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!, ,< A$-:6B/-YR$-12-=?


The Rigdzin Sogdrub

the practice known as

Riwo Sangchöd

Lhatsün Namkha Jigme
Dechen Barwa: Blazing Great Bliss
2.J-(J/-:2<-2-.2%-$A-1R-V%-., ,
Dechen barwa wang gi podrang du:
In the palace of power, blazing with great bliss,
2.J-!R%-?R-?R<-gR$?-0:A-;J->J?-{, ,
Detong sosor togpa’i yeshey ku:
Reside the embodiments of bliss-emptiness of Discriminating Awareness Primordial Wisdom.
3-($?-2.J-w/-ýV:A-<%-28A/-=?, ,
Machag deden pema’i rangzhin ley:
Their nature is that of the lotus, unattached yet suffused with bliss,
hR-eJ-*A-3-$%-2-(J/-0R:C-.0=, ,
Dorje nyima nangwa chenpo’i pel:
They express the glory of the supremely illuminating vajra sun.
(R?-{-$%-2-3,:-;?-hR-eJ-(R?, ,
Chöku nangwa thaye Dorje chö:
Dharmakaya Amitabha, Vajra Dharma, and
:)A$-gJ/-.2%-K$?-,$?-eJ:A-eJ?-($?-$9$?, ,
Jigten Wangchug thugje’i jey chag zug:
Lokeshvara, lord of the universe, you embody impassioned compassion,
ýV-o=-0R-:#R<-:.?-3%:-.2%-2+<, ,
Pema Gyelpo khordey ngawang gyur:
Lotus King Pema Gyalpo, you exercise mastery and power over samsara and nirvana,
$%-YA.-9A=-$/R/-.2%-(J/-@J-<-!, ,
‘Nangsï zil nön’ wangchen Heruka:
As ‘Conqueror of the World,’ great powerful Heruka.
$?%-2-;J->J?-2#-7-<-@A, ,
Sangwa yeshe Vajra Varahi:
Secret Wisdom, Vajra Varahi,
2.J-3(R$-:.R.-2:A-o=-0R-2.J-(J/-$+J<, ,
Demchog döwa’i gyelpo dechen ter:
Chakrasamvara and ‘Takaraja,’ King of Desire, treasure of great bliss.

3-=?-*J-c:A-;A.-:UR$-<A$-LJ.-3, ,
Malü kyegu’i yïthrog rigjëma:
Kuru Kulle, who captivates the minds of all who live without exception,
3(R$-,/-K$-o:A-.2%-K$-2.J-!R%-$<, ,
Chog tun chag gya’i wangchug detong gar:
Rich with the power of sublime and ordinary symbols, dancing in bliss-emptiness.
.2%-36.-hR-eJ-.0:-2R-D-LA:A-5S$?, ,
Wangdzë Dorje Pawo Daki’i tsog:
Hosts of Vajra Dakas and Dakinis who enact the activities of power,
$%-!R%-3*3-0-(J/-0R:C-%%-*A.-., ,
Nang tong nyampa chenpo’i ngang nyï du:
Within the state of appearance-emptiness equality,
hR-eJ-{-;A-$<-IA?-YA.-$?3-$;R, ,
Dorje ku yi gar gyi sï sum yo:
The three worlds of existence tremble with your Vajra Kaya dance.
:$$?-3J.-$?%-$A-28.-1?-#3?-$?3-:$$?, ,
Gagmë sung gi zhë drey khamsum gug:
You summon the three realms with your laughter, your ceaseless enlightened speech.
:R.-9J<-3<-0R?-:#R<-:.?-;R%?-=-H2, ,
Özer marpö khorde yong la khyab:
Red light rays permeate all of samsara and nirvana;
YA.-8A:A-.%?-2&.-$;R-8A%-#.-0<-LJ., ,
Sï zhi’i dang chü yo zhing dü par jë:
Causing the vital essence of conditioned existence and nirvana to vibrate and to be drawn in.
hR-eJ-($?-0-(J/-0R:C-,$?-GA?-/A, ,
Dorje chagpa chenpo’i thug kyi ni:
The enlightened mind of great Vajra passion,
i3-$*A?-.%R?-P2-:.R.-c:A-3(R$-)R=-8A%-, ,
Nam nyi ngödrub dögu’i chog tsöl zhing:
Granting the most sublime of desirables, the two-fold siddhis of supreme vajra passion,
hR-eJ-t$?-G-8$?-0-(J/-0R-;A?, ,
Dorje chag kyu zhagpa chenpo yiy:
With your great Vajra hooks and lassoes,

