Spring 2013 PHYS 172: Modern Mechanics

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PHYS 172: Modern Mechanics Spring 2013

Lecture 3 - The Momentum Principle Read 2.1-2.6

• Relativity
• Momentum Principle
• Impulse
• Net Force
• Predicting Motion


Physical laws work in the same way for observers

in uniform motion as for observers at rest.
(=in all inertial reference frames)


The position update formula

! ! !
rf = ri + vavg (t f ! ti )

Physical laws work in the same way for observers
in uniform motion as for observers at rest.
(=in all inertial reference frames)
! !
vavg vavg

The position update formula

! ! !
rf = ri + vavg (t f ! ti )

Note: all parameters must be measured in respect to the selected reference

frame to predict motion in respect to that reference frame
Ball and a cart
lecture demo

Clicker question:
A cart moves at constant velocity on horizontal surface and shoots
a cannon ball straight up. When the cannon ball drops down, it
will land

A)  Back into the cannon

B)  Behind the cannon
C)  In front of the cannon

The Momentum Principle
! !
An object moves in a straight line and at constant speed p = ! mv
except to the extent that it interacts with other objects
! =
! 2
1! $ '
# c&

The Momentum Principle Change of momentum is equal to the net force

! ! acting on an object times the duration of the
!p = Fnet !t interaction
•  Assume that F does not change during Δt

F units: N ≡ m ⋅ kg/s2
What is force F? •  measure of interaction. 6
•  defined by the momentum principle. (Newton)

The Momentum Principle Definition of impulse

Note: small Δt
! ! ! Fnet ~ const
!p = Fnet !t Impulse ! Fnet "t

Momentum principle:
The change of the momentum of an object is equal to the net impulse applied to it

The principle of superposition
Fpush !
! ! Fearth
!p = Fnet !t
Net force

The Superposition Principle:

The net force on an object is the vector sum of all the !
individual forces exerted on it by all other objects Fgravity
Each individual interaction is unaffected by the Ignored
presence of other interacting objects friction!

Definition of net force:

! ! !
Fnet = F1 + F2 + ...

Misconception: need constant force to maintain motion

? Why planets move ? 8
Clicker question

A planet is attracted to two nearby stars as shown.

Which of the red vectors below represents the net force on the planet?

F1 !
Fnet Star 1
F1 !
! F1
B) Fnet
! Planet
! Star 2
F1 F2
C) Fnet
Predictions using the Momentum Principle

The Momentum Principle ! ! ! Update form of the momentum principle

! ! p f ! pi = Fnet "t ! ! !
!p = Fnet !t p f = pi + Fnet !t

Short enough,
p fx , p fy , p fz = pix , piy , piz + Fnet , x , Fnet , y , Fnet , z Δt F~const

For components: p fx = pix + Fnet , x Δt

p fy = piy + Fnet , y Δt
p fz = piz + Fnet , z Δt
Constant Gravitational Field
Clicker question #3:
g = 9.8 N/kg (or m/s2 )
Due to the gravity, which components
of the velocity will change?
A)  x, y and z
B) only x and y y
C) only x
D) only y r
F = 0, −mg , 0
E) only z
p fx = pix + Fnet , x Δt
p fy = piy + Fnet , y Δt
p fz = piz + Fnet 11
, z Δt
System and surroundings


System: an object for which we calculate momentum (car)

a system can consist of several objects

Surroundings: objects which interact with system (earth, man, air…)

! ! !
p f = pi + Fnet !t

! Only external forces matter !

Internal forces cancel 12
animated slide
Applying the Momentum Principle to a system:
predicting motion

1.  Choose a system and surroundings

2.  Make a list of objects in surroundings that exert significant forces on system
! ! !
3.  Apply the Momentum Principle p f = pi + Fnet !t
! ! !
4.  Apply the position update formula if needed r = r + v !t
f i avg

5.  Check for reasonableness (units, etc.)

Motion of an object under constant force
System: cart and fan. One dimension.
p f = pi + Fnet Δt p ≈ mv

Assume: v << c Then: v f = vi + Δt
Position update: rf = ri + vavg (t f − ti )

Divide t into small intervals so that v does not change

v (t ) Δt rf = ri + ∑ ⎡⎣v (t ) Δt ⎤⎦

Need to find area under v(t) ! Only if v changes

vi at constant rate
vi + v f
rf = ri +
(t f − ti )
=vavg 14
ti tf t
See numerical example in text book
v Motion of an object under varying force

rf = ri + ∑ ⎡⎣v (t ) Δt ⎤⎦
Area under the curve:

ti tf rf = ri + lim # (v (t )!t )
!t " 0


rf = ri + ! v (t )dt

Example: a hockey puck
A hockey puck with
! a mass of 0.16 kg is initially at rest. A player hits it
applying force F = 400,400,0 N during Δt = 4 ms. Where would be the puck
2 seconds after it loses contact with hockey stick?
1.  Choose a system and

Clicker question:
What will be the most convenient choice of the system?

A)  puck
B)  hockey stick
C)  player
D)  puck + hockey stick
E)  puck + hockey stick + player
Example: a hockey puck
A hockey puck with
! a mass of 0.16 kg is initially at rest. A player hits it
applying force F = 400,400,0 N during Δt = 4 ms. Where would be the puck
2 seconds after it loses contact with hockey stick?
1.  Choose a system and

2. Make a list of objects in surroundings that exert significant forces on system

Hockey stick
3. Apply the Momentum Principle Normal force opposing gravity
! ! ! Friction
p f = pi + Fnet !t
( )
p f = 0,0,0 m kg/s + 400,400,0 N ! 4 !10-3s ( )
p f = 1.6,1.6,0 m ! kg/s 17
Example: a hockey puck
A hockey puck with
! a mass of 0.16 kg is initially at rest. A player hits it
applying force F = 400,400,0 N during Δt = 4 ms. Where would be the puck
2 seconds after it loses contact with hockey stick?
y !
3. Momentum ! rf
! pf
p f = 1.6,1.6,0 m ! kg/s

4. The position update formula * Choose coordinate system origin:

! ! ! position of puck at the end of interaction
rf = ri + vavg !t
! ! ! p
p ! mv v ! = 10,10,0 m/s
rf = 0,0,0 m + 10,10,0 m/s ! 2 s ( )
rf = 20,20,0 m 18
How Do You Measure force
The Momentum Principle
1. Use the momentum principle – not convenient ! !
!p = Fnet !t

2. Using Hooke s spring force law

! L0
Fspring = k S s

s = ΔL = L − L0 Robert Hooke

kS – spring stiffness (spring constant)

units: N/m

Direction of force: toward equilibrium

! !
Example !p = Fnet !t

kS=500 N m
. Force: provided by a spring stretched by ΔL=4 cm
interaction duration: 1 s
? Find momentum pf if pi=<0,0,0> kg.m/s

no fricti 1. Force: Fspring = k S !L
Fspring = 500(N/m)0.04(m)=20 N
Fspring = 20,0,0 N
NB: force must not
change during Δt ! ! !
2. Momentum: p f = pi + Fnet !t
p f =< 0,0,0 > kg ! m/s + 20,0,0 N ! 1 s ( )
! N.s = kg.m/s2.s
p f =< 20,0,0 > kg ! m/s = kg.m/s


• Relativity
• Momentum Principle
• Impulse
• Net Force
• Predicting Motion


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