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School of Engineering

Coursework Title: Online CANVAS Test

Module Name: Engineering Analysis

Module Code: 6102MECH and 6102MAN
Level: 6
Credit Rating: 20
Weighting: 50%

Time/Date: January Assessment Period

Instructions: This assignment is a time limited, invigilated test which is designed to test
your fundamental CFD knowledge and practical ability.

You should answer all of the questions presented in this paper copy of the
assignment via the CANVAS Test interface. The question text in the CANVAS
Test Interface starts with a number which is consistent with this paper. You
should ensure that you enter your answer in the correct location.

You should be sure to provide your answers on CANVAS to the accuracy stated
in the question and using the requested units … just input a number for the
answer where requested (not the units as they have been specified).

Two of the questions (Q7 and Q15) require that you upload a file to answer
the question. These questions are manually marked. Make sure you keep a
backup of the files submitted until after the assessment has been graded.

Important: The questions are not equally weighted. In particular Q1 is worth

20 marks and Q15 is worth 25 marks. All other questions are worth differing
numbers of marks. Please make sure you allow enough time to complete the
two high mark questions. Q15 requires you to run a number of solutions,
please allow plenty of time to undertake the work for this question.

As you answer questions in CANVAS you should click on SAVE. Do NOT click
on submit until you have answered all questions.

Feedback: Student feedback will be given via CANVAS on or before 21st February 2021
Question A this section of questions is worth 30 marks

Q1 Fill the missing words below using the most appropriate words from those provided.

In almost all real-world, engineering fluid flow problems there are no [1] solutions and, therefore,
alternative methods must be employed to obtain [2] solutions. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
is a branch of fluid mechanics which utilises [3] techniques and [4] to solve fluid flow problems. In CFD,
the equations that govern a problem are derived from the fundamental laws of physics – typically,
conservation of [5] (often referred to as the [6] equation), conservation of momentum
(Newton’s [7] Law of Motion written for fluid flow), energy equation (derived from the [8] Law of
Thermodynamics). For the solution process, the portion of [9] relevant to the problem is considered
and is called the computational domain. Assuming the continuum hypothesis, the computational
domain is [10] into a computational mesh. On the faces of the computational domain, [11] are
imposed. Appropriate numerical schemes and fluid flow models are selected, which convert the
governing equations into a set of [12] equations. These equations are then solved on the
computational mesh typically using [13] methods. For such methods, an [14] is required which is
progressively updated until the calculated [15] is less than the specified tolerance at which point the
solution is said to be numerically [16]. Other important criteria for determining simulation
convergence include problem [17] (e.g. showing the velocity at a point of interest is constant,
implying [18] conditions). In order to determine the robustness of the obtained solution, sensitivity
analyses should be completed including a [19] analysis. Furthermore, the results should be [20],
where possible, against available experimental data. END.

The choices from the drop-down menu will be:

1. verified and validated
2. converged
3. initial condition
4. discretised
5. physical space
6. physical models
7. approximate
8. analytical
9. numerical
10. mass
11. scalar
12. continuity
13. 2nd
14. 1st
15. 0th
16. 3rd
17. linear, algebraic
18. non-linear, partial differential
19. boundary conditions
20. iterative
21. matrix inversion
22. residual
23. error
24. goals
25. steady-state
26. transient
27. mesh sensitivity
28. turbulence
[20 marks]

Q2 From those given below, which statement best describes the 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model?

1. The 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model, where 𝑘 = 0.5(𝑢 ̅̅̅̅̅̅

′ ′
𝑖 𝑢𝑗 ) is the turbulent kinetic energy and 𝜀 is the
dissipation rate of 𝑘, is a two-equation model characterised as an eddy viscosity model.
2. The 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model, where 𝑘 = 0.5(𝑢 ̅̅̅̅̅̅
′ ′
𝑖 𝑢𝑖 ) is the turbulent kinetic energy and 𝜀 is the
dissipation rate of 𝑘, is a one-equation model characterised as an eddy viscosity model.
3. The 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model, where 𝑘 = 0.5(𝑢 ̅̅̅̅̅̅
′ ′
𝑖 𝑢𝑖 ) is the turbulent kinetic energy and 𝜀 is the
dissipation rate of 𝑘, is a two-equation model characterised as an eddy viscosity model.
4. The 𝑘 − 𝜀 turbulence model, where 𝑘 = 0.5(𝑢 ̅̅̅̅̅̅
′ ′
𝑖 𝑢𝑖 ) is the turbulent kinetic energy and 𝜀 is the
dissipation rate of 𝑘, is a two-equation model characterised as a Reynolds Stress Model.
[5 marks]

Q3. From those given below, which statement best describes the CFD solver used in SolidWorks for
steady-state problem?
1. The CFD solver used in SolidWorks is based on a finite volume discretisation technique
which, using defined initial conditions, marches the solution through time until results do
not vary with time based upon specified goals.
2. The CFD solver used in SolidWorks is based on a finite difference discretisation technique
which marches the solution through time until results do not vary with time based upon
specified goals.
3. The CFD solver used in SolidWorks is based on a finite volume discretisation technique
which, following an initial guess, using a SIMPLE-like algorithm iterates the
solution until convergence has been achieved.
4. The CFD solver used in SolidWorks is based on a finite volume discretisation technique
which uses a matrix inversion technique (typically computationally less expensive than
iterative techniques) to solve for the required flow fields.
[5 marks]
Question B this section is worth 30 marks

An aluminium vane of 0.1 m length is at an initial temperature of 80°C and is cooled by being
exposed to a water stream at temperature 5°C flowing over it as show in figure QB.

