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Oxford University Press Is the world’s authority on the English language. As part of the University of Oxford, we are committed to furthering English language learning worldwide We continuously bring tagether our experience, expertise and research to create resources such as this one, helping millions of learners of English to achieve their potential OXFORD BOUT el OXFORD mae 9000600000 Contents All about my birthday I'm helping Mum My day Review 1 T'm buying a present Tm at the street party Review 2 T'm at the canteen T’m at the holiday park Review 3 Bonfire Night Christmas Pancake Day Picture Dictionary All about grammar Cut-outs OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 12 20 22 30 38 40 48 56 58 59 60 61 68 75 | Look and write the numbers. ath I SO A All about my birthday Lesson 1 thirty-first 2 Write. What's the secret word? June is the month, Februari the | month. Novenberis the month, Augustis the | October is the January is the month, March is the —— month, month, ta Pa 6th fist second third fourth fifth sixth 8th 9th seventh eighth nth tenth eleventh twelfth 14th 16th 18th thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth —| seventeenth eighteenth 19th 2st 23rd nineteenth —_|twentieth [twenty-first |twenty-second |twenty-thitd twenty-fourth 25th 27th 2ath twenty-fifth twenty-sixth | twenty-seventh | twenty-eighth twenty-ninth | thirtieth Bast APRIL Mrwtess ree 4567850 Wiz 1314615 wiz B20 21 22 23.24 Lesson2 @ listen ond complete the birthdays. 5 Tim (Ben ) Joke 25% september May December April June 2 Answer the question. When's your birthday? eS We say: It's on the third of May. We write: It’s on 3 May. 3. Ask and answer with your friends. Write their names and birthdays. 'sbirthday: 'sbirthday: 'sbirthday: nas eae es ace Lesson 2 Lesson 1 1 @ listen ond tick v the correct picture. 1 Order and write. Number the pictures. 1 @ukee 2. meotsha-heca 3 repermtaute 4 ocetahoht 5 alee 6 Gherace 7 te 8 caheheda 2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. 2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Complete the questions and answers. 1 Whats the mater wth hin? ses got_a headache 2 What's the mater wth her? she's got 3 Whats with 2 e's ‘ > shes 3 Write two questions and answers. Mime, ask and answer with your friend. 1 with you? 2 ? > as ‘Allabout grammer page 69 5 ) Lesson & Cross-curricular Lesson 3 culture & Communication 1 Read and number the pictures. Playground helpers 1 @ listen and draw tines. Gly) Way) (Fred) (ie) (eck) A RR eet ened Look at the picture in Activity 1. Complete, hago SRA 1 Sally io playing tag splayng J 2 Mary C 2 Write the totals in the tally chart, Complete the bar chart. ‘What's your favourite animal? Favourite animals aT 3 Fre Ariat Tay] Teal (sate aeod aaa football i z2 | os {L_aplayaround helper -t8g- seve Pan werin] os | OO 5 Jack pm at } ¢ 3 Complete the dialogue. @ Listen and check. ere Wt (thank yu) [whavs the matter) (Tve got} (Howoreyou (not very wel} iF a uy: 1 How ane you 2 re 1 Charlie: I'm fine, 2 How are you? OT pond Pdaraan T gotta T ter Tipo Lily: tm3 3 Choose a question to ask your friends. Make a tally chart and a bar chart. eel er! What's your favourite sport / school subject / season? Liy, 5 {@ cough ond a cold. Who's your favourite singer / actor / sports person? Char pene sd fed 1 @ listen and number the people, q ae ee ae 2 eat ty We Vial _ does looktke? ike? He's got curly, She's got curly, u S a Uk He's band thie ‘and good-tooking, venga ee wot i 2 look the? heir 2 @ILIEDD What do you think about the story? Colour and complete. (HETIEED look the she's and 4 2 she's got : helt I think the story is good great Ese, ON AEN, 3 Read, think and tick v: 3 Read and complete. What do you look like? “ It is important for me bl .