The mall was
quite scary don’t you think?” I said, you looked at me with such confusion, “I’m
sorry?” you replied. “Did you not see? Demons walking around, stalking people and
whispering to their ears?” I said. You looked back at the mall saying “no, I did not, the
mall seemed great” you looked back at me but I was gone. You sat at the edge of the
cliff wondering where I had gone to. You start to fall asleep and soon, you see me in
an image of three big owls, with wings bigger than the eagles and feathers as white
as pure snow. 

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