Deimira Paa Baidoo of Melcom Group Ltd. Advises Clients On Facebook Advertising As A Better Value Than Google, Twitter and More

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Deimira Paa Baidoo of Melcom Group Ltd.

Advises Clients on Facebook

Advertising as a Better Value Than Google, Twitter and More

Marketer, entrepreneur, and business coach Deimira Paa Baidoo of Melcom Group LTD advises all
clients to prioritize Facebook Advertising Over Adwords, Bing Ads, and Other PPC.

Calgary, Canada, February 03, 2021 --( Most small businesses have a limited budget available
to invest their marketing dollars. Some online marketing strategies, like content-based SEO, provide the
best long term value, and are a worthwhile investment even at a limited budget. But for companies that
want to attract clients fast, the best way to do this is to invest in some form of online advertising.

Google Adwords is the most well known and widely used choice for online advertising. It allows small
businesses to show up as an advertisement for relevant search terms, ideally capturing those leads and
turning them into revenue. Other search engines, like Bing Ads, offer similar functionality.

But Deimira Paa Baidoo, who owns the Calgary marketing company Melcom Group Ltd., recommends
that all of his clients use limited advertising budgets not in Google Adwords, but in Facebook, when only
one form of advertising is cost efficient.

“Facebook’s advertising service, on a per-view basis, is a fraction of the cost of Google Adwords,” says
Baidoo, “and while there are situations when Google Adwords is a better choice, there are few better
ways for local businesses to reach such a wide audience with so much functionality, all for such a limited

Deimira points to one of the main challenges of Google Adwords: the cost of a click. “A single click may
cost between $5 and $35 depending on the industry,” says Baidoo. “That means for a $300 budget, some
businesses are looking at 10 to 40 clicks total.”

But boosting a post on Facebook for the same budget provides as many as 50,000 views and an unlimited
number of clicks. “It’s not just about clicks,” says Baidoo, “a local business that gets 50,000 local views
can brand itself to an entire small city with just one advertisement. That’s powerful.”

Deimira also points his Melcom Group Ltd. clients to the long term value of Facebook advertisements as
well, particularly boosted posts. “Once someone clicks on a Google Ad, the moment they leave they’re
gone forever. But with Facebook, you can take secondary actions, like inviting them to follow your page,
interacting with them, and building your follower list so that they see additional posts for free in the
future.” He says Facebook also has less of a learning curve, as Google’s keyword searches can often
show up for irrelevant terms that need to be defined over the course of months before they start bringing

Melcom Group Ltd. still uses Google Adwords on an as needed bases. Deimira says Google Ads are still
useful, especially if you’re trying to reach a very targeted audience, you have a higher budget that gives
you time to refine the advertising, or the ROI on a single client is high enough that more targeted clicks

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are beneficial. He also says that a good marketing plan should integrate as many avenues for attracting
new customers as possible.

But for small, local businesses on a limited budget, Melcom Group Ltd. and Deimira Paa Baidoo believe
that there are few forms of online advertising that provide the benefits and views that one can receive
through investing in Facebook advertising. That is why they strongly recommend that smaller advertising
budgets consider the cost benefits of Facebook advertising first, before they begin with Adwords

About Deimira Paa Baidoo: Deimira Baidoo is a entrepreneur and business coaching that owns and
operates Melcom Group Ltd., a Calgary based online marketing agency. He works primarily with small
and medium sized businesses across a range of industries, with a website that can be found at

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Contact Information:
Melcom Group Ltd.
Deimira Paa Baidoo
(403) 454-5635
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