-have a lot of friends. B ieee ~~ look nice. 4 Ask and answer with two friends. Write their answers. lke myself C) What do you ook tke? Be youre ~hepoterpeope. Fiend - reas teat) nae : DO 1 Remember and write, Lesson 7 Review & tegrated ski 1 What's the matter with Ash’s dad in the play? cold, a headache, 2 What does he look tke normally? He's got 3 What does he look lke in the show? > 2 Read the description and answer. =) What's the matter with Lily's granny? ‘Wis isa picture of my granny, She's tall fn thin. She's got ours, grey hab ancl she wears glasses. Today che's im bed. he ewe veng well. She's got @ stomach > and a temperature. She's reading a book. = I ee ~~ 3 Imagine someone in your family sill. Draw ond write. P This is a picture of 4% Cirele the /k/ sounds in blue and the /t{/ sounds in red. @ listen, check and repeat. © toothoKe spinach ch ttomach-ache TE ey My friend Hair Eyes big, brown eyes long, brown hair My Friend ‘in costume ai cea big, Be eyes red nose Econpmaleres 2 Choose a friend. Plan and write. My friend Hair Eyes My Friend in costume 1 Look at Ash's project plan. Read and complete. @ Listen ond check. # ete) tice What does she look like normally? 1 She's got 2 She's got What does she look like in costume? 3 She's got_curvlay 4 She's got. 5 6 What does 1 got 2 got What does — greeny hai 7 eyes. look tike normally? hair. eyes. 100k like in costume? Lesson Vocabulary Lesson 2 1 Write. What's the secret action? 1 @ listen and write the times. 2 Complete the questions and answers. 1 What time does Mina eat breakfast? Sho eato breakfaot at half naat eigh 3 Write two more questions ond answers about Ash and Mina. ‘Ask and onswer with your friend. What ti 20 Nob, ? >) Care + listen and number. Mymumisar police officers Her uniform is She wears a yellow jacket, too. She drives 0 Mydadis a /iAeK He weors a yellow helmet and big He drivesas Fins 1 1s nee c Thank you! Excuse me, 2 Thank you! Its7_ Heh Excuse me, what time is it? Look, read and write the animal words, ‘mouse fox owl 1 Itruns fast and it hunts small animals. It can hear very wel 2 Itcan fly. Itcon't see very well, but it can hear wel. It hunts insects. 3 It can fly and it can see in the dark. It hunts mice and other small animals. 4 Tt can un. It con't see well, but it can hear and smell hunters. Iteats fruit and plants. Read the questions and tick v. = r ‘Which nocturnal animals / / hunt other animals? Vv V v ‘Which nocturnal animals can fy? V Find out about a different noctumal animal. Draw and write. This isa_by n@ see well. 1t_ Catt _ smelt well hear well. teats four ond hi Lt ca _ Boring Bill and the 23 ae @- diamond robbers 1 @ listen and circle the word or clock. | Read the story again. Complete. quditto quars.gest inthsmaning ethe-sterneer- at night” tonight ‘The robbers want o big diamond from the museum. They can’t go to the museum 1 im the afternoon, because there are a lot of people there. Boss says, ‘Let's go to the museum 2__Lenni * Bil, the guard, works at the museum ep ri TTR 340 mghi. He goes toworkat 4 qua car Af six He eats dinner at 5 4 Weyrlat0K eight. He goes to bed at home om Lhe tse. meu ep7110_.. He brushes his teeth at the museum. He sees the robbers and they go to prison! 2 @ELIED What do you think about the story? Colour and complete. (EEN I think the storys: good great Iwetannes Sy ory YYErY 3 Read, think and give yourself marks out of 10. Answer the question. 