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Facing Angry Parents

The local town hall was full of angry parents awaiting the arrival of Mr. James, councilor in
charge of recreational facilities in the town. They hoped that some of the other councilors
would appear, but Mr. James arrived on his own, other councilors being conspicuous by
their absence.

They were concerned about the lack of playground facilities in the town and were
determined that something be done about this. Mr. James was famous for his smooth
talking, but the parents were determined that he would not get away with eloquence
tonight. Tonight they would make the point that actions speak louder than words.

As the parent expected, Mr. James immediately went on the charm offensive when he
entered the hall. True to form, he had prepared a speech which said how much the
children of the town meant to all the how concerned the councilors were about the welfare
of the young, and he began to read from this. To his surprise, he had hardly got into his
stride when he was interrupted by a man who suggested that he cut the cackle and get
down to brass tacks. Mr. James was appalled at the man’s rudeness, but the other parents
were on the side of the interrupter.

They were already up in arms about the lack of action on the part of the council and Mr.
James’s smooth talking was simply adding fuel to the flames. Mr. James had suspected that
the parents would be difficult audience to please, but he was getting more than he had
bargained for.

Many of them had spent several years trying to get the provision of the playground
facilities improved and increased and they were quite determined to get their impatience
and dissatisfaction off their chest. Mr. James tried to point out that some improvements
had been made in that existing equipment had been repaired. However, this was simply
dismissed by the parents as too little, too late.

Mr. James was absolutely exhausted by the time the parents had finished telling him exactly
what was required if their children were to have safe and interesting places to play. He
made a great many notes and he also made a mental note not to attend the next meeting on
this subject. He would send his deputy.
1. Be conspicuous by someone’s absence (cliché) : An expression used to indicate that
someone is not present and their absence is noticeable and likely to be commented
2. Actions speak louder than words (cliché) : Used to emphasize that what you do is
more important than what you say; originally a proverb.
3. Go on the charm offensive (cliché) : To set out to be more charming, pleasant or
attractive than you actually are in order to gain popularity.
4. True to form (cliché) : In the way that you would expect someone to behave from
your past experience of them, often used of behavior that is unacceptable in some
5. Get into one’s stride (idiom/cliché) : To become accustomed to doing something so
that you begin to do it more confidently and effectively after being rather slow and
hesitant at the beginning. Find your feet conveys similar idea.
6. Cut the cackle (cliché) : Used to suggest to someone that it is time to stop
meaningless, pointless talk and start discussing something seriously.
7. Get down to brass tacks (idiom/cliché) : To begin to deal with the important, basic
details of something. The cliché get down to the nuts and bolts of something and get
down to the nitty gritty convey same idea.
8. Up in arms (idiom/cliché) : To be very angry and make a protest about something.
9. Adding fuel to the flames/ fire (idiom/cliché) : To do something which makes an
already difficult situation worse.
10. Get more than you bargain for (cliché) : To be faced with a more difficult situation
than you had expected or were prepared for.
11. Get (something) off their chest (idiom/cliché) : To talk something which has been
upsetting, worrying or annoying you.
12. Too little, too late (cliché) : Used to indicate that some action taken to improve a
situation or solve a problem is inadequate and has been undertaken too late to be

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