Family Name: Pelosi 2. First Name: Alfonso: Curriculum Vitae

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CV Alfonso PELOSI mob +39 388 47 535 46 email: < ing.a.pelosi@fastwebnet.

it > skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >

3. DATE OF BIRTH: 26 February 1957
5. CIVIL STATUS: Married
Faculty of Engineering, University of 5-year University Degree (with honours) in Civil
Naples, (1975-1981) Engineering. MScEng.


• FIDIC - Contract Management and Administration module 4, Civil & Common Law, Claims (2015).
• DRBF - Dispute Adjudication Introductory and Advanced workshops (2015).
• FIDIC - Making, Defending and Resolving Claims under the 1999 rainbow suite, module 2, (2012).
• FIDIC - advanced course Conditions of Contract for Construction, red & yellow books module 1 (2011).
• Contract Management and Claims in the Italian conditions of contract for construction (2011).
• Structural design with Italian and European standards (NTC 2008).
• Fire fighting and fire prevention, Safety rules in the design of civil and industrial buildings.
• Structural consolidation of masonry buildings.
7. LANGUAGE SKILLS: competence is on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = excellent, 5 = basic)


English 1 1 1
Italian 1 1 1

French 1 2 3
Turkish 5 5 ---


▪ Italian Institution of Engineers, since January 1982; Rome, A 33394;
▪ Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (Seattle).
▪ Society of Construction Law (UK)
• Project Management and Contract Management - EU & PRAG procedures - Engineer (Fidic).
• Practical Use of FIDIC Conditions of Contract, 1999 suite and other books.
• FIDIC Trainer accreditation assessment, March 2016 session; waiting for the results;
• Quality Assurance / Quality Control / Process Controls Manager;
• Design of hydraulic infrastructures, bridges, reinforced concrete and steel structures, foundations.
• Fully computer literate (MS Project, Primavera, MS Office);
Independent Consultant as Contract Manager, EU Procurement Specialist, Contractor Representative, Trainer.
▪ Project Manager, Contract Manager and Claim Manager, International experience for the management
and the administration of design and construction contracts of Concrete Dams, Earth-fill Dams, Hydroelectric
Power Plants, Railways, Motorways, Bridges, Tunnels, Civil and commercial Buildings.
▪ 35 years of experience in multidisciplinary teams for Project Management and Construction of primary
infrastructures, Roads, Railways, Highways, Bridges, Viaducts, Tunnels, Dams, Hydroelectric Power Plants,
Water and Wastewater systems. Projects financed by EU, WB, ADB, Italian government, and carried out in
developing countries with FIDIC Conditions of Contract and procedures, and in Italy.
▪ 11 years of experience as Tender specialist: preparation of tenders for international and Italian work
contracts for the construction of motorways, tunnels, railways, bridges, civil and commercial buildings;
▪ Trainer, delivery of several courses: Contract Management, Italian Conditions of Contract / Construction
Management of civil works: Quality Assurance, planning, budgeting and cost control / Tender procedures.
▪ Team manager for the design of bridges, tunnels, roads, buildings and concrete structures.

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CV Alfonso PELOSI mob +39 388 47 535 46 email: < > skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >


country from to mission

Kazakhstan 05/2016 ongoing Contract management and advise to the contract Project Manager
Polonia 05/2016 ongoing Contract management and advise to the contracts Project Managers
Uzbekistan 02/2016 04/2016 FIDIC consultant, training for the Railway administration management
Azerbaijan 01/2016 04/2016 Contract Manager in the Engineer's team for the Construction Supervision
Panama 11/2014 03/2016 Contract Management and advise to the Subcontractor’s Project Manager
Turkey 05/2014 10/2015 Contract Manager Technical assistance to Ministry of Transport - EuropeAid
New Zealand 12/2013 03/2014 Project Control Manager, Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manager

Austria 07/2013 10/2013 Project Manager, Resident Contractor’s Representative

New Zealand 01/2013 03/2013 Project Control Manager, Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manager
Quatar/Oman 2011 2011 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Kazakhstan 06/2009 07/2009 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Azerbaijan 05/2009 06/2009 Project Manager, construction contract inception Ganja bypass.
Israel 2008 2008 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Azerbaijan 2007 2008 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation

Albania 2002 2008 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation

Bulgaria 2002 2004 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Serbia 2005 2006 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Guinea 09/1998 10/1999 Project Technical Management and Contract Management
Uganda 09/1997 08/1998 Project Technical Management and Contract Management
Morocco 03/1996 08/1997 Project Technical Management and Contract Management
Russia 07/1995 02/1996 Project Manager, Resident Contractor’s Representative

