Your Checklist For Audi NG Instagram 30 Minutes or Less: Business Profiles in

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Your checklist for

audiঞng Instagram
Business Profiles in
30 minutes or less
The benefits of performing an audit

A be er informed strategy on Instagram means a higher

chance of delivering impac ul results and exceeding
client expecta ons.

Use this template to perform an audit for Instagram

efficiently while focusing on metrics and goals that
ma er for the brand.

To perform this audit, you’ll need the Instagram Business

Profile handle and access to their analy cs. The next
page can be completed without access to the account.


Print the checklist or save trees and

fill out the audit checklist digitally.


STEP 1: Goals and KPIs

STEP 2: Profile and bio
STEP 3: Branding and aestheঞcs
STEP 4: Content creaঞon
STEP 5: Use of hashtags
STEP 6: Community & influencers
Acঞon plan & notes
Instagram Audit Checklist
Set aside some uninterrupted ঞme and fill out the secঞons in this audit checklist as best as you
can. You can focus on improvements and the acঞon plan at the end.

Client’s name and brand Instagram profile @handle

Followers Following Total posts

What is the posঞng frequency per month/week?

Check the frequency at which posts have been published in the last few months.

Calculate the average engagement rate on recent posts

Take the total engagement count per post (likes + comments) and divide the sum with the
total follower count for the account to get engagement rate.

For example, if the post has 150 likes and 15 comments and the account has 2000 followers,
that’s (150 + 15) ÷ 2000 x 100 = 8.25% engagement rate.

# Post #1 Post #2 Post #3 Post #4 Post #5 Post #6

Note down any notes in regards to trends in engagement, post quality, or quick wins
Objecࢼve: Check if Instagram
integrates with the overall markeঞng
Goals & KPIs and business goals

What are the current goals for the business and how do these align with goals for Instagram?
The Instagram goals should support wider marke ng as well as business goals.

What are suitable Instagram KPIs or metrics to measure?

List the poten al Instagram metrics that can be used in the future to measure performance.

For example, If Engagement is a KPI, the SMART goal would be to: Increase the number of likes, comments, and
shares on posts by 10% each quarter in 2019.

Who is the brand trying to appeal to on Instagram or social media in general? In other words,
who is their audience?

What kind of content has generated the best results in the past 1 year?
Note: You’ll need access to Instagram Insights to check these performance metrics.

Pro Tip: Instagram Insights is split across three tabs - Acࢼvity, Content, and Audience - and covers the overall
account plus individual posts and stories.

To access post performance, go to: Content > Feed Posts > See all > filter by desired metric and length of ࢼme.

Best posts for ‘Engagement’ to determine the most engaging posts (data will be different if you
look at ‘Comments’ instead)

Best posts for ‘Reach’ to determine the best use of hashtags and tagging for loca ons/profiles.

Best posts for ‘Profile visits’ to see which posts a racted most profile visits.
Objecࢼve: Check the profile has the
right tone, and is consistent with the
Profile & bio overall brand message.

Are the logo and username consistent across all social pla orms?
Check all acঞve accounts across social networks. If not applicable, leave empty.
Instagram Pinterest
Facebook Tumblr
Twi‚er Snapchat
LinkedIn Other ....................

Does the bio explain what the brand is (what it does, what they offer), and who they help
(target audience)? If not, write an example of a great bio for Instagram.

Is there consistency in the tone of voice and style across the bio and published content?
Check for consistency. What could be improved?

Does the bio have a call to ac on?

If yes, what is it? If no, what could it be?

Is there a direct way to contact the business through the bio?

Check contact details are valid and working.
Objecࢼve: Check the overall aestheঞcs of
the account, and visual elements in the
Branding posts such as colours and branding.

Is there an overarching theme that fits the brand? Idenঞfy what unique qualiঞes shine
through. What are the iniঞal impressions when looking at the account?

Does the brand use a consistent colour pale e? If yes, check posts to see if it’s obvious and
consistent, and which colours and elements are dominant.

Looking at the grid, are the brand story, values and offering clear?
Check if it’s immediately obvious what the Instagram account (or brand) is about.

How does the profile grid compare to the individual posts? Are these in sync or does it look
messy? How can this be improved for future posts?
Objecࢼve: Check the quality of
visuals, including formats, and
Content creaঞon capঞons on individual posts.

Are the photos and videos opঞmised for Instagram? Verify that there are no poor quality
visuals. For example, are there any blurry photos or videos? Check raࢼos (square, landscape, portrait).

Pro ࢼp: If there are any poor quality posts and they don’t have a lot of engagement, you can consider archiving them.

Best raঞos and image sizes for Instagram*

Feed posts Instagram Stories Video formats
Portrait: 1080px by 1350px Portrait: 1080px x 1920px Recommended raঞos:
(raঞo 4:5) (raঞo 9:16) 4:5 (portrait)
16:9 (landscape)
Square: 1080px by 1080px
(raঞo 1:1) Frame rate: 23-60 FPS
Length: 3 to 60 seconds
Landscape: varies
(raঞo 1.91:1 up to 16:9) *The sizes and raࢼos are correct in May 2019.

Are new, interacঞve Instagram features being used like Stories, Sঞckers, and Live videos?
If yes, which are the most successful? If they are not being used, could they be worth a try?

Are capঞons relevant to the visual content and wri‚en in a way that enhances the visuals?
What could be improved?

Pro ࢼp: Asking quesࢼons or adding a clear call-to-acࢼon (CTA) within capࢼons can increase audience engagement.
Objecࢼve: Check the relevancy
of hashtags and how they are
Use of hashtags used to amplify content.

Let’s have a look at how hashtags are used by the brand.

Check these and leave blank if the answer is no.
Are relevant hashtags being used on all of the posts?
Is there a mix of popular and niche hashtags, including branded and unbranded hashtags?
Are there any hashtags specific to the brand or campaigns?
Are any of the hashtags blocked or broken?
Is the profile public, i.e. are posts visible to non-followers?

Based on your findings, which type of hashtags could you use in future posts?

Are there any brand-specific hashtags that can be used?

List exisঞng hashtags with volumes if possible.

Pro ࢼp: Check which hashtags influencers and the brand’s compeࢼtors are using. Check for related hashtags on the
Instagram app for more ideas.

For consistency, where do you plan to add the hashtags, within the capঞon or the first
comment? Is there any special reason why?
Objecࢼve: Be‚er understand the
current engagement level,
Community followers and influencers.

Is the brand following accounts that are relevant to the industry and their mission?
Audit the ‘Following’ tab to check for followed accounts and note if changes need to be made.

Pro ࢼp: Feel free to unfollow or block irrelevant and dubious accounts. Be aware of fake accounts and know it’s never
a good idea to buy followers, or any kind of engagement such as likes and comments.

Are any influencers currently following the account?

List current influencers or customers who appear to be advocates.

Are there any influencers or brands this account should follow?

These are usually in line with the brand mission or a potenঞal for future partnerships.

Is there any User-Generated Content (UGC) available on Instagram?

Pro ࢼp: Use Instagram search on the mobile app or desktop to check for posts where the brand hashtag(s) have been
used. Check the ‘Tagged’ tab in the profile view for menࢼons.
Objecࢼve: Decide how to
proceed, which tasks are a
Acঞon plan priority and designated roles.

Based on the audit, list the advisable acঞons and why they are important. You can add the
priority a[er you’ve layed out all the top prioriঞes and quick wins.

Priority Acঞon item Why is this important?

Space for addiঞonal notes

Auditor Instagram audit date Next advised audit date

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