(Supply Chain Management)

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Internship Report

“Supply Chain Management”
-A study on Meghna Petroleum Limited
[This report has been prepared for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration]

Controller of Examinations
National University

Rasheda Akhter
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Abdullah Al Nayem
Roll: 1400844
Reg. No.: 13501000881
Program: BBA
Session: 2013-2014
Major: Marketing
Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Date of Submission: 25th September’ 2018

Department of Business Administration
Chittagong Cantonment Public College
Letter of Transmittal
25th September’ 2018

Controller of Examinations
National University

Subject: Submission of Internship report.

Dear Sir,

With proper honor I would like to state that I have completed the Internship report on
“Supply Chain Management of Meghna Petroleum Limited” I have tried my best to
fulfill all the requirements to make my Internship report according to your expectation.
Without the sincere co-operation and proper guidance of you, it is not possible for me to
prepare the report. For this act of kindness I am grateful to you. So, I would like to request
you to accept my Internship report that is enclosed with this application for your kind

Sincerely yours-

(Abdullah Al Nayem)
Roll: 1400844
Reg. No.: 13501000881
Program: BBA
Session: 2013-2014
Major: Marketing
Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Student’s Declaration

This internship report entitles “Supply Chain Management of Meghna Petroleum

Limited” has been prepared by me. It is my original work performed through primary and
secondary data collected from Meghna Petroleum Limited. This internship report has been
submitted to the National University as the partial fulfillment of the BBA program, with
major in Marketing. I would further like to declare that the internship report has not been
submitted to any other university or institution to get any Degree or Diploma, also not
submitted for publication or fulfillment of any other purpose.

Abdullah Al Nayem
Roll: 1400844
Reg. No.: 13501000881
Program: BBA
Session: 2013-2014
Major: Marketing
Chittagong Cantonment Public College

Supervisor’s Approval
This internship report entitled “Supply Chain Management of Meghna Petroleum
Limited” is submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BBA
from the National University Bangladesh by Abdullah Al Nayem, Roll: 1400844 Reg. No.:
13501000881, Program: BBA, Session: 2013-2014, Major: Marketing, Chittagong
Cantonment Public College Chittagong, has been completed under my supervision and
guidance. It is an original piece of work on the basis of field investigation and also has made
contributions to the existing store of knowledge. I have gone through the internship report
very carefully. In preparing this internship report, he has spent much time and efforts. His
thirst over seeking depth of every aspect is very much satisfactory. I suppose, the internship
report may be considered for the award of BBA Degree.

Rasheda Akhter
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Chittagong Cantonment Public College


As a student, I was nominated to the topics “Supply Chain Management of Meghna

Petroleum Limited" for two months under the supervision of Rasheda Akhter, Associate
Professor, Department of Management, Chittagong Cantonment Public College.
I am grateful to Engr. Md. Mafizur Rahman, Deputy General Manager (Accounts &
Finance), Sanjib Nandy, Assistant General Manager (A & F), Md. Omar Faruk Miaji,
Assistant General Manager (Sales), Farzana Akter, Admin Officer (HR Department)
and Md. Mujibur Rahman Chowdhury, Assistant General Manager (MI, CTG), I am
grateful for your continual support, constant encouragement and timely suggestions for the
successful completion of this report.
Thanks everybody from the core of my heart.
Finally I would like to convey my gratitude to all my teachers, friends and many others who
showed and provided their support to prepare the Internship Report.

Executive Summary
The supply chain of Petroleum Products is a vital matter for any Petroleum industry. It
increases the opportunity for entrepreneurship development in the Petroleum sector. Thus it
helps the unemployed people as well as the government to remove unemployment problem
and also plays an important role in the economic development of the country. Both primary
and secondary data have been used for preparing this Internship Report. Primary data
collected from the official executives of Meghna Petroleum. Some other Meghna members
have also provided important information about my Internship Report.
In the 1st Chapter; the researcher describes the Introduction, Prelude, Objectives of the study,
Research Methodology of the Study, Scope of the study, Limitations of the study, Importance
of the Study and Literature Review.
It the 2nd Chapter, the researcher highlights the Overview of Bangladesh Petroleum Industry
Manufacturing Sector of Bangladesh, Multi-fiber Agreement (MFA), Factors contributing to
the, growth Petroleum industry in Bangladesh, Creation of employment opportunity by
Manufacturing Sector, Impact of compliance on Manufacturing Growth, Impact of
Imposition of GSP, Product Description of Manufacturing Sector in Bangladesh, Buyers of
Manufacturing Sector in Bangladesh, About Meghna, Problems of Manufacturing Sector.
It the 3rd Chapter the researcher presents the Overview of Meghna Petroleum, Historical
background of Meghna Petroleum, Profile of Meghna Petroleum, Mission of Meghna
Petroleum, Objectives of the Company, Policies and procedures, Code of conduct of Meghna
Petroleum, Organizational structure of Meghna Petroleum, Products of Meghna Petroleum,
Production Sectors of Meghna Petroleum, Buyers of the Meghna Petroleum, Marketing
activities of Meghna Petroleum.
It the 4th Chapter, the researcher describes the Supply Chain Management of Meghna
Petroleum; Activities of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management of Meghna
Petroleum, Meghna Petroleum. Supply Chain Management’s tasks, Buyer Handling,
Purchase Order Sheet Collection (P/O), Costing Analysis, CM Calculation for Meghna
Petroleum, Sourcing of Raw, Material, Fabric Booking, Accessories Booking, Swatch
Submit for Bulk, Start Production, Production sequence and Buyers of the Meghna
Petroleum, Prospects of Supply Chain in Meghna Petroleum, Market Leader, Efficient
Project Implementation, Quality, Analysis & Discussion, Challenges of Supply Chain in
Meghna Petroleum.
It the 5th Chapter the researcher provides findings, Recommendations and Conclusion.



Letter of Transmittal i
Student’s Declaration iii
Supervisor’s Approval iv
Acknowledgement V
Executive Summary vi

1.1 Introduction 02
1.2 Background of the study 03
1.3 Objectives of the study 03
1.4 Scope of the study 04
1.5 Justification of the Study 04
1.6 Methodology of the Study 04
1.7 Limitations of the study 05

2.1 Introduction 07
2.2 Meaning of Value Chain 08
2.3 Activities of Value Chain 08
2.4 Meanings of Supply Chain Management 09
2.5 Objectives of Supply Chain Management 10
2.6 Supply Chain Management Philosophy 10
2.7 Supply Chain Management Process 11
2.8 Importance of Supply Chain Management 14

3.1 An overview of Meghna Petroleum Limited 16
3.2 Board of Directors 17
3.3 Corporate Management 18
3.4 Deport Network 19
3.5 Business Performance 20
4.1 Supply Chain Management of Meghna Petroleum 22
4.2 Supply Chain Management’s tasks of Meghna 24
4.3 Buyer Handling 24
4.4 Purchase Order Sheet Collection (P/O) 25
4.5 Costing Analysis 25
4.6 CM Calculation for Meghna Petroleum 26
4.7 Sample Development 27
4.8 Sourcing of Raw Material's 29
4.9 Prospects of Supply Chain in Meghna Petroleum 31
4.10 Market Leader 31
4.11 Efficient Project Implementation 32
4.12 Quality 32
4.13 Analysis & Discussion 33
4.14 Challenges of Supply Chain in Meghna Petroleum 43

5.1 Findings 45
5.2 Recommendations 46
5.3 Conclusion 47
References 48
Appendix 49

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