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Best diet plan to lose weight in a month

One can easily lose two pounds weight in a week. Now the best way to achieve this is to eat healthy food
and keep on exercising. You can do swimming, weight training and jogging, so through this you are
actually taking fewer calories and burning more calories. Try to work out in early morning with an empty
stomach after that avoid eating for an hour at least this whole activity will maximize the working of your
fat burning process.
The diet plan which you are adopting to reduce your weight should be based on healthy things. It should
consist of plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain, low fat dairy, healthy fats and protein.
Dieting doesn’t mean to forget about food it actually means to eat healthy food with fewer calories and
avoid fattening food. Junk food is strictly

Breakfast is the essential meal of the day and this is not the time to stint on the calories. Breakfast should
be consisted of healthy food like Carbs and protein which will maintain your higher energy level throughout
the day. A proper breakfast will also keep your craving under control. You can take egg white with a piece
of dry whole wheat bread and a half banana or you can also take whole grain cereal and boiled egg. You
can also take an apple or fresh juice in addition to your planned diet breakfast. When you wake up then
your metabolism actually need proper nourish and energy so only then you will be able to work the whole
day without feeling weak.
Your lunch should be light but not so light that you start feeling hungry later in the day. Your lunch should
be based upon salad or sandwich. In lunch time you can take a sandwich and small bowl of soup or green
mixed vegetables salad.
Again your dinner should be light it should free from carbohydrates. Your dinner should consist on lean
proteins. You can now take white meat either fish or chicken with lots of veggies.
Try to drink lots of water but water should be little warm. Because water helps your liver to properly filter
your blood. This process actually takes time away from liver’s working as burning your fat. So if you will
take lots of water then there will be less fat in your body.
If you started feeling hungry either in mid morning or mid evening then you can eat some nuts, row
vegetables like mini carrot or you can take green tea. All these things can easily hold over to your hunger

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