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1 Correct the mistakes.

1 Did she had a happy childhood?   have 

2 We didn’t had much money. have
3 At 17 he maked his first million. made
4 I could sang before I could talk. sing
5 Ben couldn’t read and wrote. write
6 Emilia goed to work at 7:30. goes

1 point for each correct answer 5

2 Complete the sentences with Simple Past form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 My mother             studied            (study) business in college.
2 When               were           (be) your grandparents born?
3 Oprah’s parents          were                (be) very poor.
4 I          didn´t started                (not start) school when I was five.
5 My brother         caught                 (catch) the train this morning.
6 Why            do              you         want                 (want) a new computer?
7 Who             did             he            interviewed              (interview) last week?
8 Where         did                 Michael Phelps         won                 (win) eight gold medals?

1 point for each correct answer 7

3 Write Simple Past questions.

1 what / be / your favorite food from your childhood?
  What was your favorite food from your childhood? 
2 what / watch / on TV last week?
 What did you watch on TV last week?                                                                                
3 where / meet / your best friend?
Where did you meet your best friend?                                                                                 
4 what / you / have / for lunch last night?
What did you have for lunch last night?                                                                                 
5 when / you / last / take a vacation?
When did you last took a vacation?                                                                                 
6 when / you / last / send an email?
When did you last send an email?                                                                                 

1 point for each correct question 5

4 Answer the questions in exercise 3 about you. Write sentences.

1   My favorite food was pizza.   
2  Last week I watched a movie.                                                                         
3 I met my best friend 10 years ago.                                                                          
4 I had for lunch tacos.                                                                          
5 My last vacation was in December.                                                                          

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