$%-YA.-2.J-2-(J/-0R-#R3-LJ.-0, ,
Nang sï dewa chenpo dom jë pa:
Binding the world of appearances and possibilities in great bliss.
3,:-;?-+-:U=-@-2:A-<R=-$<-&/, ,
Thaye gyuthrül drawa’i rölgar chen:
Dancers in the web of limitless magical illusion,
+A=-IAA-$R%-2-KJ-2-28A/-28$?-0:A, ,
Til gyi gongbu chewa zhin zhug pa’i:
Who fill space like a bursting sesame seed pod,
<2-:L3?-l-$?3-.2%-$A-z-5S$?-=, ,
Rabjam tsa sum wang gi lha tsog la:
The vast array of the Three Roots, and deities of power,
$?-0?-$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-LA/-IA?-_R2?, ,
Gü pey solwa deb so jyin gyi lob:
I pray to you with devotion, bestow your blessings on us!
3(R$-,/-.%R?-P2-:.R.-.$:A-.0=-3,:-.$ ,
Chog tun ngödrub dö gu’i pel tha dag:
Bestow the infinite glory of the wishes and longing of sublime and ordinary siddhis.
,R$?-3J.-.2%-.-LJ.-0:A-.%R?-P2-)R=, ,
Thog më wang du jë pa’i ngödrub tsöl:
Bestow the untrammeled power of siddhis.

&J?-0:%-<2-5K?-?-;R?-^7-5K?1-=-KA-3A%-0?-%J=-2, $?R=-2-2+2-/-$%-9$-?-;%-<%-!J-.2%-$A-=?-!/-)A-v<-2?3-0-28A/-:P2-0<-$.R/-3A-
9:R,, .<-.3<-=-VA?-+J-K<-2:3, 3J-_%-=-:#R<-=R-L?-G%-:P2-2R,, 3;-=),, ,,
This prayer was composed on the first day of the seventh month in the earth hare year of 1879 by one named Dhi (Mipham Rinpoche). If
anyone prays in this way, they will without a doubt achieve all activities of power according to their wishes.

!, ,<-J-!A,  
z-24/-<A$-:6B/-YR$-12-GA-3/-%$-<A-2R-2?%-3(R.-=$-+-=J/-0-=, $4%-3:A-$R.-.3-,2-+-29%->A%-%R?-(/-.!<-3%<-2?%-$-KJ-3<-?R$?-
The practice of the Riwo Sangchöd, the men-ngak, secret instruction, from Lhatsün Namkha Jikme's Rigdzin Sogdrüb.
Making an auspicious fire in a clean vessel or burner, burn aromatic woods, resins, medicinal plants, the three white and three sweet
substances (yoghurt, milk and butter; sugar, molasses and honey), and all kinds of incense and powder: whatever you have available,
and sprinkle it with pure water.

Seven Line Prayer     Recite three times, with hands in prayer mudra.

œ×ñï >ë-{,-8ß:-bÜ-¹¥/-e$-020<Î ýV-#è-<9-Zë$-ýë-:Î

HUM: Orgyen yul gyi nub jang tsam: Pema gesar dongpo la:
HUM: On the northwest border of the country of Orgyen, // In the pollen heart of a lotus,
8-02,-0&ë#-#Ü-+$ë<-iá/-/Cè<Î ýV-7e³$-#,<-5è<-<ß-i#<Î
Yatsen chog gi ngödrub nye: Pema Jungney zhey su drag:
You attained marvelous, most excellent siddhi, // Renowned as the Lotus Born.
7"ë9-¸¥-0"7-7ië-0$-ýë<-/Uë9Î aè+-`Ü-Bè<-<ß-/+#-…å/-`ÜÎ
Khor du Khandrö mangpö kor: Khye kyi jesu dag drub kyi:
You are surrounded by a vast retinue of Dakinis. // As I practice, following in your footsteps,
eÜ,-bÜ<-xë/<-dÜ9-#;è#<-<ß-#<ë:Î µ¥-9ß-ýV-<ÜKÜ-œ×ñÎ
Jin gyi lob chir sheg su söl: GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUM:
I pray please come to confer your blessings. // Oh Guru Pema, bestow the siddhis upon me!

