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Manage innovation and

Continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Workbook

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 1

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
1. General Information
2. Instructions for Students
3. How your work is Assessed
4. Student Declaration

1. General Information about this Assessment Workbook

Development of this Assessment Tool

A Training and Assessment Strategy has been developed for the qualification that contains this
unit. This Training and Assessment Strategy outlines the delivery and assessment methodology to
ensure consistency with Yorke Institutes scope of registration and requirements under NVR
regulations and legislations. Furthermore all assessments are written in line with the assessment
guidelines of the relevant training package.

A professional approach is applied to ensure that these assessment resources are current, valid,
fair and flexible assessment tools that accurately relate to the elements and performance criteria
to meet competency standards.

This Assessment Tool has been reviewed to ensure it meets with the unit of competency evidence

All resources comply with the appropriate training packages, released on

To ensure they are kept current and fair they undergo several types of formal validation processes.
These include:

 Industry validation of our programs via an Industry Consultation committee

 Industry validation of our assessment tools via an Industry Consultation committee
 Trainer/ Assessor validations as scheduled in our programs register
 Feedback from our clients and students is also encouraged to maintain currency and
reflect any changes within the industry.

General information about Assessment

There is a combination of formative and summative approaches to assessment designed for a
learning environment that enables simulation of workplace environments or employment seeking
activities when required. The timeframe for assessment is outlined in each Training Program
Outline that is issued and discussed at enrolment; and each student must complete the ‘Student
Declaration’ to verify both their understanding of the unit assessment requirements and their
readiness to proceed with the assessment process.

Assessment needs to include the full expression of competency which includes assessment of
knowledge, understanding, application and performance reliability.

Formative/Summative definitions:

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 2

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
Formative Assessment: Provides feedback to both trainer and student about progress both of
the course program and the individual. It does not necessarily contribute to formal outcomes, e.g.

Summative Assessment: Summative assessment is by contrast a high value function that

evaluates against a standard; it does contribute to formal outcomes.

Resources needed for the assessment

The assessments are designed for general classroom delivery with access to:
 A relevant simulated environment for the purposes of practical demonstration
 Business technology and organisational processes where required - a computer with
access to the internet, an email function and a word processing application will generally
be provided for the completion of all assessments as required.

Assessment process overview

When you have completed all Assessments, and you have (if required) made a copy of your
completed Assessments; it is time to submit the completed Assessment Workbook to your
Assessor. Your Assessor will provide you with feedback, whether this is verbal or written
responses, and a judgment of competency will be made.

Reasonable Adjustment
Students must apply for special consideration and make reasonable adjustment to assessment, as
appropriate. Information regarding reasonable adjustment can be found in the Training and
Assessment Strategy.

Reassessment Process
Incomplete Assessments will result in Assessment Workbook being handed back to the student
and marking of the respective Assessment(s) will not commence until the Assessment is
completed. If there is a Not Satisfactory assessment outcome, the Assessor will discuss and
provide feedback to the student on the area/s for improvement and confirm further requirements.
At this time a mutually agreed future date for re-assessment will be set.

Reassessment Process:
 Each student is entitled to 2 assessment attempts at no additional cost
 Each re-assessment attempt must be completed within a 48-96 hour maximum timeframe
from the previous attempt.
 Trainer/Assessor will provide direction to the student on the further learning required for
next assessment attempt.
 Assessor may apply reasonable adjustment to the subsequent assessment attempts if
 These 2 assessment attempts should be across a maximum period of 2 weeks
 At the end of the second unsuccessful assessment attempt, a formal student/trainer
counseling session will occur, to discuss the student’s suitability to the learning program or
fees for re-assessment may apply

2. Instructions to Students

How you will be assessed / able to demonstrate competency for this unit

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 3

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
 To demonstrate competence in this unit you must satisfactorily meet the requirements of
this Assessment Workbook.
 The Assessment Workbook represents 3 complete record of evidence. The Assessment
Workbook consists of several different Assessments that may include further pieces of
evidence to be developed by the student.
 Each Assessment is reviewed by an Assessor and an outcome determined for each
completed Assessment submission.

