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Gather Your Materials

Here is a list of resources you can use to help you throughout the course.
If you are in the Tech Entrepreneurship Nanodegree, you’ve already built these
throughout the program!
If you have not done this, it’s a great idea to take some time to create these tools.
They will be invaluable as you build your story. There are many supporting
courses at Udacity you can use to help get these projects together.
P1 Validated Product Design
 100 word Product Idea summary
 User feedback
 Metrics summary
P2 App Monetization
 Monetization Summary
 Monetization Details
 Goals and KPI
 Back up Plan
P3 Interactive Prototyping
 Medium Fidelity Prototype
 Key insights about UX research
P4 Marketing and Distribution Plan
 Marketing Plan
 Value Positioning Statement
 Competitive Analysis
 Target Audience
 Marketing Goals
 Distribution Plan
 Social Media
 Growth Hacking Tactics
 Offline Tactics
 Online Advertising
Course 5 Get your Startup Started
 Vision Statement
 Mission Statement
 12 month goals
 3, 6, and 9 month goals
 Techniques
 Necessary Skills list
 Team Members

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