,R$-3<-*2?-:PR-/A, =/-$?3,
Refuge Recite three times, with hands in prayer mudra.

3#:-3*3-YA.-8A:A-*2?-!/-~A%-0R:C-2&.; .2%-S$-<A$-:6B/-ýV-,R.-UJ%-l=;
Kha nyam si zhi'i kyab kün nying pö chü: Wang drag rigdzin Pema Tötrengtsel:
The heart essence of all sources of refuge of samsara and nirvana, who are as vast as space. // Powerful and
wrathful Vidyadhara, Pema Tötrengtsel,
H J.-{<-$%-YA.-o=-2:A-.GA=-:#R<-mR$?; :PR-!/-YA.-=?-1R=-KA<-*2?-?-3(A;
Kye kur nang si gyel wa'i kyilkhor dzog: Dro kün si ley dröl chir kyab su chi:
Within your body, all that appears and exists is the perfect Buddha mandala. // In order to liberate all beings
from samsara, I take refuge in you!

?J3?-2*J.-/A, =/-$?3,
Bodhicitta Recite three times, with hands in bodhicitta mudra.

$?%-3(R$-;J->J?-:R.-$?=-,A$-= J:A-$8A<-; :PR-!/-1A2-$?3-.$-/?-{-.%-$?%-;

Sang chog yeshe ösel tigle'i zhir: Dro kün drib sum dag ney ku dang sung:
I generate the awakened mind of bodhicitta, so that // the three obscurations of all beings may be purified in the
ground of the luminous thigle of supremely secret wisdom, and
,$?-GA-,A$-=J<-z/-P2-$%-28A:A-%%-; $8R/-/-23-{<-PR=-2<-?J3?-2*J.-.R;
Tug kyi tigle lhün drub nang zhi'i ngang: Zhön nu bum kur dröl war sem kye do:
With the four visions spontaneously perfect in the tigle of the wisdom body, speech and mind, // May they be
liberated into the youthful vase body!

The Seven Branch Offering Recite once in Tibetan and once in English, with hands in prayer
$>A?-<A$-3-2&R?-$*$-3<-K$-:5=-8A%-; $+A%-3,:-V=-2:A-:R.-$?=-3(R.-0-:2=;
Shi rig ma chö nyug mar chag tsel zhing: Ting ta drel wa'i ösel chö pa bül:
To the primordial, unaltered nature of Rigpa, I pay homage! // The luminosity, transcending limits and
dimensions, I offer!
:#R<-2-M%-:.?-3*3-*A.-[R%-.-2>$?; ]R-V=-(R?-9.-(J/-0R<-eJ?-;A-<%-;
Khor wa nyang dey nyam nyi long du shag: Lo drel chö ze chen por je yi rang:
In the expanse of the sameness of samsara and nirvana, I confess! // In the great exhaustion of all dharmas, beyond the
ordinary mind, I rejoice!
z/-P2-mR$?-0-(J/-0R:C-(R?-:#R<-2{R<; :#R<-2-.R%-/?-3$?-0<-$?R=-2-:.J2?;
Lhündrub dzogpa chenpö chö khor kor: Khor wa dong ney trug par söl wa deb:
Turn the wheel of the teachings of the spontaneously perfect Dzogpa Chenpo! // Stir the depths of samsara, I
Khor sum mig ta drel wa'i pa tar ngo:
In the absolute state, free of subject, object or activity, I dedicate!

Self-Visualization Recite once in Tibetan and once in English..