Assessment Instructions for BSBMGT608 Manage Innovation and Continuous

All 3 Assessment Tasks in this workbook must be completed satisfactorily for competency
to be achieved in the unit
Assessment 1-
Research For this assessment students are required to study
Project and research a company or business. It can be the
student’s workplace or another place which needs to
be approved by the trainer before proceeding.
Ensure you keep an electronic and/or hard copy of
this completed assessment for future use.
Assessment 2 – Role Play This assessment continues on the same company as
assessment one and simulate the brainstorming
session. Based on the learning from this unit,
students must be able to role play a session to
brainstorm for the required criteria.

Assessment 3- Research This assessment tests the ability of the student to

project put their learning about Continuous improvement
into a real life scenario. Use the same company or
business from Assessment one to work on it. The
report must determine the essential methods to
achieve Continuous improvement.

Rules for Completing Assessments

This Assessment Workbook must be completed in Black or Blue pen. White out must not be used.
If you need to amend written information cross it out and rewrite the correct information.
Additional sheets maybe attached if required.

Assessment Length
Where space/lines have been provided for responding to an Assessment you should not see the
size of the space provided as a guide to the length of your answer. If you require extra room for a
response, attach a separate page to this Assessment Workbook with the following points included
– your name, date the response/s were made, the unit code and Assessment clearly indicated.

How are the Outcomes for Assessments Assessed?

Each Assessment within this Assessment Workbook will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory
or Not Satisfactory. What does this mean?

Satisfactory Outcome:

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 4

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
The Assessor has reviewed the Assessment Workbook against the requirements of the Assessment
and is satisfied that all requirements have been met.

Not Satisfactory Outcome:

The Assessor has reviewed the Assessment Workbook against the requirements of the Assessment
and is not satisfied that all requirements have been met.

If you receive a Not Satisfactory outcome you will be given an opportunity to discuss and review
with your Assessor the area/s for improvement and resubmit the individual Assessment as per
Assessor’s instructions.

If you receive a Satisfactory outcome for the individual Assessment, then this outcome forms one
part of the requirement used to form a final judgement of competency for this unit.

How is Competency Achieved?

Competency is achieved when you have a combination of three satisfactorily completed
Assessments within this Assessment Workbook. The Assessor, understanding the rules of
evidence, is also able to make a determination of competency for you the individual student
factoring the need for reasonable adjustment as required.

Student Please Note:

 There is zero tolerance for cheating and plagiarism
 If you the student are found to have cheated on any forms of assessment, including
plagiarism of another’s work, you will be required to re-sit an alternative assessment
under the supervision of an assessor to confirm competence in this unit.
 You must satisfy the requirements for competency within this Assessment
Workbook to achieve a competency outcome.
You can make and keep copies of all work that you submit. (Optional)
Evidence provided by you is retained for our records and not returned to you.

3. Instruction for Assessors

Evidence Gathering/Collection required

Assessment of a Unit of Competency is based on the review of the Assessments contained within
this Assessment Workbook. This Assessment Workbook has been mapped to cover the specifics of
the Unit of Competency as per the contents of the Training Package and includes:
 Performance Evidence
 Knowledge Evidence
 Assessment Conditions
It is also essential that assessment is conducted with the rules of evidence as a primary focus:
 Authentic
 Valid
 Current
 Sufficient

How a judgement of competency is made using the Assessments

 Competency is achieved when you have a combination of three satisfactorily completed
Assessments within this Assessment Workbook.

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 5

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
Unit outline
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in
which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and rewarded.
It applies to people with managerial responsibilities who aim to build a better and more effective
work environment. Continuous improvement and innovation have links with the model of the
learning organisation and people working at this level play an important role in building the
culture, values and attitudes of the organisation.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 6

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator

Elements describe the Performance criteria describe the performance needed to

essential outcomes. demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Review programs, 1.1 Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance and
systems and processes sustainability of key systems and processes
1.2 Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, and operational,
product and service delivery systems
1.3 Identify performance measures, and assessment tools and
techniques, and evaluate their effectiveness
1.4 Analyse performance reports and variance from plans for key result
areas of the organisation
1.5 Identify and analyse changing trends and opportunities relevant to
the organisation
1.6 Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to identify
technology and electronic commerce opportunities

