The Mystery of Allegra: Peter Foreman

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The Mystery of Allegra Peter Foreman

1 Who said this in the story? shelley, Claire Clairmont, 4 Match a number from A with a letter from B to make
Allegra One, Adrian, Chiara Henderson complete sentences.

a ‘I don’t love my husband any more, and so he A

doesn’t live here with us.’ ............... 1 Adrian’s parents liked the villa ...
b ‘I want to see Mamà before I die. Take me!’ 2 Adrian wrote letters to Allegra Two ...
.............. 3 Claire gave her daughter to Byron ...

c ‘Don’t do it, Claire, or you will never see your 4 Allegra One was very happy ...
daughter again.’ ............... 5 When Adrian and his wife had a
d ‘I can never forget my darling child.’ ............... daughter ...
e ‘We’re going to Bagno a Ripoli. But we must
hurry.’ ............... B
a ... because she wanted a better life for her.
20 marks b ... but Adrian was afraid.
c ... they called her Allegra.
2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? d ... but she didn’t answer them.
a Allegra One had blond hair and cold hands. e ... when Adrian took her to Bagno a Ripoli.
b Chiara found the name Allegra in a book.
20 marks
c Allegra One and Allegra Two spoke English
and Italian.
d Allegra Two died on her sixth birthday. 5 Fill in the gaps using these words: car, ghost,
followed, cried, cemetery, mother, night, tombstone,
e After a few years, Adrian forgot about the
happiness, room
When Allegra One came to Adrian’s ...............
f When Adrian went to Florence, Allegra One
that ..............., he took her in his ............... to the
came to see him again.
............... at Bagno a Ripoli. Allegra ...............
g Byron asked Claire to visit her daughter, but
him to Claire Clairmont’s ..............., where she
she didn’t want to.
............... with ............... . Then her ...............
h Shelley saw Claire’s ghost after she died.
disappeared; she was with her ............... again.
i The ghost of Allegra disappeared in
the cemetery. 20 marks
j Allegra Four is a happy child.

20 marks T Total marks

3 Put the following events in the story in the right

order. Number them 1–5.
a Shelley visited Allegra at the convent.
b Claire came to Italy with her daughter and
Shelley and his family.
c Allegra became ill and died.
d Claire Clairmont’s daughter was born in
e Allegra went to live with her father.

20 marks

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The Mystery of Allegra Peter Foreman

Setting 15 Allegra Henderson had long _____ hair.

a c black  b c brown  c c blond  d c fair
Choose the best answer.
16 Adrian went to university to study _____.
1 The Villa Henderson was in _____. a c English  b c French   
a c France  b c Spain  c c Italy  d c England c c German  d c Italian
2 Adrian was travelling with his _____. 17 Lord _____ was Allegra’s father.
a c mother and father  b c friends    a c Shelley  b c Byron   
c c sisters  d c brothers c c Clairmont  d c Henderson
3 They were travelling in _____. 18 Shelley was _____.
a c April  b c March  c c May  d c February a c an artist  b c a painter   
4 Margaret Henderson lived with her daughter c c a poet  d c a teacher
and _____. 19 Allegra went to a _____ school in Ravenna.
a c son  b c husband    a c convent  b c big  c c small  d c beautiful
c c grandson  d c granddaughter 20 Claire Clairmont died when she was _____ years
5 Allegra couldn’t say _____. old.
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

a c hallo  b c the letter ‘r’    a c fifty-one  b c sixty-one   

c c the letter ‘c’ d c goodbye c c seventy-one d c eighty-one
6 Margaret Henderson’s daughter was called
_____. 20 marks