2 Look at Activity 1. Complete the questions and onswers. ee tee ea ee oi 1 Does she get up at seven o'clock? Treed carefully. O10 2 Doe she go to work in the morning? write carefully. G0 > he Wok hin'the afternoon? check my work. +L 199 SLY LDat ten o'clock? 3 Weite two questions and enswers about your friend. Do you do a good job at school? 2) 1 20 1 Order the questions and write answers. ver o'clock, aa | 2 Read the blog post and answer. {=} \Whot time does Mina go to bed? ite got my fiend Ms ctrdoy, cho goos to bed at ure athe fo at like steeping at Ly 7 quarter post eleven {goes to bed at @ Uisten, check and repeat. Or Teal ater werd wih he ae 9 rete) 1 Look at Lily’s project plan. Read and complete. @ listen and check. Activity getup Time 630 catbreckfost 1.00 Pedro's day 1 Pedio_geto up. ak half raat brush teeth 115 ri y break at seven o'clock. eatluneh ni " 3He e a watch TY 300 ot eat dinner 18 gotobed #00 ook 2 Choose a friend. Plan and write. fo (Activity Time getup cot breakfast brush teeth ) eat lunch watch TV ] eat dinner WN ( gotobed ( AA | Read the story again, Tick v True or False. 1 Anna has got long, fair heir 2 Anna goes to school at quarter to nine. 3 Anna has got a cough and cold. 4 Panda mimes a toothache. 5 Anna con goto schoo tomorow good looking. 2 @ listen and match. 2 @ listen ond complete. Draw. He's got She's got , He's got curly hai es _ 3 Match the questions to the pictures. Complete the answers, 1 What's the matter with him? 3 Whot times does he eat breakfast? © 11.15 atnight | 6.00 all 1 WD voesshebushtertetninthe moninge Yen. ohe- doen _ 2 MD sincxsimcoesre getup? - 3 WR does she goto bed ot quarter postseven? taf post four a 2 & doog kooginl cltt fait der ihar He's She's He's She's got £2 C2 C2 hair Lesson 1 Vocabulary Lesson 2 Grammar & 3 Ss . I’m buying a present ee a a | Write this, that, these or those. @ Listen and check. 1 Count and write. 2 @ listen again and draw ©) or haa) @ CK | W 4 QE A Ly eee @ @ |, s voe ae a 2 3 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write questions and answers. those omqeeg BERET Thera are. ten _ecvingo., seven : 1 Do. you like those umbrella? No, T dont four — » nine five ’ 2 three 1 ondeight ; : ‘ - - 2 Look at the picture in Activity 1. Write, (Setweer between near next to a The bolweon the watches L bell i 4s Join the dots. Write two questions and answers. Ask and answer with your friend, { Where are the umbrellas? | (watches, belts) = = 2 Where athe bet? | - LL OB 1 De you like 2 (wallets) Q== { where ore the bracelets? Wy Latah — ® wine oe the ering? | ‘ore the earrings? (bracelets, rings) Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Culture & ross-curticular Communication 1 @ listen and circle. 1 Label the picture. i ik goldring -siwerbeacelet toga tunic wax table ond creina a) by ). @ oilven bracelet . Bon . e » B } 2 QTESEEDD took othe pictures n Activity 1. Wit, | | 1 Lily and A eum Shor. 2 3 3 Look and complete. @ Listen and write the prices. Today my mothers wearing How much is How much ore How much is | My father is wearing that T'm wearing plese? voleose? | | MY is wearing 3 Find a picture of people from a different period of history. Write what they are wearing. Use the internet to find pictures. Look up words in a dictionar Lesson 5 A colourful winter | Read the story again. Complete. 2 Write the numbers, (checked -colourhat flowery knitting spotty stripy 1 All the knitting is_coLowrpub 2 The balls are Lesson 6 1 @ listen and match. 3 The bikes are 4 The scarfis 5 The birds are 6 George's granny loves 2 ‘What do you think about the story? Colour and complete. (ENTS I think the story is: good great oa re AT 3 Read, think and tick v: Answer the question. 1 drow or paint pictures. (__) ey hes teaccae a) I moke nice things. 