Belarus 09/1994 07/1995 Project Manager, Resident Contractor’s Representative

Turkey 07/1991 10/1993 Project Technical Management, Budget Planing Cost Control
Romania 11/1990 06/1991 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Greece 11/1990 06/1991 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Slovenia 11/1990 06/1991 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Hungary 11/1990 06/1991 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Morocco 11/1990 06/1991 Procurement, Tender documents and Bid preparation
Turkey 10/1988 11/1990 Project Technical Management, planning and Construction Site management

Iran 04/1983 01/1984 Construction Site management


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CV Alfonso PELOSI mob +39 388 47 535 46 email: < > skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >


No from Description
Location Company / Reference Position

20 05 / Kazakistan Salini-impregilo Contract dept. Contract Management Senior Expert - (FIDIC - 1999
2016 and (p.taggart@salini- International suite and MDB harmonised 2006/2010 forms of
- Polonia Operations contract)
to Kazakhstan South West Road Project - Rehabilitation of
date the Kyzylorda region stretch from km 1278 to km
Project SWRP-1240-1650-ICB-001/2009 - five contracts
under FIDIC MDB harmonised 2006 ed CoC
Polonia Construction and Rehabilitation of highways - five
contracts under CONS and P&D/B 1999 FIDIC CoC

19 01 / Azerbaijan IRD Engineering Contract Contract Management Senior Expert - (FIDIC - MDB
2016 Dante Carolla Expert harmonised 2010 ed contract) Construction Supervision
- of the Alat - Astara Motorway, Masalli to Jalilabad
04 / ( Intersection (km 142+890 to km 110+700)
2016 m)
Contract No. 02/2013/ICB/CW/AZE - ADB loan 2921 AZE

18 02 / Uzbekistan Corporate Solution FIDIC Training programme in FIDIC Conditions of Contract for
2016 Consultant the management of the Uzbek Railway Directorate / Uzbek
Trainer Temir Yollai (UTY) LOAN NO.2781-UZB/A01/G: Central
04 / z Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 6
CONTRACT A01 – Engineering & Work Supervision
Marakand-Karshi Electrification

17 11 / Panama CARPI Tech BV Contract Contract Management Senior Expert - (FIDIC - Red and
2014 (jose.vale@carpitech Management Yellow books based contract) Assistance and Advise to
- .com) the Project Manager for the Contractual issues - Panama
03 / Canal, third set of locks, Proofing of the Water Saving
2016 Basins

16 05 / Turkey IRD Engineering Contract Contract Management Senior Expert - (FIDIC - Red and
2014 (Ankara) Dante Carolla Management Yellow books - EU PRAG / Practical Guide) Technical
- ( FIDIC and EU Assistance for strengthening the capacities of Ministry of
10 / PRAG Senior Transport / IPA Unit and end-recipients in Turkey -
2015 Expert EuropeAid/129856/D/SER/TR - High Speed Railways

15 12 / New CARPI Tech New Project Contract Management - (FIDIC - Red book based)
2013 Zealand Zealand John Rice controls Rehabilitation, strengthening and waterproofing of the
- manager & Tekapo canal. Technical manager, Method Statements,
04 / Technical Procedures and Quality Assurance
2014 michael.campbell@gen manager

14 07 / Austria CARPI Tech BV Project Contract Management - (FIDIC - Red book based)
2013 roman.kohler@verbund Manager Rehabilitation and waterproofing of the upstream surface of
11 / .com the “Grosse Muehldorf dam”

13 01 / New CARPI Tech New Project Contract Management - (FIDIC - Red book based)
2013 Zealand Zealand controls Rehabilitation, strengthening and waterproofing of the
06 / michael.campbell@gen manager Tekapo canal. Technical manager, Method Statements,
2013 Procedures and Quality Assurance

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CV Alfonso PELOSI mob +39 388 47 535 46 email: < > skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >

No from Description
Location Company / Reference Position

12 10 / Italy Tecnilex / Independent Trainer 2012 - 2013 ANCE (national association of construction
2011 Consultant contractors) – Delivery of training courses in Brindisi and
Ettore Barbieri, Catanzaro on:
05 / engineer • International Tender Procedures, use of EU PRAG, and
2013 the FIDIC Conditions of Contract. (Brindisi)
• Tender Procedures, The Italian code for work contracts.
• Construction Management.
• Planning, Budgeting and Cost Control.
• Quality Assurance and Work Procedures.
• Variation Orders in work contracts.
2011 – Ansaldo Breda – Delivery of training course on:
• Tender Procedures, The Italian code for work contracts.
11 11 / Italy + PAGGI ADELMO srl Project Project Manager, Contract management, Claims, Cost
2010 missions (Trevi – PG, Italy) Manager, Control. Planning. Method Statements, Procedures and
abroad Technical Quality Assurance for the construction of roads, viaducts
(Oman, Director and bridges. Technical director of:
10 / Qatar,
2011 Provincia di Siena – state road 1 Tuscany – Road
Poland, construction, Precasted concrete bridges 2,100m,
Ukraine) €21,625,000.00
RFI (Italian Railways) Rome-Florence line, road overpass
and pedestrian underpass in Arezzo, 5 spans bridge with
precasted prestressed beams € 7,425,000.00

