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Never Let Me Go

Chapter 8

1) Read the chapter closely using some useful annotation tips that help you make the
most of the text.

2)Select 5 sentences from the chapter that you find meaningful. Choose 5 phrases that
moved, engaged or provoked you. Pick 5 words that captured your attention or struck
you as powerful. Work in small groups or partnerships to compare your choices.

3)Transcribe the following words. Explain the meaning of the underlined words.

gouge fury stomach-churning

tranquil gross figure
disorientated various apology

4)Using your dictionary, define the following phrasal verbs.

1. to crack up
2. to be down to sb (to put sth down to)
3. to fall apart
4. to make sth out
5. to flick through
6. to show off

5)Suggest synonyms for the following words.

1. stunning
2. bewildered
3. convinced
4. resentment
6)Translate the paragraph into Ukrainian.
This last incident should have given me a clue. If I’d thought about it with half a
brain, I should have guessed Tommy’s recent moods had something to do with Miss
Lucy and his old problems about “being creative.” But with everything else going on
just at that time, I didn’t, as I say, think in these terms at all. I suppose I must have
assumed those old problems had been left behind with our early teen years, and that
only the big issues that now loomed so large could possibly preoccupy any of us.

7) Identify the underlying idea of the chapter. Discuss it in pairs. Provide evidence.

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