4 tidy up the classroom, ‘We can all make the world look nce. ) CES Do you make the world look nice? 2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Complete the questions and answers. @ listen again and check. 1 whaseare hove bist theyre theine 2 Whose are val? Theyre 3 whose bite? ts ‘ evn 5 hat? 3 Write questions ond answers. Think! Plan! Do! Lesson 7 Tey (aa3 Integrated skills 1 Look and write, 1 Look at Ash’s project plan. Read and complete. @ Listen and check. (Howery tedand blue -spetty sti My shop Hem Description Price | 1 These colourful. unl (Gis Sands “scooter shoes ) Di are fine poundo 1 Whose is this opothy, yimbrellas colourful £5.00 ey eines tie watches spotty fe.a0. |? Thee i belt steipy £450 3 Whose are th 3 This is ia earrings flowery £2.00 4 wallet checked £525 a bracelets colourful 240) 5 ~~ 2 Read the advert and answer. §=) 3 Make an advert. Draw and write. , How much ae the bracelets? Ran : Bo you Uke thie stripy wallet? es blue anal yellow. ee only 27.9. app ee 2 Choose things for your shop. Plan and write mae a Item Description Price My shop Poyoetinethist Do you tke 2 n cotoarfut bracelets? on By them for your ‘friendet eye onty Sop each 4 Circle the /1z/ sounds in blue and the /z/ sounds in red. listen, check and repeat. dove) tin Lesson1 Vocabulary Lesson 2 Grammar & m at the street party — ES 1 @ listen and number. imate ving the 5 2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Wte questions and answers 2g dng 6—_y—n— the t A (laying /table) Io he Laying the t No, he wont, 3 ping 7__sh__9 u 8 (cooking) 4 wei By P © (painting) 2 Look and write the questions. Find the people in Activity 1 and write their answers. tO, ston A ®, 9 ‘re you ; D (sweeping) E (washing up) F (gardening) 3 Look and complete the questions and answers. Ask and answer with your friend. Listen and match. Look, read and match, 5 ; e 5 | eee. t Se dy ot ana cea \ cere © this house has got. eae poets. = rainwater ato make electricity. Orrsioueresgn. \gavindurbne. / — -enagy tomes tomes. Write how you use water and electricity in one day. How mue fo we use ? Find ou _ Order the dialogues. @ Listen and check. th water di each day? Find out about four activities. R 8 Tm sweeping No, I'm not! Yes, Lam. What are you doing? 1. what are you doing? Are you good at washing up? ‘Are you good at sweeping? Fm washing up. iin Be. ‘ Mulan Read the story again. Complete. seen: twos strong. mutants Huton in She's ‘What do you think about the story? Colour and complete. I think the story is: OK good great A oe DEN Tgveit__stars. of yyy Weyyyy Read, think and give yourself marks out of 10. Answer the question. work hard at my school work | work hard at my homework work hard at sport. ‘Work hard and you can or on ana achieve your goals Do you work hard? 110 110 110 110 What does Mulan want to do? @ Listen and tick 7 or cross x. Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Write. @ Listen again and check. 1 (climb) She wants to clin. a {ree 2 (cook) She doesn’t want to 3 (ride 4 (do) 5 (water) ‘Write about a friend. What does he / she want to do tonight? ° wonts to doesn’t want to Lesson 7 Review & Integrated skills | Order the questions and write answers. ne you qood at sweeping? 1 Gen) (@ ae Read the messenger chat and answer. [=| 3 Make a messenger chat. Drew and write, Is Lily washing up? a = Wy, What oe ) wat re you ding (2 ‘you doing? mn ‘Are you cooking? Is Charlle washing up, too? eR war EE 4s Girele the /11)/ sounds in blue and the /n/ sounds in red. @ listen, check and repeat. sweetcof) cook) sun ktcheni sing dolphin wearing spring My project 1 Look at Lily's project plan. Read and complete. € Listen and check. 