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Here you can read how Ultraxone Works. This information has been taken from its
web. Don’t forget to visit our web and see how you can really make money with
ultraxone. Our web is

Remember you don’t have to join Ultraxone under any link. We’ll send you the right
one and the strategic one. Please add our official email addresses to your safe list:,,

Don’t forget UltraXOne send you mails to verify your account. So be sure to ckeck
your junk mail because they could get there. And add them to your safe list too.

Our compensation plan is the result of many years design, trial and refining.

It produces income from 3 distinctly separate main sections, and provides an income for both passive and active

These sections are:

• 8 Tiers, 2x3 Forced Cyling Matrices - 'The Engine' which drives it all.
• 2x20 Activity Bonus Matrix - Long Term Residual Income - from your whole downline.
• PUPS - Paid Up Profit Shares. Our own unique take on this amazing phenomenon.

If you are an active promoter or a passive shopper, you will earn here. It does have one very distinct property either way
- The more you buy - the more you will earn!
There is one glaring fact seems to be overlooked, by so many people today - 'You cannot make money out of thin air' -
(Unless you're the government) then it should be equally obvious that to pay money out in commissions, we must first
take it in as sales.

And if we are going to pay out a lot in commissions, then we must make a lot of sales.

Our compensation plan encourages this in a very big way. The more you buy, the more you get of everything. More
cycler positions, more bonus positions, and more profit shares.

And the more you have of each of these, the more income they will generate for YOU!


Purchasing items from our WebStore earns you 'CV Purchase Points.' The more points you earn, the more matrix
'positions' you can activate.

You can activate as many as you wish at any one time, in multiple 'Tiers' or stages. And the more you have, the more
efficient it becomes for you.

A 2x3 matrix is a virtual structure, which can be shown as one position at the top, with two more directly below it, each
of which have their two, and again one more level, each having their two directly below.

15 positions in total, one at the head and 14 under. As in the image below.

When your matrix is complete, ie. those first 3 levels under your top position are full, then your matrix position 'cycles.'

When it cycles you are paid the cycle commission payout, directly into your back-office account, immediately in realtime.

On cycle it also regenerates, so you receive another another open matrix position, for FREE back again in the same tier
so you can do it all over again for no further cost.

There are several matrix tiers, each requiring a higher CV Points count to activate a position, but each pays out 5 times
higher than the one before.


Entry into a matrix tier to activate a matrix position requires that you have made sufficient purchases to earn the CV
Points allocation for that Tier.


TIER 1 100 2.50 $15.00
TIER 2 500 12.50 $75.00
TIER 3 2500 62.50 $375.00
TIER 4 12500 312.50 $1875.00
TIER 5 62500 1562.50 $9375.00
TIER 6 312500 7812.50 $46875.00
TIER 7 1562500 39062.50 $234375.00
TIER 8 7812500 195312.50 $1171875.00

The CV Points you earn from making purchases have an equivalent value in US dollars of 0.025 per CV Point, ie every
point is worth 2.5c

The points value for each purchase is listed alongside the purchase price. For example an AdWak WakPak could carry 500
CV Points. Purchasing that item would allow you to activate one Tier 2 position, or 5 Tier 1 positions.

The amount of CV Points an item carries depends on the item itself. Some products carry a 100% CV allowing you to
earn 100 CV Points for every $2.50 you spend.

Which means it could cost as little as US$2.50 per position to activate positions in Tier 1

You can buy directly into higher tiers or you can wait for your first and odd numbered cycles in a tier to progress to the
next tier up.

When you first cycle a matrix position in a tier, if you have not yet activated a position in the next tier up, then an
automatic entry will also be made into the next tier up when you cycle.

In this case, the cycle payout in this case is termed the Cycle and Advance payout, for example in Tier 1 this is $2.50.

If you have already made a purchase and activated a matrix position in the next tier up, then you receive the Cycle and
Renew payout instead.

The second and every even numbered cycle payout is termed the Cycle And Renew payout, and are wholly paid as shown

If you have a look at the image above, you will notice that although all 14 positions are filled, there are actually
only 7 people in the matrix. Even 'You' - thats yourself, appear twice.