10 04 / Italy + General Contractor: Tender Dept Procurement, Bid dept manager, Tender procedures and
2000 missions IMPRESA spa (former manager documents, Costs and prices evaluation, Planning,
abroad LOMBARDINI spa) Technical Project Manager, Contract management, Claims, Cost
(Albania, (Rome, Italy). Director Control. Planning. Method Statements, Procedures and
10 / Azerbaijan,
2010 Riccardo Bernabò Quality Assurance for the construction of tunnels, roads,
Bulgaria, viaducts and bridges. Technical director of:
Silorata engineer:
n, Serbia) riccardobernabo1@gmail. ITALFERR Railway line Orte–Falconara Tunnel 1,500.00m,
com concrete Bridge 250m, € 65,255,000
Roberto Piccioli, engineer: ANAS spa – Certaldo bypass - Road construction 3 Tunnels 1,400.00m Steel/concrete bridges 2,500m, €
+39 3484229025 55,248,000.00
+39 06440811 ANAS spa – state road 125 Sardegna – Road construction
1 tunnel 1,990m, Steel/concrete bridges € 26,832,000
Designer: Bridges and Viaducts, concrete and steel/
concrete structures.

9 Dirextra Master in Trainer 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 – Dirextra – Postgraduate
2002 Italy Business Engineer courses for engineers. Delivery of training courses (Rome,
– Construction Sector Milan, Catania) on:
2010 Carmen Andrè, engineer: • Tender Procedures, preparation of tenders for works contracts. • Construction Management.
• Planning, Budgeting and Cost Control.
Angelo Bianchi, engineer:
• Quality Assurance and Work Procedures
2002 and 2003 - Consorzio Venezia Nuova - Delivery of
training courses on
• Construction management.

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CV Alfonso PELOSI mob +39 388 47 535 46 email: < > skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >

No from Description
Location Company / Reference Position

8 04 / Guinea General Contractor Construction Contract management (FIDIC - Red book - and others),
1996 Konakry, ‘Salini Costruttori’ spa, Technical Responsibilities and supervision for Claims, Quantity
Uganda Rome, Italy Manager Surveying department. Cost Control. Planning. Method
Jinjia, Statements, Procedures and Quality Assurance. Technical
12 / Leopoldo Carlesimo
office, shop drawings and details. Geotechnical and
1999 Morocco , engineer:
Laboratory department. Surveying department. Permanent
Meknes l.carlesimo@salini-
Materials, selection and purchasing orders.
• GARAFIRI Dam and Hydroelectric power plant (Guinea
Enrico Fornero +39 066776
Conakry). 75,000,000 USD
+39 3392631925,
• Earthfill zoned dam (5,350,000 cum), power house (3 X
Rolando Tedeschi, engineer
75 MW), tunnels (1,600 m), spillway channel and intake
+39 3486535031
tower 70 m high (130,000 cum of concrete), 4 spans
160 m long steel/concrete intake tower access bridge.
• OWEN FALLS Dam and Hydroelectric power plant
Uganda. 67,000,000 USD.
• 2,500,000 cubic meter canal excavation, 700,000 cum
impervious, filters and rock canal lining and 150,000
cum concrete dam & 5 turbines hydroelectric power
plant construction.
• RABAT - FES highway, Morocco. 2nd stretch 50 Km
57,000,000 USD.
• 6,000,000 cum excavation and embankment, 600,000
ton of road base and 290,000 ton of bituminous
conglomerate, 70,000 cum concrete works, 9
overpasses of cast in situ post-tensioned pre-stressed
concrete slabs and 3 bridges with pre-casted pre-
stressed 40 m beams.

7 09 / Russia General Contractor Resident Full responsibility and wide power of attorney for the
1994 Tver, ‘TODINI costruzioni Project execution of the contract. FIDIC Contract management,
Belarus generali’ spa (Rome, Manager claims, site organization, planning, purchasing orders and
Minsk Italy) local subcontractors.
02 /
• Rehabilitation of the M10 Moscow / San Petersburg
1996 (Roberto Piccioli, engineer: highway in Russia. (7,500,000 USD)
+39 3484229025 +39 • Rehabilitation of the M1/E30 Brest/Minsk/Russia
06440811) highway in Belarus (12,500,000 USD)
• Surface milling of old road pavement, road topping with
modified bitumen, concrete works.