109 ward-working / who sthis? Who is he? \ shes__Mulamr.Nowrtisten tome! She doesnt wot tobe lr. Ss One, two, thee she wants tbe : Thisis who she wants tobe She doesrt wont tobe can you see? f weak X lazy X She wants to be This is who she wants to be! 2 Choose a character. Plan and write. lazy hard-working polite rude weok strong tidy untidy fiendly inteligent funny lively v Vv | Whois this? Who is 2 \ Now listen to me! _ doesn’t want to be One, two, three, wants to be a This is who. wants to bel doesn’t want to be 4 X — Canyou see? wants to be x This is who. wants to bel e | Read the story agoin. Answer the questions. 1 Is Oscar laying the table? No, he ion 2 Is Oscars sister watering the flowers? 3 Is Tortoise making a necklace? 4 Is Tiger kitting « hat? 2 Look and complete. Use a word from box A and a word from box B. Bithot hese these those ) | Look at ving. ——e xx | Look at the picture. Write the questions and answers. 1 (washing up) 2 (gardening) —____ 3 ning wo) ’ _ + wecrig) , 2 Order and write. 1 rondo lsntlay. She's orto. —_hand-rsonking 2 Goin weok. He's tosgn 3 Tiger's bedroom isn't tidy. It's ndiyut 3 @ listen and draw © or @). Complete. 1 Tiger vam to _ lay the table 2 Tiger ‘water the flowers. 3 Tiger wash up. 4 Gorilla lay the table. 5 Goria dry up. eo Lesson2 Lesson 1 I'm at the canteen —— Oem ital tn 6[S] THES) * = , 1 @ listen and write A or B. 1B 2A 3A 6B 1 (apples) ea Veo _in picture A? 2 (bread) Ib there amy bread, _ in picture 8? aioe Ake there a» 4ime) 1S Ther ay stnees) te there avy 6x) = Ane ther Af picture A? 2 Look and complete the questions. Write the answers. Ve, ther earenl No, there Yet there cre (read rolls oie euddines rice ) {breod ’ 3 Draw three foods in the bag. Write two questions and answers. ‘Ask and answer with your friend. Net hon No.1 dvonent NO 1 haan, : , Yes, there ate « Hove. you gota eo 0 Qa an apple obiscuit ecoke comets Ast grapes thik chermmpe pesto potatoes salad sonduiches yagnat | 1 shesoot_fioh salad, potatnes, a0 oraititang a cake 2 He's got Sartdiches grafes and 7409) 3 She's got_pucta _, Ca) AL Mole ,% \A 3 Look at the pictures and circle. @ Listen and check, Please canthaveacoke? | es, of cous. Here you a (Gs, ofcourse. Here you are, S @: cae | Y on — ease can Ihave some paste?) | Rease can Ihave some posts? caw | Please can I have some rice? No, sorry. There aren't any, Please can I have a bread roll? ease can Ihave some ish?) Yes, of course. Here you are, |x Lesson 4 A healthy lunch 1 Complete the labels on the picture. [ carbohydrates: vitamins ond fie | red, potatoes, frutond1 veqetallon s pasa ond 6 tise [ protein: | fish and 2_cmeat 2 Read and match. ao i Se a lot of fat or sugar: cakes, biscuits ond 7 Swe ets sour bones and teeth strong. “give us energy. 3 bee helps us to grow. 4 Carbohydrates — : <—hetps digestion. 5 Protein —— keep us healthy. 3 Write the foods you eat in a day. Write the foods in the correct box. Cre Lys De pec Sa eee Story & Vocabulary A special cake ss % oe 1 Read the story again. Complete, Make a healthy bird cake You need: hee oi nv B® owes: 3 puts 2 @IETIEND What do you think about the story? Colour and complete. (RTT I think the story is: oK Toiveit__stars. 3 Read, think and answer the questions. good great hf ee Gio What animals) do you feed? f3 a ‘Animals need healthy food, too, Do you give them healthy food? CIID 1 @ listen and circle the correct picture, 3 Write about food in your kitchen at home, Tell your friends. © There's a lot of © There isn't any ° ° ut grammer pone all Lesson 7 1 Remember and write. 