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Scarf model was published by David Rock in 2008. This model is combination of both theory of
motivation and neuroscience. These five domains activate threat or reward response in our brain.
This model can be helpful in improving any organization internally and externally. Our basic
instinct is that we want to move away from threat towards reward. SCARF stands for:-

People want to be recognized by others. Status can easily be threaten accidently. We can increase
reward instead of threat by praising someone, promoting them or sharing important information.
We can increase morale of team members by giving them positive feedback, keeping every
member informed and involved.

People want to predict future. Where there is change and future is unpredictable, threat sense is
triggered. When change is about to happen, we must let employees know before hand and whatever
we are planning we must tell employees so that they shouldn’t feel threat towards a change. For
example, changing manual work to computer or online, it may feel threat to senior old employees,
so it’s best to tell them clearly, it’s only to save time and cost and not replace employees.

People want to have control over events and in decisions they make. We must let employees make
decisions and they don’t have to go for every single minor reason to report it to boss or ask boss
how a problem can be solved or take permission otherwise employees will feel demotivated.

People feel safe when we are with others or when we are in a group. People communicate with
those with whom they feel safe and comfortable. This can be achieved by having environment that
is not strict in the organization. By making teams of familiar language, background so that
employees don’t feel unsafe. Provide them with platform to share their ideas.

People are very quick in understanding what is fair and what is unfair. Team leaders or managers
should create such an environment which is transparent so that employees or team members know
that they are being treated fairly

A team of 4 group members (everyone is a student) is made and asked them to create a Facebook
page for an organization (Bakery) and increase likes and sales online through Facebook page.
Team will have to create posters and ads on Facebook page and remain connected with chefs, to
get information which is to be displayed on Facebook and also to tell them about what customers
want and about how many units of product (in this case cakes are to be sold). SCARF model is
applied on this team so that team is highly motivated and energetic.

Status-Each and Every team member is given each and every detail, what is to be carried out and
how. Everyone is given feedback on how they are carrying work.

Certainty-Give everyone certainty that after successful creation of Facebook page, all four team
members will not lose their job, however get a permanent job in the bakery.
Autonomy-The team members don’t need to ask each and every time before updating a new post,
they will be given full autonomy

Relatedness-As they are all students, they feel safe and are comfortable in sharing ideas with each
Fairness-At the end of the day, everyone is to be treated fairly and get equal pay. Team leader
won’t be given any special favors.


This SCARF model can be used in E-marketing, because in order to do something teams are made.
We can apply this on team, so that instead of feeling threat, they should feel reward in working in
the team and doing a project which can be online or offline.
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Pages. These are the pages which are shown whenever
searcher searches a query on search engine. These are search results. Results shown on SERP
includes Title and Description. Title is usually a link which leads to actual page, whereas
description shows keywords matching content in the page. In sponsored results, it is chosen by the
advertiser what to display. There are a lot of items which are related to the query we are searching
so numbers of pages come in SERP.

There are three components of SERP:-

 Search Query
 Advertisements
 Organic results
It is to be noted that major search engines, like Google, Yahoo also include enhanced results such
as images, videos etc. Each and every SERP is unique and all search engines produce customized
results so that customers have better experience. Results may vary depending upon user’s location,
his or her browsing history etc., even though same search engine and same keywords are used. All
website operators want their websites to appear at the first ten results for any keyword because
majority of clicks are at the initial SERP options, after that user attentions drops and for any
website to be successful, they need to have good SERP rankings.

In order to increase SERP ranking, title page of webpage shouldn’t only be attractive but also
should make user want to click on the link and title page should be optimized with most common
keywords. URL should contain keyword root. In webpage’s description should have highly
optimized text.

Making a website page, which contains highly optimized common keywords, so that the name of
Bakery is shown in the first 10 top ranked SERP. Cake monster Lahore shown on first page.
Today’s world is all about digitalization. SERP will help our online business to flourish and by
understanding SERP techniques and formats, we can make our website come at the top so that it
is viewed by customers and potential customers.


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