6 06 / Turkey, General Contractor Chief Budget evaluation for the construction work of 120 km dual
1991 Bolu ASTALDI spa (Rome, Engineer, carriageway three lanes motorway, based on detailed
Italy) Budget, programs and on cost analysis. Follow-up of the execution
Giancarlo Roth engineer Planning, to compare the Actual Costs of the work with the Budgeted
10 / Cost Control. Cost. Three site managers, from the three sections of the
works reported to me to define the programmes and to
follow the execution. All the activities of the Planning
department and of the Cost Control department were under
my supervision. Planning included the development of the
method statements.
Chief Engineer for the local subcontractors department, in
order to agree the conditions for the execution of ancillary
works, transports and supply of materials, renting of
Evaluation of costs and prices for the submission of bids in
Turkey (“Mersin Ring road” and “Istanbul sewage and
wastewater plant”).
Istanbul-Ankara 120 Km three lanes, dual carriage highway
section, including 7,000 m of bridges (precasted
prestressed beams 40 m long), and 6,600 m of tunnels.
2,900,000 ton of road base material and 1,600,000 ton of
bituminous conglomerates.

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CV Alfonso PELOSI mob +39 388 47 535 46 email: < > skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >

No from Description
Location Company / Reference Position

5 10 / Turkey General Contractor: Chief Construction Site management.

1988 Adana and ITALSTRADE spa Engineer, Interacting with the Engineer’s representatives for
Milano + (Milano, Italy). Tender expert construction supervision and approvals.
06 / abroad Double arch 120 m high concrete dam, open channels
1991 (Greece, spillway and power house (Adana, Turkey). Total 500,000
Slovenia) cum of concrete, 650,000 cum rock excavation, 2,400 m
Planning department Chief engineer: detailed planning and
time scheduling, method statements, design of temporary
structures, scaffolding and falsework.
Procurement, Bid dept, Tenders preparation, Cost and
price analysis, (main office in Milano) Evaluation of costs
and prices for the submission of bids for civil public works,
and study of method statements and time scheduling for
the projects:
• Morocco, 150 Km highway Rabat / Larache.
• Switzerland, hydroelectric power plant “Cleuson –
Dixence” upgrading.
• Hungary, 14 Km M0 urban motorway around Budapest.
• Malawi hydroelectric power plant Tedzani III
• Slovenia, 19 hydroelectric power plants on the rivers
Sava and Mura.
• Iran, hydroelectric power plant “Siah Bishe”.
• Greece, Athens water supply. Evinos / Mornos dam and
• Romania, 108 Km motorway Bucuresti Costanza.

4 01 / Italy, INFRASUD progetti Project Engineers Team Manager for the design and execution of
1984 Naples spa consulting Engineer, Civil Works: feasibility study, preliminary and detailed
engineering company Designer of design, bidding documents preparation and bid evaluation.
tunnels, Management of the Board of Designers.
09 / hydraulic
1988 Wide responsibility for the implementation, design,
works, dams, tendering of the following projects:
buildings and
concrete Safety standards upgrading of the historical buildings of the
structures Astronomical Observatory in Naples.
Hydraulic works for the Bacoli lake (Naples).
Irrigation project, small lakes and distribution channels
(Basilicata, south Italy).
Safety standards upgrading in monumental public buildings
(University of Naples).
Design of concrete structures, tunnels, hydraulic works.
Water supply and wastewater system, underground car
park and civil public buildings.

3 04 / Iran, General Contractor Sector Chief, Bandar Abbas Port Project Construction. Responsible of
1983 Bandar ‘Condotte d’Acqua’ Site manager teams of foremen and local workers, rock quarry
01 / Abbas spa, (Italy – Rome) exploitation, breakwaters construction. Interaction with the
1984 Engineer’s Representatives.

2 02 / Italy, SACIF spa Designer, Design of structural strengthening and masonry

1982 Naples Technical monumental buildings reinforcement. Consolidation of rock
03 / manager slopes. Subsoil geothecnical investigations. Construction
1983 site supervision.

1 07 / Italy, Independent Designer Design of steel structures and water sewage systems
1981 Naples Consultant / Designer Structures
01 / and
1982 hydraulics

Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan. 01 February 2017. Alfonso Pelosi

mob +39 388 47 535 46

email: < >
skype: < ingalfonsopelosi >

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