!-.$-(R?-{:A-.LA%?-=?-:$$?-3J.-l=, , ýV-,R.-UJ%-.!<-.3<-$8R/-5=-36K?, ,
Kadak chö ku'i ying ley gag me tsel: Pema Tötreng kar mar zhön tsül dze:
From the Dharmakaya space of primordial purity, arising as its unobstructed play, is // Pema Thötrengtsel,
white with a tinge of red, in full beauty of youth,
35/-.0J:A-$9A-:2<-hR-eJ-,R.-0-2$3?, , 36K?-2eA.-o/-.%-(-L.-;R%?-?-mR$?, ,
Tsen pe'i zi bar dorje töpa nam: Dze ji gyen dang cha jey yong su dzog:
In dazzling splendor, with the major and minor marks, holding a vajra and skull cup // Majestic, complete with
all ornaments and robes,
.3-;J-$*A?-3J.-o=-!/-:.?-0:A-$9$?, , :#R<-:.?-!/-IA-,A-.0=-(J/-0R<-I<, ,
Dam ye nyi mey gyel kün dü pa'i zug: Khor dey kün gyi chi pel chen por gyur:
Samayasattva and Jñanasattva indivisible, his form is all the Buddhas in one; // The great embodiment of all
samsara and nirvana.
<-= >; /‰-$-<-ýV-<ÜKÜ->;
OM AH: HUM: VAJRA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUM: Recite one mala (108 mantras).
Purification and Blessing of the Sang Offering
To purify the ingredients of the sang offering:


Using a bumpa or evergreen sprig, purify all of the offering substances by sprinkling saffron water over
them while reciting RAM YAM KHAM. After blessing the substances, light the fire (or
charcoal/incense) and begin to burn the offerings.

Tong-pa'i ngang-ley sang-dze zag-pa me-pa'i yeshe kyi düd-tsi dö-yön gyam-tsö trin-pung ka-khyab tu-
tro war gyur:
Out of emptiness, the ingredients of the sang offering, the wisdom nectar free of any impurity, arise in an ocean-
like cloud of sensual stimulants, spreading out to fill the whole of space.
Bless the sang offering with the three syllables OM AH HUM and the Sky Treasury Mantra:

OM AH: HUM: 3x
,/-3: ?j-+-,-$-+J-UR-2A-I-3-#J-U: ?j-+-,-AV-+J-c-<-E-A A-3)-$-$-/-#)-J-@,
IMAM GA GA NA KHAM SWAHA: 3x ♫ Play bell and damaru

During the main offering section, keep the juniper (or incense) burning. If you have a large fire and a
designated chöpon (ritual activity master), they should keep piling juniper on the fire throughout the practice
so that it is constantly letting off smoke.

The Sang Offering Recite 3x: once in Tibetan, once in English, and again in Tibetan.

W+; <A/-(J/-$-5S$?-?%?-3:A-$R.-/%-.; :)A$-gJ/-YA.-0:A-:.R.-c-.3-5B$-m?;

BRUM: Rinchen natsog dang ma'i nö nang du: Jig ten si pa'i dö gu dam tsig dze:
BRUM: In the vast lustrous vessel, made of the essence of various jewels, // Samaya substances, all the
desirable objects in worldly existence, are

:V-$?3-;J->J?-..-lA<-LA/-2_2?-0?; $%-YA.-3(R.-0:A-:.R.-c<-2+<-2-:.A;
Dru sum yeshe düdtsir jin lab pey: Nang si chöd pa'i dö gur gyur wa di:
Transformed into the nectar of wisdom through the blessing of the three seed syllables (OM AH HUM), // So
that all that appears and exists becomes an offering of all that is desirable.
]-3-;A-.3-D-!A-(R?-Y%-.%-; KR$?-2&-o=-2:A-.GA=-:#R<-)A-~J.-.%-;
Lama Yidam Daki chö sung dang: Chog chu gyel wa'i kyilkhor ji nye dang:
This I offer to the Lamas, Yidam, Dakinis, Dharmapalas and // All the mandalas of the Buddhas of the ten
:63-\A%-$8A-2.$-<A$?-S$-=/-($?-3PR/; H.-0<-2.$-$A-5K-:UR$-YR$-2b-8A%-;
Dzamling zhi dag rig drug len chag drön: Khye par dag gi tse trog sog ku zhing:
To the local deities of this world, the guests of the six realms to whom I owe karmic debts, // And especially to
those who would steal my life and deplete my life force,
/.-$+R%-2<-(.-lR3-0:A-:L%-0R-.%-; kA-=3-g$?-35/-%/-.%-v?-%/-<A$?;
Ne tong bar che tsom pa'i jung po dang: Mi lam tag tsen ngen dang te ngen rig:
To the malicious Jungpo demons who inflict sickness and obstacles, // Bad signs in dreams and all types of evil
#J-2o.-3-<%-(R-:U=-2.$-0R-.%-; 9?-.%-$/?-.%-/R<-IA-=/-($?-&/;
De gye ma rung cho trül dag po dang: Ze dang ney dang nor gyi len chag chen:
The eight classes of negative spirits, the masters of magical illusions, // And those to whom I owe karmic debts
of food, place and wealth,