Water flow in X direction

2D computational domain

Figure QB. Orientation of vane (0.1m in length) with cooling water stream. The cooling water flows
in the +ve X direction over the component. The 2D computational domain is visible.

You are required to build a 2D transient CFD model of the flow of cooling water around the
aluminium component (Aluminium is located under the heading “Metals” in the SolidWorks Flow
Simulation Wizard or Engineering Database). The velocity of the cooling water is 0.2m/s.

You will need to model the cooling down of the component over a total time period of 0.5s saving
the results at an appropriate time interval.

Use the default mesh settings (Global level 3). Select and apply suitable goals in order to answer
the following questions:

Q4 How many cells are used in your model? [4 Marks]

Q5 How long after the start of water cooling does the average temperature of the component reach
300K when using the default mesh settings? Give your answer in seconds to the nearest 0.01s.
[4 marks]

Q6 What is the average temperature of the component after the 0.5s cooling period when using the
default mesh settings? Give your answer in K to the nearest 0.1K. [4 marks]
Q7 Upload a picture of the temperature field in the fluid and solid at 0.5s after the start of cooling.
Submit you answer as a jpeg or other suitable image file such as pdf, png etc.
[10 marks]

Q8 What is the initial heat transfer rate from the whole surface, give your answer in W to the
nearest 1W. [4 marks]

Q9 Identify the location of the maximum solid temperature at 0.25 seconds after the start of cooling
is it?

1) At the leading edge

2) In the centre of the solid
3) At the trailing edge
4) On the centre of the lower surface

[4 marks]

Question C this section is worth 40 marks

A duct for supplying water is illustrated in Figure QC. The inlet section feeds water into a tapering
section that feeds the water into a narrow outlet section. The duct geometry is available in the
SolidWorks file “QC”. Download and extract the folder to your desktop.

You are required to model of the flow of water though the pipe using SolidWorks Flow Simulation.

Upper surface of
Inlet Lid tapered section
Line along centre of outlet

Inlet section
Tapered section
Outlet section
Outlet lid

Figure QC. The water supply duct

The inlet section is 1m long, the tapered section is 0.75m long and the outlet section is 1m long. The
vertical dimension of the inlet section is 250mm. The outlet section vertical dimension is 50mm. A line
has been constructed passing along the centreline of the outlet section as illustrated in Figure QC.

The entire duct has a width (in Z) of 1m.

Flow of water through the duct is driven by a pressure difference. The static pressure on the inlet is
200kPa and the static pressure on the outlet is 100kPa. The temperature of the water is 293.2K.

Build a 2D CFD model of the flow through the duct using the following conditions and settings:

Inlet static pressure: 200kPa

Exit static pressure: 100kPa
Water inlet temperature: 293.2K (default setting)

Use the default mesh setting automatic meshing set to level 3. Do not change the mesh setting.

Apply global goals for the following physical quantities:

average X-component of velocity

average Y-component of velocity

average Z-component of velocity

average static pressure

Do not add any extra goals or manual mesh refinement. That is run your model with a Global
mesh setting of 3.

Make sure you save your results for use in constructing your answer to Q18.

Q10 Use your CFD model to determine the mass flow rate of water through the duct. [3 marks]

Q11 Determine the pressure 500 mm along (i.e. at the centre) of the outlet section? Give your
answer in Pa. [4 marks]

Q12 Determine the Y component of force acting on the upper wall of the tapered section. Give
your answer in kN. [3 marks]

Q13 How many fluid cells are used in your CFD model? [2 marks]
Q14 What is the highest X-component of velocity (Vx) in the model? Give your answer in m/s to
the nearest 0.1m/s. [3 marks]

Q15 You are now required to demonstrate the steps in undertaking a mesh study and submit a single
pdf file that contains evidence of your study. Starting with a Global Mesh set to level 2. You can use
your results from the earlier analysis undertaken with a Global Mesh setting of 3 as one of your data
points. We suggest local initial mesh settings to the outlet section and investigating a total of 4
different meshes.

1. Compile your results into a single pdf file using either a spreadsheet or other document.
Include in your submission:
2. A graph of the variation of a suitable result against mesh count.
3. Cut plots showing the velocity (Vx) and the mesh in the outlet section of the duct for each
mesh used (best zoom in at the same location. Use the Windows snipping tool to capture the
cut plots.
4. A very brief comment on whether you have achieved mesh independence etc, best to use
bullet points.

Be careful not to generate very fine meshes with high cell count as they take too long to solve. All of
your meshes should be less than 50000 cells.

Upload your mesh study pdf file to CANVAS [25 marks]

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