2. Develop options for 2.1 Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and
continuous improvement innovation as an essential element of competition
2.2 Foster creative climate and organisational learning by
promoting interaction within and between work groups
2.3 Encourage, test and recognise new ideas and entrepreneurial
behaviour where successful
2.4 Accept failure of an idea during trialling and recognise,
celebrate and embed success into systems
2.5 Undertake risk management and cost-benefit analysis for each
option or idea approved for trial
2.6 Approve innovations through agreed organisational processes
3. Implement innovative 3.1 Promote continuous improvement and sustainability as essential to
processes doing business
3.2 Address the impact of change and consequences for people and
implement transition plans
3.3 Ensure objectives, timeframes, measures and communication plans
are in place to manage implementation
3.4 Implement contingency plans in the event of non-performance
3.5 Follow up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of causes and
manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively
3.6 Ensure that learnings from activities are captured and managed to
inform future work
3.7 Regularly evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes
3.8 Communicate costs and benefits of innovations and improvements
to relevant groups and individuals

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 7

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
Foundation Skills
This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the
performance criteria that are required for competent performance.

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 8

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
Skill Performance Description

 Learning  3.6  Plans and implements strategies to review and

improve own performance
 Reading  1.1-1.5, 2.5,  Analyses, evaluates and integrates facts and ideas
2.6, 3.2-3.5, 3.7 to construct meaning from a range of text types
 Writing  1.1-1.5, 2.1,  Integrates information and ideas from a range of
2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, sources, utilising appropriate support materials
3.6, 3.7, 3.8  Communicates complex relationships between
ideas and information, matching style of writing to
purpose and audience
 Oral  1.6, 2.1-2.4,  Participates in a variety of spoken exchanges with
Communication 3.1, 3.5, 3.8 co-workers and stakeholders when developing options
and implementing the continuous improvement plan
 Numera  1.1-1.5, 2.5,  Selects and interprets mathematical information
cy 3.3 to analyse performance
 Performs calculations required to establish
timeframes, cost-benefits and measures for continuous
improvement and innovation processes
 Navigat  2.6  Adheres to organisational policies and procedures
e the world of and considers own role in terms of its contribution to
work broader goals of the work environment
 Interact  1.6, 2.1-2.4,  Recognises the importance of taking audience,
with others 3.1, 3.5, 3.8 purpose and contextual factors into account when making
decisions about what to communicate, with whom, why
and how
 Recognises the importance of building rapport to
establish positive and effective working relationships
 Collaborates with others to achieve joint
outcomes, playing an active role in encouraging
innovation and facilitating effective group interaction
 Get the  1.1, 1.2, 1.3,  Plans, organises, implements or reviews
work done 1.5, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4, organisational strategies, systems and processes
2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,  Applies problem-solving processes to identify
3.4, 3.5, 3.7 risks, evaluate options and determine solutions
 Uses lateral and analytical thinking to evaluate
options against needs, resources and constraints before
making decisions
 Facilitates a climate in which creativity and
innovation are accepted as an integral part of achieving
 Recognises that the current way is only one way of

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 9

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
doing something and explores possibilities that challenge
current approaches
 Actively identifies systems, devices and
applications with potential to meet current and or future
needs, with the help of specialists

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 outline cost-benefit analysis methods
 describe creativity and innovation theories and concepts
 list organisational learning principles
 identify quality management and continuous improvement theories
 describe relevant risk management concepts
 outline relevant sustainability practices.

Assessment Conditions
Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered
demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management
and leadership field of work and include access to:
 relevant workplace documentation and resources
 case studies and, where possible, real situations
 interaction with others.
Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 10

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
ASSESSMENT ONE- Research project

Submission details
Candidate’s Name Student ID
Assessor’s Name Due date
Unit Commencement date
The due date for this assessment task will be advised by your facilitator. It will not be due until all
sections of the Student Workbook have been covered. Any variations to this arrangement must be
approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective
The candidate will be able to sustain and develop and environment in which continuous
improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and rewarded.

Assessment Description
The candidate must analyse a company or business to find out about their performance,
sustainability and supply chain. To be able to do this assessment you need to find a
business or company to study.