This is due to how the matrix positions are placed in the overall infinity or company matrix. The rules on how they are
placed have been refined now for over two years by us and they allow you to benefit from three distinct activities in your
downline, Spillover Spillunder and Team Spill, with the primary aim of getting you to cycle faster here than anywhere
else, as well as guaranteeing you will eventually cycle.

Every matrix position you activate is numbered sequentially, eg in tier 1 they are numbered 100001, 100002, 100003
and so on. Tier 2s are numbered 200001, 200002 ... etc.

These are then grouped as threes. For example 100001, 100002 and 100003. Then next group 100004, 100005,

Out of every three, the FIRST position will place in your sponsors active matrix, ie. your 100001, 100004, 100007 ....etc

The SECOND in every group, ie. your 100002, 100005, 100008 ....etc will place in your OWN active matrix if you have
one open, or default back to your sponsors if not, helping you cycle much faster.

And the THIRD in every group, ie. your 100003, 100006, 100008 ....etc will place in the Next In Line (NIL) matrix. This is
the oldest uncompleted active members matrix. In other words, if you remain an active member, even if you never refer
anyone, this guarantees your matrix positions will eventually cycle. Not in the next 5 minutes, but at some point you will
be the Next In Line.

The Next in Line is also supported by the Admin's positions. As there is no referrer for the Admin Positions, these go into
the Next In Line when they regenerate.


The Activity Bonus Matrix allows you to earn Purchase and Cycle Bonuses on the activity in your downline and massively
extends the depth to which you can directly benefit from your downline.
Whereas the 2x3s only pay on the third level, the Activity Bonus Matrix can pay from as many as 20 levels.
You will likely have more than one Activity Bonus Center as every 2x3 entry you have must have itsMATCHING Activity
Bonus Center to account for the Activity Bonuses in each 'Grand Cycle.'
For example Bonus Center C1001 will pay out Activity Bonuses on your 2x3 number 100001 in Tier 1 , 200001 in Tier 2,
300001 in Tier 3, 400001 in Tier 4, 500001 in Tier 5 and so on right up to Tier 8.
Thus, the more 2x3s you activate, the more Bonus Centers you will have.

Your first Bonus Center will placed under your sponsors currently active Bonus Center. Every one after that wil place
under your own active Bonus Center. Once all positions are filled, the next in order opens for placements.

Bonus Centers remain active until each position has paid out an Activity Bonus for every Tier. The bonuses are split 20
ways and are paid upline into the Activity Bonus Matrix from its MATCHINGBonus Center. Thus, whenever a Bonus
Center from any of your downline pays out, if it falls within the matrix of one of your Bonus Centers and you are qualified
to earn bonuses on that level, then you earn that bonus.

On how many levels you qualify to receive these bonuses is dependent on your Member Level. They begin at the first 8
levels giving you a 2x8 for Bronze members and increase as your Member Level rises, right up to 20 levels for Iridium
Members giving you a possible 2097150 paying positions in every Bonus Matrix of yours.

It is essential to understand this concept. For example - When a Tier 1 2x3 is placed, its Matching Bonus Center pays a
$0.20 activation bonus into the Activity Bonus Matrix up 20 levels, $0.01 per level.
Might not sound much but consider that if you were an Iridium member with a complete 2x20 Bonus Matrix and
everyone under your Bonus Center activated just one Tier 1 entry, you would earn 2097150 x $0.01 = $20971.50 in
Activation Bonuses alone.
And as all your own Bonus centers are placed under your own, you would find the more you have, the more times one of
these bonuses will be paid to one of your centers.
The table below shows the purchase and cycle bonuses for each tier and gives the totals for each event occurring in an
Iridium members full 2x20 matrix.


0.20 1.00 5.00 25.00 125.00 625.00 3125.00 15625.00
0.01 0.05 0.25 1.25 6.25 31.25 156.25 781.25
$20971 $104857 $524287 $262143 $1310718 $6553593 $32767968 $163839843
.50 .50 .50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 8.50

Just this alone can make you a fortune. Sum up all the figures in red and you will have the total possible earnings per
position in a full 2x20 Activity Bonus Matrix.

This is why some programs are based solely on this concept of a forced 2xN matrix. For us, it is aBONUS!