PA2-2.$-/R-:SJ-1R-$>A/-3R-$>A/-.%-; PA-2R-,J:-<%-$RR%-YA/-:SJ-3R-i3?;
Drib dag nyo dre po shin mo shin dang: Dri wo te rang gong sin dre mo nam:
To forces that bring obscuration and madness, to the shades of men and women dead, // To all the spirits,
terangs, ghouls and female ghosts!
=/-($?-.3<-0R:C-3J-=-:)=-+J-YJ$; <%-<%-;A.-=-$%-.$R?-:.R.-c:A-(<;
Len chag mar pö me la jel te seg: Rang rang yi la gang gö dö gu'i char:
Now all my karmic debts are paid, burnt in the scarlet flames. // Whatever each one desires, may the object of
their desires rain down.
)A-YA.-/3-3#:-$/?-GA-2<-*A.-.; 7.R.-0:A-;R/-+/-9.-0-3J.-0<-2}R;
Ji si nam kha ney kyi war nyi du: Dö pa'i yön ten ze pa mey par ngo:
For as long as space exists // I dedicate an inexhaustible amount of sensual stimulants!
2.$-$A?-.?-$?3-2?$?-0:A-#A$-1A2-.%-; .!R/-3(R$-..-$>A/-.!R<-=-,.-0-i3?;
Dag gi dü sum sag pa'i dig drib dang: Kön chog de shin kor la che pa nam:
May my negative actions and obscurations accumulated in past, present and future, // And misuse of the
offerings made to the Three Jewels, in devotion and for the dead
.A/-YJ$-3J-3(R.-:.A-;A?-.$-I<-&A$; 3J-tJ-$%-YA.-$%-2:A-h=-U/-<J<;
Jin seg me chö di yi dag gyur chig: Me che nang si gang wa'i dül tren rer:
Be purified in the fire of this sang offering! // May every particle of flame fill the whole of phenomenal
!/-29%-3(R.-0:A-3A/-1%-3A-9.-0; o=-2:A-8A%-#3?-;R%?-=-H2-I<-&A$;
Kunzang chö pa'i trin pung mi ze pa: Gyel wa'i zhing kham yong la khyab gyur chig:
And make an inexhaustible cloud of offerings like Kuntuzangpo's // That pervades throughout all the Buddha
3J-tJ-;J->J?-:R.-s:A-3(R.-.A/-9J<; <A$?-S$-3/<-3J.-$/?-?-H2-I<-0?;
Me che yeshe ö nga'i chö jin zer: Rig drug nar mey ney su khyab gyur pey:
May these flames, offering rays of the five-colored lights of wisdom, // Pervade throughout the six classes of
beings, down to the Avici hells,

#3?-$?3-:#R<-2-:):-=?-:R.-{<-PR=; :PR-!/-L%-(2-~A%-0R<-?%?-o?->R$;
Kham sum khor wa jalü ö kur dröl: Dro kün jang chub nying por sang gye shog:
The three realms of samsara be liberated into the rainbow body // And all sentient beings awaken into the heart
of enlightenment!