1 1s here ary meat on Minas pizza? No _ tomatoes in Ash's salad? Nuts and raisins in Mino’s biscuits, __ strawberries in Ash's dessert. ( 2 Read the description and answer. {= 3 Draw your favourite meal and write. What's Lily's favourite dessert? ‘ Oo | Ld This is a picture of my favourite meal “tis is a piture of may favourite meal “hes some curry anal rae, tere iew't = any weet in the euny, but there area lot of vegetables. tere are mushrooms, onions and tavantoes, Tere's come tndian brand, too, scaled ‘naan’. For dessert, thers chocolate cake there are 2 fw stonwiberries on the cake. there's apple juice dink, 4 Girele the /f/ sounds in blue and the /t{/ sound: @ Listen, check and repeat. ® —@ies mushrooms itch é 1 Look at Ash’s project plan. Read and complete. @ Listen and check. My healthy lunch peda concn (ren avovberes oem 1 There's some 2 There are alot of 3 There's alittle 4 There area few — 5 There oren't any 6 There isn’t any 2 Choose food and drink for a healthy lunch. Plan, write and draw. () meat Ojtsn (oxo bread rolls My healthy lunch 1 There 2 There 3 There = Cte io ()veseabies (raisins alot of olittle ony Ons CO wer Oiice Omi + CO) init CO) yoshurt (biscuits ( puaaings Lesson 2 Grammar & Commynication BO LS SS 1 Look and write. Number the pictures. mlaly[olel>|«/s[+ alblelale|fla[hli *[=|]#]*[¢[ Te[ Um] lolelalr[s]e]elv|wlx 1 S4oeeKarne 5 Voe#* 240880 wteare 6 abso 3 Ome 7400)98t> Atrd* 2 Find the people in Activity 1. Complete the questions and answers. 1 What are they doing? ‘ 7 4 moRvecens 8 #0044 pos ? 3 ? 6 ? AAMAS @ald O 2 Circle four pictures in Activity 1. Write questions and answers. 3 Look and complete. Draw yourself with a friend and write, Ask and answer. ? ‘What are you doing? Cette .esson 3 Culture & 1 @ listen and tick v A, Bor C. 1 What time do they get up? 3 What does Dan's sister like doing? 96 26 2 What does Don eat for breakfast? 4 What is Dan's favourite ectivity? 22° gag 2 CLD Look at the pictures in Activity 1. Read and complete. Dan is camping with his family. They get up at 1 Dan eats 2 anton to eight for breokost. Dans sister kes Dan's favourite activity is 4 = < Shall we go 1. camp = [ that's a great idea. Andiet’sgo 1 2 __, too! Lesson 4 Cross-curicular 1 Complete the sentences and write good or bad. ‘lotof forests locol people paths -spendemeney tourists momety on the local aren good. 1 Local government 27.07 2 Tourists can doo lot of activities in the mountains and 3 an workin hotels, cafés and shops. 44 Some tourists destroy — ond drop liter 5 There re cars onthe roads. 6 spend money on hotels, activities, food and presents. zi 2 Doa survey. Ask and answer and complete the tally chart, Do you think tourism is good or bad for our area? I think it's good. I think it's bad. I don't know. 3 Make a list of activites that tourists can do in your area. Tick ¥ or cross X the activities. =) ee‘ CATA I **) ‘eravel by ear rr Peet The Lost City of the ios 3s, An 1 Read the story again. Complete. corefuly dangerously slowly quickly 4eudiy quietly ) Samm ae eed ay ely) Mr Bingham meets two children. First, he talks 1 @ Listen and tick v the correct picture. 1 floudhy then, they tak 2 7 because there are monkeys in the jungle, They cross the river 3 because the bridge is moving 4 They swim and canoe 5 because there are big snakes and crocodies inthe river. They climb the mountain 6 because they are tired. Then they find Machu Plchu, the Lost City of the incest — 2 Look at the pictures in Activity 1, Write. € Listen again and check. 