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It Semester 3 Year LL.B. / Vl Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. / B.B.A. LL.B.
Examination, December 2015
Mohammaden Law and lndian Succession Act

Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

lnstructions: 1. Answer question No. 9 and any five of the remaining

2. Question No.9carries20 marks andthe remaining questions
carry 16 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada
n ouldilqb: 1 dd. I d+ erugoto oerio e,xed oindoaddo aeb {dy'eri
2 dd" I{ 20 abQ en:ed ds ddfed 16 sodriq;b.
3. w$dddl nodnearaah qoneaf erdai ddddO_ udc:o.

Q. No. 1. Explain the origin and development of Muslim law. Marks : 16

d::xgo uadoed d:oorad abt dddsdrio$d1 ado:,.

Q. No. 2. State the law relating to Apostasy from lslam. Marks : 16

a3:ddg:eo:: dC.rd doordd z,,rriri .ad:d aododdl deeo.

Q. No. 3. Examine the grounds for divorce under lndian Divorce Act 1869. Marks : 16
qnd8eoJ: .l*dd dro3:, 1869 da eqeddd uqndddq doaee)xr.

Q. No. 4. Define waqf. How the private waqf be established ? And also
state the salient features of the Waqf Validating Act, 1 91 3. Marks : 1 6
dq doqD&&o. arDdn d%q deri xn*aiud>C ? obQ d{
enodrdrioeiod aooSg, 1913 d cg{ o{eodddl ge:ro.

020510624 -2- | llllltilll lllll lllll llll I ll lll ilil illil lllil llll lil

Q. No. 5. Define Will. What are the kinds of Will ? How the unprivileged
Will be executed ? Marks : 16
' erool)e))' doepa,r,,o. erlo3re)d addqnd;d; r adeatQ{dd%d woi:e-:d1
derl dndued: ?

Q. No. 6. Enumerate the'sharers'and their respective normal shares according

to the Sunni law. Marks : 16
foQ unddddl d*oa:,, ed&dd xndrq a{ (aau:)dd$ e*r.
Q. No. 7. What is domicile ? Mention the kinds of domicile and explain how
a person can acquire domicile in lndia. Marks : 16
eQaad ao.dde& ? e4andd adddq daboaxr d>d: Js cJ^O oSoedrd:

qndddO_ eqamdddl derl ddCdodru*doC Ddotu.

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2x8=16
olndemddo add{ e,lfiu e,:{ed a:douo :

a) Specific legacy and demonstrative legacy.

ear{ eruddemd drdj edrod, en:$doad
b) Hiba and Hiba-bil-lwaz
ezm ab* b?ro-stef-?dref;
c) Legitimacy and Legitimation.
Eddd abq Edd8eddea.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks :10x2=20

ddnd ohdtoaddo oddr ddr{dddl dodox,.
a) Saleem promised Anjum that he would pay Rs. 10 lakhs as
dower on the eve of marriage. Despite of her repeated request
he neglected to keep up his promise. Being aggrieved she
started living separately. Advice Anjum.
aasadd dedcrO_ d" d* dor, d:c.:*dd1 aadaxbdcsan
iOedfd: erorcdfsri mngJa$&. ,sdC> dde dCe erod
d;oad-ooddo id elddc ddo aana.ddd.l wex.rdo#oo>
Oe;rs3ddc. z;iaQdmC eoxrdydo 4idredaan'*eedw
udoep.trd*. erorcdYri ie.:d &eao.
ilIilil ilil il]t ilfl ilil il| ril llill lllll lllil ill lll 02051ffi24

b) Dharmendra married Divya. There after he married Ranjitha.

Divya objected the marriage and filed a suit for bigamy. So
both renounced Hinduism and adopted lslam. ls it valid ?
t'd:erodd.d: a;rg$ooari D6"daad&. erd dCd dtd s doddd
drod aatdamdd:. oa"d edq edoeQsrddc at -dJ z"oub
cndC;d.:o doaddo. sdoCood ttgUc dcsooddrioodc
atrddgreob dd:rdd.Z ledoicad. ed: eruadrdde ?
c) Saniya and Suhail are close friends. They do not have any
legal impediments to marry each other, They decided to live
together without undergoing formalities of marriage. After
getting a child, their relationship was strained. Now Saniya
is looking for a remedy. Advice.
naoCn $* fDdeer es{ {etoddr. edd $d amd egrle:)
mdod: *^oi 'adog, eatd Bdasaoddddq
aaOide qqp e.oesclt zraslu: edro:rddr. d:dr#di ddd
upd edd do*',ofr erdrdcrlooadr" drd Fa&c,iD domddd'1
(, de;d
sdt':gerod. DeE.

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