M Haikal Pasha (18551037) TBI 5 B PBL EYL Chapter III

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Chapter III


Name : Muhammad Haikal Pasha

NIM : 18551037

Class : TBI 5 B

Subject: English for Young Learner

This term represents everything teachers do at the beginning or
initialstage of teaching, for example, preparing lesson plan, recalling backpast
experiences and predicting what may become the problem intheir upcoming
class. In the class, this stage is usually characterized byactivities such as,
activating schemata, brainstorming and so on. Thisstage of teaching actually
holds the most important of all stages thatcome later. Firstly, when teacher
makes a good impression (or apply agood technique) at the pre-teaching
stage, he/she may haveestablished a relation with the students which can
determine how thecourse runs. Secondly, pre-teaching also builds mood for
the upcomingstages to run well. By building a good mood among the
students,teacher will be able to simplify the complex road ahead.

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Source: www.englishgrammar.com

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