Back Pain Relief Exercises at Home

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Back Pain Relief Exercises At Home

Exercise plays an essential part to cure back pain problems. It actually acts like a medicine for
back pain problems. Exercises not only help to reduce back pain but also help you to recuperate
quickly and prevent reinjure of your back. But most of the people find it difficult to comply
with this kind of back pain treatment. Exercise though is itself a time consuming task but it is
also quite effective. One can do basic back exercises even at home without any special
equipment or trainer. You can do exercises like stretching, low impact aerobic exercise and
strengthening these exercises have significance in terms of pain relief or healing. The back
exercise should be done in a pain free manner. If pain is felt while doing exercise then it is
better to stop doing that particular exercise and consult to a physical therapist or spine specialist
for proper guidance and treatment.
Through stretching a painful or injured back will definitely experience flexibility or elasticity in
the muscles, disc or tendons. Aerobic exercise helps to strengthen the spinal muscles or also
helpful in reducing anxiety or stress. The low impact aerobic exercises include riding an
exercise bike, water exercise or swimming and walking exercise. Yoga also a type of exercise
which actually integrates both relaxation and stretching this is helpful in reducing the stress or
anxiety from stress carrying muscles. Yoga requires that one should hold mild pose in which
actually certain muscles flex or others stretch to generate flexibility and relaxation.
Exercises like Partial crunches help to make stronger your back and the stomach muscles. What
you have to do is just lie down on the mat your feet must be flat on the mat now put your hands
at the back of your neck. Squeeze your stomach muscles and try to lift your shoulders from the
floor then hold for few seconds after that slowly put your lower back down. Repeat this exercise
for at least eight times. In wall sits exercise you just need to stand at least ten to twelve inches
away from the wall then incline your back aligned with the wall. Now gradually slide down
awaiting your knee completely bent while pressing your lower back into the wall. After few
seconds try to cautiously slide your back up from the wall. While doing waist twists put your
hands stress-free at your sides then move backward and forward your right arm and then left
arm. In knee to chest stretch exercise lie on your back while keeping your feet flat on the floor.
With the help of both hands try to pull your one knee and then compress it to your chest. Now
hold for few seconds. Again return to your starting position and repeat this exercise for your
opposite leg.
The things which actually alleviate back pain are as; one should avoid too much bed rest as it
should not be more than three days, one should keep on doing simple exercises like walking,
always try to maintain a good posture because one’s poor posture is actually putting strain on

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