(Repeat 108 times, 1000 times, or as many as you can)

While reciting OM AH HUNG, offer a portion of the Three Whites and Three Sweets. If you are
repeating the offering section three times, offer 1/3 of the offering substances each time. If you are using
pre-mixed Riwo Sangchöd incense, you do not need to do anything.
{-$?3-.$-0-$R.-GA-$8=-;?-?; (R?-=R%?-3=-$?3-$%-YA.-$9$?-1%-i3?;
Ku sum dag pa nö kyi zhel ye su: Chö long trül sum nang si zug pung nam:
In the pure vessel, the palace of the Three Kayas, // Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya, the forms
and aggregates of phenomenal existence,
2..-lA<-8-2?-:):-:R.-2<-$%-$%-; :#R<-2-M%-:.?-9$-3J.-2..-lA:A-2&.;
Dütsir zhu wey ja ö bar nang gang: Khor wa nyang dey zag mey dütsi'i chü:

Melt into nectar, flooding the whole expanse of the sky with rainbow light. // This immaculate amrita,
quintessence of samsara and nirvana
,R$-3J.-.?-/?-.-v-;/-(.-.; $%-YA.-3PR/-.-I<-0-;R%?-=-2}R;
Tog mey dü ney da ta yen che du: Nang si drön du gyur pa yong la ngo:
I share with all those who, from beginningless time until now, // Have been guests in worldly existence.
?-=3-:V?-2:A-;R/-+/-3,<-KA/-8A%-; v-|R3-,R.-0:A-2<-(.-!/-2?=-/?;
Sa lam dre bu'i yön ten tar chin zhing: Ta gom chö pa'i bar che kün sel ney:
Having attained all the noble qualities of the stages, paths and fruition, // And dispelled all obstacles in view,
meditation and action,
k.-L%-!/-29%-,$?-GA-3#:-.LA%?-?; $8R/-/-23-{<-$+/-YA.-9A/-0<->R$;
Me jung kün zang tug kyi kha ying su: Zhön nu bum kur ten si zin par shog:
Within the sky-like space of Samantabhadra's wondrous wisdom mind, // May we seize the stronghold of the
youthful vase body!

