Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates

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Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates

Laura Toivonen & Diana Beqiri


How long a person feels full after eating a carbohydrate-rich meal depends on the type of
carbohydrate consumed and what other nutrients are in the meal. Conduct an experiment and
determine how long you feel full after eating a candy bar; after eating a slice of whole-grain
bread; after eating an apple; and after eating a potato. Compare your results with your classmates
and discuss why some of these carbohydrate foods make you feel full longer than others.

While conducting the experiment I took notes of how I felt mentally and physically after eating a
candy bar, an apple, slice of bread and a potato. After eating a candy bar I did not feel satisfied, I
was left hungry and it also increased my appetite. The candy bar also had an impact on my mood
and it made me feel tired. After eating a slice of whole-grain bread I felt more satisfied and I felt
full for longer than I did after eating the candy bar. The bread made me feel satisfied but it also
made me feel a bit heavy and worn out. After eating an apple I also felt full and satisfied and I
did not feel hungry for over an hour. After eating an apple I felt happier than when I ate the
candy bar since the candy bar is junk food and it made me feel guilty after eating it. Finally, in
the end I ate a potato. The potato was the most filling out of all the foods I ate. I felt satisfied,
full and was not hungry for over two or more hours after eating potatoes. To conclude, most of
the foods that I ate (apple, bread, and potatoes) kept me full for sometime, while the candy bar
not only increased my appetite but also made me feel drained and weary.

During the experiment, the results of how full I felt varied between eating a candy bar, an apple
slice, a slice of whole-grain bread, and eating a potato. First, I ate a Snickers candy bar. After I
ate it, I felt full for a couple of minutes, then I quickly got hungry again. The candy bar did not
make me nearly as full as I would be eating a full meal. Next, I ate an apple. The apple was much
more filling than the candy bar, as it kept me full for at least half an hour. Then, I ate a slice of
whole-grain bread. The slice of bread satisfied my appetite a bit more than the candy bar,
considering it is healthier and more filling, but it was not as filling as the apple was. Lastly, I ate
a potato. The potato was mostly filling, and I did not feel hungry for an hour or so. Overall, most
of the foods were filling except for the candy bar. After I ate each food, I felt more energized.
But after eating the candy bar, I felt nauseous. Feeling nauseous after eating is not a good sign,
so going with the healthier options is much better than eating unhealthy food and feeling sick
1. Candy-​ Nearly 65 percent of the carbohydrates in hard candy are sugar, a simple type of
carbohydrate. Sugar digests faster than any other macronutrient in your diet. As you’re
sucking on the hard candy, the sugars race down to your small intestine. Enzymes quickly
surround the sugar molecules and convert them right into glucose, which is the simplest
type of sugar and the end result of most carbohydrates. Glucose is your body’s main fuel
source, which is why carbs are so important in your body. But the problem with sugary
foods, like hard candies, is that you get calories, but not a lot of vitamins, minerals or
fiber. Plus, the quick digestion will spike your blood sugar, giving you instant energy, but
leave you feeling zapped shortly after.
2. Whole Grain Bread-​ Bread provides calories (energy) primarily in the form of
carbohydrates. Carbs are your body's preferred energy source. When you eat bread, you
are providing your body with fuel for your daily activities. If you choose bread made
from whole grains, you're also getting a source of fiber, which provides health and weight
loss benefits. Eating foods with fiber can help you to feel fuller and more satisfied.
3. Apple- ​The sweet, crunchy apple is low in calories and a good source of fiber and
vitamin C. One medium apple has 95 calories, 25 grams of carbs including 4 grams of
fiber, and it's essentially fat free. It also meets more than 10 percent of the daily value for
vitamin C. While an apple isn't a significant source of any other vitamin or mineral, it can
get you closer to meeting your daily B vitamin and potassium needs.
4. Potato-​ Potatoes are considered a starchy vegetable and a healthy carb. They’re high in
fiber (when including the skin), low in calories, and include vitamins and minerals. Most
potato varieties have a higher glycemic index (GI). The GI rates different foods as high
(GI above 70), medium (GI of 56 to 69), and low (GI of 55 or less. The GI ratings are
based on how the food affects blood sugar levels.

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