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1. Hyuna, is a tourist from Korea who decided to spend her Christmas vacation in the
Philippines, during her stay in Boracay, she witnessed an incident that changes her
life. A little girl was seen drowning nearby. Hyuna, a medalist in swimming
competition rushed from her sunbathing to rescue the little girl and make sure that
she is safe. She was then recognized by Boracay management for her heroism and
was awarded. Is the act a form of altruism? Why or why not?
2. Hyuna, is a tourist from Korea who decided to spend her Christmas vacation in the
Philippines, during her stay in Boracay, she witnessed an incident that changes her
life. A little girl was seen drowning nearby. Hyuna, a medalist in swimming
competition rushed from her sunbathing to rescue the little girl and make sure that
she is safe. She was then recognized by Boracay management for her heroism and
was awarded. If you are in the position of Hyuna, would you do the same thing or
would you do the otherwise? Defend your claim
3. Hyuna and Dawn was introduced by a common friend over dinner. Right on, Dawn
likes Hyuna for being so bubbly and energetic. The same character that Dawn is
looking for in a girlfriend. Before the night ended, Dawn got her number and they
started taking and sending SMS. At first Dawn is enthusiastic but later on he noticed
that Hyuna is a little bit off, by not heeding his anguish over a particular topic which
started a heater argument between them. It’s a repetitive occurrence. A week later, a
friend asks Dawn how is he and Hyuna hitting score and with that he answered:
“Nah bruh, she isn’t chill. She’s an egotist.” Dawn was right with his observation.
4. Ethical egoism states that actions that seems to be for the sake of others are actually
not (FALSE) Psychological
5. Psychological egoism states that an action is are morally right because they promote
one's self-interest (FALSE) Ethical
6. Ethical egoism most likely goes like this: Rena said she doesn’t want to help Jass
because she doesn’t want to be abused, but not helping Jass with their paired
activity would put Rena’s grades in peril. In the end, she chooses to help him, not for
him for her grades. (FALSE) psychological
7. Ethical egoism would most likely goes like this: “Ginawa ko to kasi ako to. Ito yung
tama para sa akin, Walang mali sa ginawa ko kasi ito ang alam kong tama para sa
akin. Labas ka na doon” (TRUE)
8. The statement “Not taking full advantage of one’s own freedom is immoral because
it opposes the natural fulfilment of human potential, which is the best thing for
everyone in a society” is a sure sign of ethical egoism (FALSE)
a. Ethics has to recognize the truth, recognized in unethical thought, that
altruism comes before egoism. The acts required for continued self-
preservation, including the enjoyments of benefits achieved by such arts, are
the first requisites to universal welfare. Unless each duly cares for himself,
his care for all others is ended in death, and if each thus dies there remain no
others to be cared for (FALSE)
9. Psychological egoism states that a person needs to take care of their own needs and
happiness before they can take care of others. (FALSE)
10. Altruism is the motivation or practice of doing things to benefit others, without
expecting any benefit for oneself (TRUE)
11. Altruism can be summarized in this statement “the needs of the many outweigh the
needs of the few” (TRUE)
12. Discuss shortly ethical and psychological egoism and the connection of altruism to
the two
13. Is looking after the benefit of your own family over all other aspects considered as
another form of egoism? Explain
14. Ethical egoism does not direct one to act in any particular way, instead it points out
that there is already an underlying basis for how a person act (FALSE)
15. Vank is an honor student at the College of Maasin which almost excels in everything,
both academic and extra-curricular. Her teacher, feeling helpless for the high
percentage of failing marks in one of the subjects Vank is enrolled with has aired out
his concern to Vank. On the spot, Vank volunteered to do a tutorial job for her
classmates for free, given the fact that she knows she will be recognized not just by
her teacher with her noble act but she knows she will be adored by her classmates
too. This is a clear sign of psychological egoism (TRUE)
16. Ethical egoism proposes that we should make our own ends, our own interest, as
the single overriding concern (TRUE)
17. Rational egoism states that people act in a way that is beneficial to others, but they
only do it if it ultimately benefits themselves (FALSE)
18. Based on the reading material provided to you and spiced by your own opinio, does
altruism really exist?
19. The act of giving away your shoes to an old man you saw in the street to the point
that you end up walking barefoot is a clear manifestation of altruism. (TRUE)

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