:#R<-2:A-o-35S-(J/-0R-!R%-0:A-3,<; :R$-3A/-ýV-:C-@-2<-?%?-o?->R$;
Khor wa'i gyamtso chen po tong pa'i tar: Ögmin pema'i dra war sang gye shog:
And when at last the great ocean of samsara is emptied, // May all beings attain Buddhahood in the lotus net of
1%-#3?-YJ$-m?-2N$-3.%?-$9A-2eA.-:2<; .!<-.3<-L%-?J3?-YJ$-m?-2.J-!R%-:2<;
Pung kham seg dze trag dang zi ji bar: Kar mar jang sem seg dze de tong bar:
The sang offering of the aggregates and elements blaze in vivid, brilliant splendor! // The sang offering of the
red and white Bodhicitta blazes in bliss and emptiness!
!R%-*A.-~A%-eJ:A-YJ$-m?-(R?-.LA%?-$%-; $%-YA.-:#R<-:.?-hR-eJ-:R.-s:A-8A%-;
Tong nyi nying je'i seg dze chö ying gang: Nang si khor dey dorje ö nga'i zhing:
The sang offerings of emptiness and compassion fill the Dharmadhatu! // Upon the ground of five-colored Vajra
light of phenomenal existence,
z/-P2-mR$?-?%?-o?-0:A-2YJ$-m?-:2=; }R/-IA-=/-($?-,3?-&.-L%-I<-&A$;
Lhündrup dzog sang gye pa'i seg dze bül: Ngön gyi len chag tam che jang gyur chig:
I offer the sang offering of spontaneously accomplished perfect Buddhahood. // May all my karmic debts from
the past be purified!
.-v:A-o.-=-3A-$/?-3,R=-=R-2>$?; 3-:R%?-1A2-0:A-:#R<-=R<-3-I<-&A$;
Da ta'i gyü la mi ney töl lo shag: Ma ong drib pa'i khorlor ma gyur chig:
In the present, so they do not remain in my mind-stream, I confess them! // And in the future, may I never be
drawn into the wheel of obscuration!
?R-,<-L%-?J3?-<A$-0-:6B/-0-;A; #R3-2&?-2a2-0-$?%-}$?-.3-5B$-<A$?;
So tar jang sem rigpa dzin pa yi: Dom che lab pa sang ngag damtsig rig:
All impairments of the vows of individual liberation, bodhisattva precepts, // And samayas of the Vidyadharas,
5S<-.%-3-5S<-*3?-0-3,R=-=R-2>$; /.-$.R/-PA2-.%-3A-$4%-.$-I<-&A$;
Tsor dang ma tsor nyam pa töl lo shag: Ne dön drib dang mi tsang dag gyur chig:
Conscious or unwitting, I openly admit. // May illness, harmful influence, obscurations and impurities be
/.-3$-35S/-IA-2{=-0-8A-I<-&A$; 3,:-3A-.2?-?-:R%-2:A-?/-3-^R$;
Ne mug tsön gyi kelpa zhi gyur chig: Ta mi ü su ong wa'i sün ma dog: *clap
May this age of plague, famine and warfare be purified! // May the attacks of invaders be repelled!
(R?-36.-]-3-$./-:SJ/-2<-(.-^R$; 2R.-;=-2N-3A->A?-0:A-v?-%/-^R$;
Chö dze Lama den dren barche dog: *clap Bö yül tra mi shi pa'i te ngen dog: *clap
May the forces that create obstacles by inviting the spiritual teacher to leave this world be averted! // May
inauspicious bad omens for the whole world and the land of Tibet be averted!
$9:-[-o=-0R?-YR$-.2$?-#.-0-^R$; :)A$?-0-(J/-0R-2o.-.%-2&-S$-^R$;
Za lü gyel pö sog ug dü pa dog: *clap Jig pa chenpo gye dang chu drug dog: *clap
May the planetary forces, Nagas and arrogant king-like spirits, who cut short the breath of life, be repelled! //
May the eight great fears and sixteen lesser fears be overcome!
2.$-&$-$<-$/?-2N-3A->A?-0-^R$; .3-YA-:$R%-0R:C-3,-!R2?-/?-0-^R$;
Dag chag gar ney tra mi shi pa dog: *clap Dam si gong pö tu tob nü pa dog: *clap
For me and all those around me may all that is inauspicious be averted! // May the power and strength of
samaya-breakers and gongpo demons be averted!

♫ Play bell and damaru. Then go back to pg 9 to recite the Sang Offering section 3x total. Play the bell and
damaru after each recitation.

Samaya! When counting numbers of recitations return to BRUM Rinchen Na…etc. then say the three syllables OM AH
HUM as much as possible, then KU SUM … and so on.
&J?->A%-$-5S$?-0:A-2?%-$-/{-.%-2{., .A/-YJ$-$A-(-R$-=?-:L%-2-v<-L, <A-2R-2?%-3(R.-:.A?-:(A-2-2a-2-
$/%-2-28A/-/R<-:O=-3J.-0<-VA?-0:R, ,?j-3;=),,
Translated by Rigpa Translations, 2008, with edits by Tara Mandala.

Nyingtig Protectors' Prayer

Prepare the serkyem by adding tea into the top vessel, letting it overflow into the bottom vessel.


While reciting RAM YAM KHAM, purify the offerings in the serkyem by sprinkling blessed water from the
bumpa (or cup with evergreen sprig).
If you have a designated chöpon, they should hold the serkyem above heart-level, facing the fire (or shrine).
If practicing alone, you can keep the serkyem on the shrine while reciting the liturgy, or hold it and recite it

♫ Play bell and damaru at beginning. Keep time with bell throughout.  