Write a report which covers the section below. Your report must be typed with minimum
1200 words.
Find a business, organisation or corporation that you can research. It can be a retail shop
or a business you are working in.
1- Study and research the organization. Explain the nature of the business, and
describe their supply chain, performance measures, trends and opportunities.
2- Use graphs, diagrams and figures where necessary to explain your findings on the
supply chain.
3- Explain how they are connected to each other. Using the finding about their
supply chain, analyse where in the chain it is more important to focus in this
business in order to achieve competitive advantage?
4- Based on your research which can be derived from the company website, annual
reports, and interviews with a manager or other sources of information, explain
how they measure their performances?
5- Write about their Critical Success Factors and Key Performance Criteria.
6- How do they evaluate these measures and who is responsible for it?
7- In your chosen business, you must identify and analyse the changing trends and
opportunities. Source information relating to current trends or other factors
affecting the industry:
o the impact of legislation or proposed changes to legislation
o economic factors within the business
o changes in labour market

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 11

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
o economic conditions
o changes to technology.
8- Explain where your information is derived from
9- In this business, what are the opportunities for technology and electronic
10- How do they establish them and who do you suggest they seek advice from?

Your assessor will be looking for:
 a completed analysis report with relevant graphs, diagrams and figures where
 Submitted as a Word or PDF and Excel document.
 evidence of consultation with industry
 the inclusion of names and positions of all people consulted and a brief description
of the nature of the consultation.
 evidence of research supported by referencing where required.
 established organisational plans and objectives with a determined time frame
Assessment 1 – Research Project
Date: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Trainer/Assessor Initial

Reassessment Date: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Trainer/Assessor Initial

Confirmation of verbal responses if required

I declare that the student and I have verbally answered, clarified and
Assessor Declaration
provided the responses as listed above
Trainer Assessor Signature
That all work undertaken is my own, and I have not participated in
Student Declaration Plagiarism, Copying, Cheating or Collusion to achieve these recorded
Student Signature
If verbal assessment is required a written responses will be provided in RED pen where relevant.
DO NOT amend dates if possible. If you write in the wrong section you need to cross it out and
rewrite the correct information. White out must not be used.
Please Note:
 A zero tolerance to cheating and plagiarism is taken
 If a student is found to have cheated on any forms of assessment, including plagiarism of
another’s work, they will be required to re-sit an alternative assessment under the
supervision of an assessor to confirm competence in this unit.
 A Student must satisfy the requirements for competency within this Assessment Workbook
to achieve a competency outcome.
 A Completed Assessment Workbook and any additional evidence provided by the student is
retained for our RTO records and is not returned to the student.

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 12

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
It is important that all areas of this Assessment Workbook are completed prior to submission to the
administration department for final outcome recording.
 I have undertaken sufficient activities within this unit of competency and I am ready to
attempt the assessment required to demonstrate competency.
 I understand the assessment framework and requirements that will be used by an Assessor
to make a formal judgement of my competency
 The work that I have submitted in this Assessment Workbook is my own
 I understand the re-assessment process that will be followed if I am unsuccessful in gaining
a satisfactory result in the required Assessments

Assessment two -Role-play and presentation

Submission details
Candidate’s Name Student ID
Assessor’s Name Due date
Unit Commencement date
The due date for this assessment task will be advised by your facilitator. It will not be due
until all sections of the Student Workbook have been covered. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for
Performance objective
The candidates must perform and role-play using the information from last assessment to
find new ways to improve the company considering the terms explained in the procedure
and specifications of this assessment.

Assessment Description
Role-play (Classroom based students only) and write a method: a brainstorming session.
Here in this group session, you can take advantage of the full experience and creativity of
all team members. When one member gets stuck with an idea, another member's
creativity and experience can take the idea to the next stage. You can develop ideas in
greater depth with group brainstorming than you can with individual brainstorming.
For distance learners, a submitted copy of this guideline will be required for submission.
You can use individual brainstorming session and write your solutions as answers.

1. In this assessment, you are responsible to design, prepare, invite and run a
brainstorming session.
2. To be able to run this brainstorming session, form a group of 3-4 students. One
student must play the role of facilitator. Do not forget to write down ideas to keep
records. Use the meeting management techniques to plan and implement your

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 13

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
3. The reason for this brainstorming session is to find solutions for the problems listed
below. Remember, there are many good ideas out there, the goal is to find the right
idea that matches your goal. A good brainstorming will get lots of ideas into the air,
perhaps you want to try and narrow down the ideas to three or four ideas to develop
a bit more before choosing.