2 @ITID What do you think about the story? Colour and complete. (RESTSESED pa | 1 Heb swalking canefully I think the story is: ‘great | 2 Theyte Toive it___ stars. a Sey weyery 3 4 _ 3 Read, think and tick v When my work is difficult, | give up. O tm in yy keep trying, and I sometimes ask for help. (__} ° s ing ‘When Task for help, ropes eee O ‘sk for help. I feel stupid. O Lesson7 w & Integrated sils 1 Look and write. they) — What are_ th 2 (he) What's. 2 3 (they) 2 a 2 Read the email and answer, What are Lily's uncle and aunt doing? 3 Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email. ‘ Hi Ash, Hi ) We're having a great time in Snowdonia! Totymydaistig itera |_| Me : \, | chert thn mn eon lmong ery arly dy renting See you soon, See you soon, _—___ ten, check and repeat, pping s@Iy dolphin rowing home dog comic hippo Think! Plan! Do! 1 Look at Lily's project plan. Read and complete. @ listen and check. # O rating (O rrse tng (rowing (CO) rikng (mountain biking ( srotteting (swimming CO windsuring (running CO) exnosing My triathlon My three activities are _camoeimng. 1 Were 2 Were 3 Were My favourite part of the triathlon is. My triathlon My three activities are canoeing, cand 1 We're slowly on the 2 We're quickly in the 3 We're carefully inthe My favourite port ofthe triathlon is inthe (inthe forest (CD onthe beach and the correct words. hiking in the water. 2 Theres some /isn’t any fruit for lunch, 3 There are some / aren't any bread rolls for lunch. 4 Tigris walking slowly /quicky. 5 Tiger is good at /isnt good at windsurfing. 6 There's a little / alot of cheese in the soled. 2 Look and answer the questions. 1 Is there any fruit? 2 Are there any nuts and seeds? 3 Is there any rice? 4 Are there ony puddings? 5 Isthere any solad? 1 Look and write the questions and answers. What are you_doung were fukin G) What are you Were They're 2 Colour the matching pieces the same. —~ lou- | / i eV LL - 7 ly 3 Look and complete. Use words from Activity 2. 1 Panda's talking quel 2 Tortoise is singing 3 Gorilla is canoeing 4 Tiger's 5 Seal Master Bonfire Night — TS | Find, circle and write, 2 jacket - 6 3 toasted 7 = 4 tomato__ 8 OM 2 “¥ ae 2 finantasena inthe ae . 3 (The bonfires very hot. — ® 4 | Please can I have a toffee apple? > O @ 3 Complete the poster for the bonfire party, ET ie ad Watch the fireworks! e OES 1 Read and write the numbers. 1 There's an angel behind this door. 2 There's some holly behind this door. 3 There's a gingerbread mon behind this door. 4 There's an elf behind this door. 5 There ore some snowflakes behind this door. 6 There are decorations behind this door. 2 Draw pictures on the advent calendar. Write, There’sa___ = There are some Pancake Day eee, | Order the pictures. 2 Read and complete. (Gate ter len pose sgn eppr) Next, toss the ) se Finally, eat the pancake tr with a for ‘ond fry on the exomple other side, y B then, try the pancoke First, mix the S Read and match, 1@ T’ve got lemon and sugar on my pancake. 2 @ < Wrest cheese ond ham) ~\__ en my pancake. @- {Te got ice-cream and < swans cay poe) = 4 Draw toppit ‘on your pancake, Write. Pve got ‘on my pancake, D CEE COIs fifteenth thirtieth thirty eighth rst twelfth + fourth wentieth a nd third twenty-fifth twenty-ninth —) Spelling and alphabet 1 @ listen and chant. 2 @listen and spell. |) 3 Write the words in your language. {=} | ara ath 7th ath seventh oth - - ith’ 12th I eleventh i 13th | rath 15th 16th’ | thirteenth fourteenth sixteenth, ath 18th 2oth’ seventeenth | eighteenth _| nineteenth Dist 22nd 231d 2ath twenty-first | twenty-second | twenty-third | twenty-fourth 25th 26th’ Jam 28th twenty-sixth | twenty-seventh | twenty-eighth i 23th 30th 31st - Gru °@ Picture Dictionary . EQ FictureDictionary @cold acough acut earache a head brush myteeth come home eatbreokfast eat dinner | (L estomach-ache otemperature toothacne getup _gotobed getoschoot watch TV ( 7 + SSS yr =e —— 1 | | He HA | | 1 4 J f ) Le \ Ji J redhoir tal thin ) = = r £ | hj Spelling and alphabet Spelling and alphabet 1 @ Listen and chant. 