>: .0=-w/-AJ-!-4-BA-.%-: S%-YR%-H2-:)$-<-@-=:

HUM: Palden Ekajati dang: Drangsong kyabjug Rahula:
HUM: To glorious Ekajati and // Holy ascetic All-Pervading Rahula,
.3-&/-hR-eJ-=J$?-0-?R$?: ~A%-,A$-$*/-0 R:C-2!/-Y%-5S$?:
Damchen Dorje Legpa sog: Nying tig nyen pö ten sung tsog:
Commitment holder Vajra Saddhu and all, // Nyingtig friends, the gathering of the protectors of the teachings,
.3-m?-2..-lA:A-$+R<-3-:2=: i=-:LR<-2.$-=-3$R/-*R2-36S.:
Damdze dütsi torma bul: Naljor dag la gön kyob dzö:
To you I offer torma of pledge substances and amrita, // Please protect me, the yogin,
Cholwa'i trinley mayel drub: ♫
Make the activities entrusted to you continually take place. ♫ Play bell and damaru.

Offer the contents of the serkyem by tossing them upwards towards the southern direction. They should
land in a clean place where people do not walk.

Dedication of Merit
.$J-2-:.A-;A?-M<-.-2.$: 3-@-$-<-:P2-I<-/?:
Gewa de yi nyurdu dag: Maha Guru drub gyur ney:
May I quickly through this virtue // Eventually attain the state of a great teacher,
:PR-2-$&A$-G%-3-=?-0: .J-;A-?-=-:$R.-0<->R$:
Drowa chig kyang malü pa: De yi sa la gö par shog:
And establish all beings without one exception // On that same level.

Long Life Prayer for Lama Tsültrim

OM SWASTI: Machig Labkyi Drönma'i yeshe kü: Je zung ka ter chöd yül dzö dzin ma:
OM SWASTI: Nurtured by the wisdom body of Machig Labdrön, // Holder of the treasury of Chöd from the
canon and treasures,
Bè-/1°,-v-0-2±:-hÜ0<-&ë<-…ë,-0&ë# Ê U¨-2é-D#-/D,-03+-nÜ,-{<-b²9-%Ü# Ê
Jetsün Lama Tsültrim Chödrön chog: Ku tse tagten dze trin gye gyur chig:
Supremely Noble Lama Tsültrim Chödrön (Dharma Torch of Discipline), // May your life remain firm and your
awakened activities spread and flourish!
This was prayed fervently by the sixth Gochen Tulku (Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche), a mere name holder of the incarnation
of Ogyen Drime Lingpa. May it be accomplished like I have aspired!

Prayer for Post-Meditation

$%-P$?-<A$-$?3-z-}$?-(R?-{:A-%%: {-.%-;J->J?-<R=-0<-:L3?-[?-0<:
Nang drag rig sum lha ngag chöku’i ngang: Ku dang yeshe rölpar jam ley par:
In the state where the three: visions, sounds and awareness are deities, mantra, and Dharmakaya, // This is the
encompassing display of kayas and primordial wisdom,
92-$?%-i=-:LR<-(J/-0R:C-*3?-=J/-=: .LJ<-3J.-,$?-GA-,A$-=J<-<R-$&A$->R$:
Zab sang naljor chenpö nyam len la: Yermë tug kyi tigle rochig shog:
In the practice of the profound secret great yoga, // May the one taste of the inseparable heart tigle manifest.

These were the final words of the great tertön of Mindröling, Terdag Lingpa, before he passed away.

The 100 Syllable Vajrasattva Mantra        
<-2#-?-<-?-3-;, 3-/-0-=-;, 2#-?-<-+J-/R-0,
Om Vajrasattva Samaya: Manu Palaya: Vajrasattva Tenopa:
+A-N-SA-R-3J-S-7, ?-+R-XR-3J-S-7, ?-0R-XR-3J-S-7,
Tishtra Dridho Me Bhawa: Suto Shayo Me Bhawa: Supo Shayo Me Bhawa:
A-/-<RR-3J-S-7, ?j-<ÜKÜ-gJ-T-;o-?j-!k-?-4-3J,
Anurakto Me Bhawa: Sarwa Siddhi Me Prayetsa: Sarwa Karma Sutsa Me:
4BX)-XA-;) -!-<->-@-@-@-@-@R-S-$-7/-?j-+-,-$-+,
Tsittam Shri Yam Kuru Hum: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Bhagawan: Sarwa Tatagata:
Vajra Mame Muntsa: Vajri Bhawa Maha Samaya Sattva Ah Hum Phet:


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