Email To Successful Candidate After Interview Template

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Recruitment Templates – Recruiterly.


Email to successful candidate after interview template

Use this email template for a successful candidate after an interview when you have chosen
to move on to the last step of the hiring process.

While it is very important to send a letter to job candidates who were not accepted for the
open position, it is also essential to inform a successful candidate right away. Applicants
may move on to a position with another company if you are not prompt in your response.

When creating your email to your successful applicant, make sure to include the following:
● The company name and job title they have applied for
● The next step in the hiring process
● A deadline for a response
● Contact information for the recruiter in charge

Template for an email to a successful candidate after an interview

Subject line: Your interview with [Company Name] for the [Job Title] position

Hi [Candidate Name]/Dear [Candidate Name],

Thank you very much for meeting with us to talk about the open [Job Title] position. It was a
pleasure getting to know you. We have finished conducting our interviews.

On behalf of [Company Name], I am delighted to inform you that we have determined that
you are the best candidate for this position.

[We would like to invite you to a meeting with our CEO to further discuss the details of the
position. You will be able to ask any questions you may have about the job and job duties.]
[We would like to give you an assignment that mimics some of the job responsibilities of this
position. It is our hope that this will give you the opportunity to showcase your skills and to
understand in greater detail what is involved in this position.]

If you decide to accept this offer, please reply to this email by [date, eg Monday, June 3rd]. I
will be able to [send a meeting request/send the assignment]. Please reach out to me if you
have any questions.

I am looking forward to your response,

[Your Name]
[Email signature and contact information]

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