4. You should prepare and facilitate this session. Keeping records of everyone’s idea is

5. You need to specify a role for each participant in your group. Before the session you
must provide the items required in the procedure in writing. Run the session

6. After running the session, write a report of your meeting and your ideas developed
in the brainstorming session.


1. In addition to your class role play which will be observed by your assessor, you
must write a guideline covering the following items: (for distance learners, a
submitted copy of this guideline will be required for submission, you can use
individual brainstorming and find and write your solutions as answers)

2. Using the business you studied in assessment 1, develop a brainstorming session to

solve a problem. An example of a problem is falling amount of sales by 30% in last
financial year.
 Who are you inviting to your session?
 How do you invite them? For example “write an invitation email”
 What are the agenda in your session?
 How do you keep records of the ideas?
 How do you ensure that making the best ideas?
 How do you ensure everyone is involved?
 What is your strategy to select the best ideas and it is implemented?
 What actions will you take before implementation?
 How will you reduce the risk?
 How can you improve your session for the next time?
 A copy of decision made in the brainstorming session need to be attached to your
assessments as a proof of completion of this task. For students undertaking this as
group project, one copy can be used for all students in one group.
Assessment 1 – Role Play and presentation
Date: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Trainer/Assessor Initial

Reassessment Date: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Trainer/Assessor Initial

Confirmation of verbal responses if required

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 14

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
I declare that the student and I have verbally answered, clarified and
Assessor Declaration
provided the responses as listed above
Trainer Assessor Signature
That all work undertaken is my own, and I have not participated in
Student Declaration Plagiarism, Copying, Cheating or Collusion to achieve these recorded
Student Signature
If verbal assessment is required a written responses will be provided in RED pen where relevant.
DO NOT amend dates if possible. If you write in the wrong section you need to cross it out and
rewrite the correct information. White out must not be used.
Please Note:
 A zero tolerance to cheating and plagiarism is taken
 If a student is found to have cheated on any forms of assessment, including plagiarism of
another’s work, they will be required to re-sit an alternative assessment under the
supervision of an assessor to confirm competence in this unit.
 A Student must satisfy the requirements for competency within this Assessment Workbook
to achieve a competency outcome.
 A Completed Assessment Workbook and any additional evidence provided by the student is
retained for our RTO records and is not returned to the student.
It is important that all areas of this Assessment Workbook are completed prior to submission to the
administration department for final outcome recording.
 I have undertaken sufficient activities within this unit of competency and I am ready to
attempt the assessment required to demonstrate competency.
 I understand the assessment framework and requirements that will be used by an Assessor
to make a formal judgement of my competency
 The work that I have submitted in this Assessment Workbook is my own
 I understand the re-assessment process that will be followed if I am unsuccessful in gaining
a satisfactory result in the required Assessments

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 15

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator
A. Assessment 3 Research project

Submission details

Candidate’s Name Student ID

Assessor’s Name Due date
Unit Commencement date
The due date for this assessment task will be advised by your facilitator. It will not be due
until all sections of the Student Workbook have been covered. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for
Performance objective
The candidate must analyse a company or business to find out about their implementation
of innovative processes.
Assessment Description
Following from assessment task 1, you will drawing on your consultation with your
team(for distance students individual research), complete a report on continuous
improvement and recommendation for the chosen organisation.
In this assessment you will write a consulting report for the business from assessment one
or another organisation of your choice. You should apply the principals of Continuous
improvement to the organisation you have selected.

1. Select an organisation or a business to work on it. It can be the same as the first
assessment one.
2. Choose a Continuous improvement method (such as ISO 9000-2008). You can find
the detailed description in your student workbook.
3. Considering the steps involved in the method you chose, write recommendation for
each section related to that business or organisation. You need to write about their
current situations and identify the gaps in order to reach the optimum results. In
your report you must mention these gaps.
4. You also need to suggest the action plans to implement the method you have
selected. The action plan must indicate the responsible person, timeframe and
approximate costs.
5. Your report should be 3-4 pages and minimum 1000 words in total in word or PDF
6. Use graphs, tables and diagrams where necessary.
7. Compare the business you are working on with the average benchmark in the
8. Recommend a plan if your first plan could not be executed.
9. Recommend ways to ensure maximum learning is achieved from this plan and
specify the repeat date for it in your report.

Document Name: BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and Page 16

Continuous improvement Date Created: March 2017
Version: 1 To be Reviewed: May 2018
Responsibility: Program Coordinator

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