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Activity 2. All About Me!

In this activity you should be able to:
● give some examples of compounds in product labels;
● identify the component elements in the compound;
● compare the properties of compounds and their constituent elements; and
● show creativity in making lap books using foldable bond paper.

Material: coloring materials, long bond paper, pencil, a sample of compounds in product labels.
periodic table of elements

1. Select one compound in the product label of canned goods, toothpaste, condiments, soap,
medicine, and the like.
2. Research on the chemical formulas, atomic mass, component elements, physical and
chemical properties, uses, and a picture/ illustration of the compound.
3. Select one of the component elements of the compound and research on the chemical
symbol, atomic number, classification, group and period number, year of discovery, physical
and chemical properties, uses, and a picture/ illustration of the element.
4. The following are the steps in making your mini lap book.

5. Outline, organize, and write all the information you gathered in your mini lap book. 4. Be
creative! you can add designs to decorate your mini lap book. 6. Be ready to present your
output in class.

Guide Question:
1. How do the properties of a compound compare with the properties of the elements that make

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