a c Clara  b c Christine   
c c Caroline  d c Chiara
7 Adrian couldn’t sleep because the _____ were Dialogue
making a noise.
Who said or wrote this?
a c curtains  b c shutters   
21 ‘I like this room. It looks comfortable, but it’s
c c people  d c dogs
beautiful too.’
8 Allegra’s mother was called _____ in English.
a c Adrian  b c Adrian’s mother   
a c Claire  b c Margaret   
c c Adrian’s father  d c Margaret Henderson
c c Mary  d c Catherine
22 ‘Your room is round the corner. Come this way,
9 Allegra’s dog was called _____.
a c Hero  b c Rover  c c Nero  d c Never
a c Adrian  b c Margaret Henderson   
10 Adrian met Allegra in the _____.
c c Chiara Henderson  d c Adrian’s mother
a c garden  b c kitchen   
23 ‘You must go back to bed now, Allegra. I’m not
c c hotel  d c bedroom
going to take you to your mother.’
20 marks a c Margaret Henderson  b c Adrian’s
mother  c c Adrian’s father  d c Adrian
24 ‘Papa didn’t like Mama and he took me away
Characters from her. I didn’t see her for a long time.’
a c Adrian  b c Allegra   
Choose the best answer.
c c Margaret Henderson  d c Chiara Henderson
11 Adrian was _____ years old when he first met 25 ‘Well, it’s very strange. Who is this girl? She isn’t
Allegra. my daughter.’
a c nineteen  b c sixteen    a c Chiara Henderson  b c Adrian   
c c seventeen  d c eighteen c c Margaret Henderson  d c Adrian’s mother
12 Margaret Henderson wore _____ clothes. 26 ‘Go away! Go away!’
a c strange  b c old  c c beautiful  d c new a c Allegra  b c Margaret Henderson   
13 Chiara Henderson was tall with long, _____ c c Chiara Henderson  d c Adrian
hair. 27 ‘She is like me. She has white skin.’
a c dark  b c blond  c c grey  d c fair a c Adrian  b c Claire Clairmont   
14 Allegra was _____ old. c c Byron  d c Shelley
a c five years and two months  b c five years 28 ‘She’ll be alright. She’ll get better.’
and three months  c c four years and three a c Claire Clairmont  b c Shelley   
months  d c four years and four months c c Byron  d c Adrian

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The Mystery of Allegra Peter Foreman

29 ‘I’ll be with her after all these years. We’ll be so Plot

Choose the best answer.
a c Adrian  b c Allegra   
c c Claire Clairmont d c Byron 41 Allegra wanted Adrian to take her to see _____.
30 ‘Yes, Daddy, of course I feel well.’ a c her mother  b c her father   
a c Allegra  b c Adrian    c c her dog d c the garden
c c Claire Clairmont d c Chiara Henderson 42 Allegra showed Adrian a bed behind the _____.
a c door  b c wall  c c shutters  d c curtain
20 marks 43 When he returned to England Adrian sent
Allegra Henderson some _____.
a c photographs  b c clothes   
Vocabulary c c curtains  d c small presents
44 Adrian went to university when he was _____.
Choose the best answer.
a c sixteen  b c eighteen   
31 a cover for a window on the wall outside a
c c nineteen  d c twenty
45 Adrian read about the story of Claire Clairmont

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
a c door  b c curtain   
in _____.
c c balcony  d c shutter
a c the newspaper  b c her letters   
32 a piece of material in front of a window
c c Byron’s letters  d c a book of English poets
a c shutter  b c corridor   

46 Claire Clairmont’s tombstone was in the
c c curtain  d c door
cemetery in _____.
33 with very little colour in the face
a c Bagno a Ripoli  b c Florence   
a c fever  b c ghost  c c blond  d c pale
c c Bath  d c London
34 when someone is not happy
47 Claire and _____ went to live with Shelley and
a c pale  b c sad  c c fair  d c nun
his family.
35 a place where dead people are put under the
a c Adrian  b c Lord Byron   
c c her daughter d c her mother
a c corridor  b c balcony   
48 Allegra died of a fever on _____ 21st 1822.
c c cemetery  d c disappear
a c May  b c February  c c April  d c March
36 a place where people go to study after they leave
49 Adrian got married to _____.
a c an English girl  b c a French girl   
a c university  b c cemetery   
c c an Italian girl  d c an American girl
c c corridor  d c convent
50 Adrian’s daughter was called _____.
37 to think that something is true or possible
a c Allegra  b c Alba  c c Claire  d c Chiara
a c dream  b c disappear   
c c ask  d c believe 20 marks
38 a picture in the mind when you are sleeping
a c dream  b c fantasy  c c future  d c ghost
39 the spirit of a dead person, which looks real but Total marks
perhaps isn’t real
a c fantasy  b c nun  c c ghost  d c dream
40 a place on the outside wall of a building above
the ground, where you can stand or sit
a c balcony  b c shutter   
c c curtain  d c corridor

20 marks

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