1 @ listen and chant. 2 @ listen and spell. >) 2 @ Listen and spell. |=) 3 Write the words in your Language. f=) 3 Write the words in your language. {5 Canis [2] -O Picture Dictionary ) = Spelling and alphabet Ee spotty we ; Spelling and alphabet Sy ’ ~ a || 1 @ Listen ond chont. A 1 @ listen and chant. od is N 7 2 @ listen and spell. {) t 3 Write the words in your language. [5] BEI otc tray the wvds ou 2 @ listen and spell. [= 3 Write the words in your language. [=] CE tore rocsyostro) Learn to learn $@ Picture Dictionary (bread rolls puddings vegas | Picture Dictionary canoeing wing koe ruts raisins seeds quietly slowly \ years fe le So Ge “‘@ 1 @ listen ond chant. 2 @ listen and spell. [=] | 3 Write the words in your Language. Spelling and alphabet 1 @ listen and chant, 2 @ listen and spell. fH] 2 Write the words in your language. I} O CHIE a: %@ Allabout grammar) | Write and say the numbers. Peee 2nd 3rd. th second third fourth CE cree yourspating ath eighth sth fifth 9th ise ninth rast,_2nd_, Sad ath 4 eleventh, 2 third, z sixth 5 28th, 30th, 3 20th, : 23rd 6 seventh, . 2 Look, write and say. When is Liam's birthday? write: W's on 22°4February. © Soy: t's on the twenty-second of February. fle 206 Dont. SopninzandwaIsi8 D> varie _Elis's vwinday 2H iment 7 3 ners vind? SB _ , @ , © 20th twentieth , thirteenth 2. Holly 31/5 | 5@ _Allabout grammar | Look, match and write, @ 41 What's the matter with 2 What's the matter 3 4 2 Look, number and write. | What does she look ike? | She's got long, straight hair. ‘What's the matter with him? What's the matter with her? What does he look ike? He's got short, dark hoi. Q 2 curly straight 42 __\o0k like? got _oh look ike? tong, — he He's got a cod. She's got toothache, font, , curly, red hair earache. ‘a stomach-ache. ‘temperature. headache. , dark hair 1 Look and write. What time does he get up? ‘He gets up 1 whattime 020 she eat breokfast? She eal breakfan 2 What time __he. 3 What time 4 What 2 Look, read and circle. Write. eo Al about yerter) _ | Match ond complete What time does she watch TV2 ‘at half past sx. © She doesn’t watch TV. to school? her teeth? dinner? Does she go to work at quarter past eight? —@ Yes, she does. | Does he go to work at quarter past eight? @No, he doesn’t, Dosa he {90 to school at _ Allabout sonny Do you like earrings? — po you tike Yio _ ring? bracelets? necklace? 0 JQ) ‘All about grammar ar) 1 Look and write. she washing up? Is she woshing up? Yes, he's. QNo, she isn’t, ‘cooking? — laying the table? watering the flowers? sweeping? © She wants to play football @ He doesn't want to play football She wants to paint He doco’ twat te navn, $@ Allabout grammar 1 Look and write. ‘Singular: Is there any fruit? Sa @No, there isn't. 1B vb ther any meat? E&P une puddings? 2 Gircle three differences. Write. bread rolls? Singer There's alot There's some FENG orchecse, Eb theese got 's0 Theor Thartssome GS these tmoroseuts. GS) gece,” State chesse Plural: Are there ony vegetables? iS OVes, there are, © No, there aren't. There ien't Lx cheese. <> any cheese, There isnt any cheese, ‘O All about grammai Look and write. ! } ‘What are they doing? ff What are they ding? 1 They're mountain biking 2 3 4 5 Look and complete the sentences. | Were the tree Gut out the game and rocket. The rocket is your counter. Colour your counter. Now play the game with a friend. Use a coin. Side A: Move one square. Side B: Move two squares. fai Oe Pa Ploy the Bonfire Night game. Cut

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