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Long answer

1. a )Define primary health care

b) Enlist the staffing pattern of Primary Health Centre

c) Explain the Services provided at Primary Health Centre

2. a )Define home visit

b) Enlist the qualities of community health nurse

c) As a community health nurse how do you plan and conduct a health camp in your


Short answer

1. Explain the scope of community health nursing Services

2. Bhore committee
3. Prevention of occupational Diseases
4. Explain community Participation as a concept of Primary Health care
5. Sensitize and handle Elderly abuse in your community
6. Implementation of National Tuberculosis Elimination Program
7. Mental Health program
8. Role and functions of UNICEF in promotion of health of the children

Very Short Answer

1. Define Community health nursing

2. Contrast the dosage of iron and folic acid supplementation for antenatal mother
and adolescent
3. Causes of infant mortality rate
4. Draw the chain of referral system
5. Any 4 principles in maintenance of record and report
6. Any 4 responsibilities of school health nurse
7. Any 4 common adulterants in food material
8. Construction of Compost pit
9. Milestones of a toddler
10. Objectives of National AIDS control programme

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