Every member receives access to all the tools and resources in the back office and can start promoting to build their
downline as soon as they join.

We are a sales based organisation and we depend on sales activity to pay commissions. Although it is free to join and to
make use of the back office, participation in the compensation plan requires a purchase.

You may remain a free member for a grace period of 30 days from joining. Before this period expires you must make
your decision to upgrade or not and you must attempt to build your downline and demonstrate some effort.
If you have not upgraded before then, your account will be 'unlocked' and your sponsor may flush you out of their
downline. Any referrals and downline members will then be passed upline to your sponsor.
Once upgraded however, your account is locked and activated for life and you will always keep your downline. You will be
able to advance further up the member levels and fully reap the benefits of your efforts.

Our Member Levels provide defined goals and act as a further incentive to ensure continuous growth and sales, in turn
producing growing commission earnings.

Free - The basic level. Everyone starts here.

You have not yet made a purchase and consequently you do not have any 2x3s, Activity Bonus Centers, or Profit Shares.
If you do refer anyone while you are still a Free member, and they make a purchase to activate a 2x3, then their 2x3
entry will be passed upline to your Sponsor.
Bronze - You are upgraded to Bronze as soon as you make a purchase which qualifes you to activate a 2x3. You will
have a matching Bonus Center in the Activity Bonus Matrix for every 2x3 you activate and can receive bonuses to 8
levels deep in each of these.
Silver - You have upgraded and you have referred three or more Bronze members or higher in your downline.
You have at least one Bonus Center and can receive bonuses down to 10 levels in all your Bonus Centers in the Activity
Bonus Matrix.
Gold - You have upgraded and you have three or more Silver or higher members on your frontline.
You have at least one Bonus Center and can receive bonuses down to 12 levels in all your Bonus Centers in the Activity
Bonus Matrix.
Titanium - You have upgraded and you have three or more Gold or higher members on your frontline.
You have at least one Bonus Center and can receive bonuses down to 14 levels in all your Bonus Centers in the Activity
Bonus Matrix.
Platinum - You have upgraded and you have three or more Titanium or higher members on your frontline.
You have at least one Bonus Center and can receive bonuses down to 16 levels in all your Bonus Centers in the Activity
Bonus Matrix.
Palladium - You have upgraded and you have three or more Platinum or higher members on your frontline.
You have at least one Bonus Center and can receive bonuses down to 18 levels in all your Bonus Centers in the Activity
Bonus Matrix.
Iridium - You have upgraded and you have three or more Palladium or higher members or more on your frontline.
You have at least one Bonus Center and can receive bonuses down to all 20 levels in all your Bonus Centers in the
Activity Bonus Matrix.


When you complete a successful checkout, for every 100 CV points earned in your purchases, you are given a PUPS -
'Paid Up Profit Share'.

Dividends are paid on weekly basis to each active share, increasing its 'Paid Up' value. Once the share has accumulated
dividends of $1.00 or more it is considered 'Fully Paid Up' and can now be cashed in.

You can choose to leave it in the system in which case it will go on accumulating dividends, or you can then cash it in
and receive the total accumulated dividends.

When you do cash it in, the accumulated dividends are paid into your back-office account, and the share is closed. No
further dividends will then be paid to that share.

This has the effect of restricting and reducing the overall share base, and ensures that dividends are not paid to an ever
increasing number of shares which would forever be reducing the size of each dividend payment.


Our system is a real time system. All placements are made as soon as the payment is made. All commissions are also
calculated and are paid instantly into your back-office account as soon as cycle activity occurs.

Once you have upgraded to PRO member status and you have at least a $1.00 balance in your account, you can issue a
withdrawal request from your back-office to have your account balance paid out to your AlertPay account..

Requests are processed twice daily. You should never have to wait more than 24 hours to be paid out.

UltraXOne Product Line

Our back-office WebStore is the home of our UltraXOne Download Collection.

In it you can find eBooks, Scripts, PLR Articles and Application Software for you to use or build, and market your own PLR
/ Master / Resale Rights collection.
The face value of each item generally far exceeds the purchase price and the information they provide is priceless.

In addition any product can be almost limitless source of income as most titles come with full Master Resale Rights,
allowing you to sell these titles on an unlimited number of times.

Here are a a few examples:

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