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Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Pages 1-13

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

1975: Year of the Cat

1. What is Tet? What can Tet tell us about her culture?




2. What did Mother mean when she warned, “how we act today fortells the whole



3. Why would they smile no matter how they feel?




4. Why would she put her foot down on the floor? What do you think this means?



5. What do we know about this girl? What can we tell about her already?


Inside Out

1. What does Mother’s visit to the I Ching Teller of Fate tell us about their culture?



2. What do you think the “whistles” mean? Why would mother shove them under
the bed?



3. Why would this year’s “bahn chung” be smeared in blood?




4. Give two details to support her feeling of “war coming closer to home”.



Kim Ha

1. How does Ha feel about her brothers?



2. What can we infer about the relationship between Ha and her brothers?




3. Why would Ha offer her mother the first fruit from her tree? What does this show

readers about how she feels about her mother?




Papaya Tree

1. How old do you think Ha’s brothers are? What details from the text can you
provide to support this answer?



2. Why does Ha say, “ I will be the first to witness its ripening” ?




Titi Waves Good-bye

1. If they are fleeing to safety, why are the children crying?



2. Why is Ha glad they have become poor so they can stay?




Missing In Action

1. What happened to Ha’s dad?




2. What impact do you think Ha’s father’s absence has had on their family?




3. What does “missing in action” mean?



Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8
Inside Out & Back Again Pages

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Mother’s Days p.14

1. What is this poem mostly about?




Eggs p. 16

2. Why would Brother Khoi put each egg under a lamp?




Current News p.18

3.The teacher asks the children to speak about “current news”. Why does the
teacher eventually “say no more” (stop talking)?



4. If Fridays are for good news only, why doesn’t anyone talk?


Feel Smart p.19

5. What does students “attending in shifts” tell us about Ha’s school?




6. In this poem, Ha goes to the market and buys groceries for her family. Her mom
gives her a list of exactly what to get. What does Ha really buy? What does what
she really purchases say about her character?



Two More Papayas p. 21

7. The papaya tree is a symbol to Ha. Make a prediction of what you think it will
grow to symbolize.



Unknown Father p.22

8. What does Ha know about her father? Give at least TWO details from the text.



9. Why does Ha pretend to know him? What does this reveal about her character?



Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8
Inside Out & Back Again Pages

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

TV News p. 24

1. What does “one cannot justify war unless each side flaunts its own blind
conviction” mean?



2. Explain the situation Ha’s brother is so upset about in your own words. What
about it makes him so angry?




3. What does Ha mean when she calls her brother’s words “tangled”?




Birthday p.26

4. What did the country dividing in half refer to?



5. How did communism affect the people where Ha’s mother grew up?



6. What did Ha mean when she said her mother’s eyes had “weight”?




Birthday Wishes p.30

7. Choose one wish Ha has for her birthday. Explain why you think she would wish




A Day Downtown p.32

7. What makes Ha’s mother a “war wife”?



8. Ha describes her mother as having “hollow cheeks” and “sunken eyes”. What
would cause Ha’s mother to take this appearance?




9. Explain what Ha’s mother meant when she said, “fake tears of a crocodile” about
the President crying.




** EC May Do Questions: (only complete when all other questions are done!!)

1. Describe how Ha sees her mother using two conflicting adjectives. Support each
adjective with two details from the text.









2. Explain why you think the poem titled “A Day Downtown” was substantially
longer than the others? Based on what you understand about the historical
context, what city do think they are in?







3. Describe how Ha sees the downtown area. Use examples from the text to support
your description.






Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8
Inside Out & Back Again Pages 37- 49

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Twisting Turning pg. 37

1. What is the purpose of this short poem? To share what information with reader?
Support you answer with a quote from the text.




Closed Too Soon pg. 38

2. Why did Ha’s school close down? What does this mean?




3. Ha is a very young girl (10) dealing with very real adult issues (war). Describe

with support from the text how Ha is still a little girl, who longs to just be a child.



Promises pg. 41

4.The title of this poem is “promises”. In the poem, Ha speaks about her Papaya tree.

Explain what promise Ha sees in her tree. How is having her tree helping her deal

with what is going on?




Bridge to the Sea pg. 42

5. What does Uncle Son suggest? How does Ha’s mother react?




6. What does mother’s reaction tell us about her character?




Should We? pg..44

7. Mother asks the children whether they should stay or go. What can we infer about

her character based on their discussion?



Shhhhhhhhh pg. 46

8. In the poem Should We?, Brother Khoi says he doesn’t want to leave in case father

comes back, what does this poem say he really wants to stay for?




Quiet Decision pg. 47

9.Ha says she, “is proud of her ability to save until she see[s] tears in [her] Mother’s

eyes”. Why is her mother crying?




Early Monsoon pg. 48

10. They are pretending the monsoon is there, but it isn’t. What is really there?

Provide ONE detail to support your answer.




The President Resigns pg. 49

11. Explain why the president choose to resign.



Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8
Inside Out & Back Again Pages 50-69

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Watch Over Us pg. 50

1. Explain Uncle Son’s role in Ha’s family.




Crisscrossed Packs pg. 52

2. What does mother know about Khoi? How is she using it to get him to agree to flee?




Choice pg. 55

3. Why are they limited on what they can take?




4. What does Ha mean when she says her doll has scars?



Left Behind pg. 57

5. Choose one character. Write what they left behind and what we can tell about

them by that item.




6. Why does mother burn all but ten pictures?




Wet and Crying pg. 60

7. Why does Brother Vu chop down the papaya tree?




8. What does this mean for Ha?




Sour Backs pg. 61

9. What happens when they execute their plan and flee to the Navy ships? What do

they find there?


One Mat Each pg.63

10. Why do they let so many people pack onto the ship?




In The Dark pg. 65

11. Why did they get off the ship? Why did they get back on?




12. Why is the port and ship without lights?




Saigon Is Gone pg. 67

13. What is “over”? What does it mean that “Saigon is gone”?



May Do Extra Credit:
Write a quickwrite in which you answer what can you infer Ha is feeling while
her family flees. Make sure to include a focus statement, three pieces of relevant
evidence to support your focus and an analysis for each piece of evidence, and a
concluding statement.


















Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8
Inside Out & Back Again Part 2 Pages 73- 108

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Floating p. 73

1. Find the best piece of supporting evidence to support this idea: Ha is having
difficulty acclimating to the environment of the boat.


S-l-o-w-l-y p.75

2. Find the best piece of supporting evidence to support this idea: Ha is starving.



Rations p. 77

3. What changes in this poem?



4. What image comes back to Ha? What does this mean?



Routine p. 79

5. Find the best piece of supporting evidence to support this idea: Ha is going to a new

country permanently.


6. How does mother describe where they are going? Is her view realistic?




Read Once Knew and Brother Khoi’s Secret pg. 82-84

7. How is Ha describing the conditions of the boat?



Read Last Respects to Golden Fuzz pg. 85- 95

8. Ha and her family have been on the boat for weeks. She seems to be coming to the

end of her journey. Describe the journey of these Vietnamese refugees using at least

two details from the text.





Read Tent City to Our Cowboy pg. 96-108

9. What are two things mother decides for her family in these poems?



10. What can you infer Ha thinks about America?___________________________________________


Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Part 3 Pages 115- 142

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Read Unpack and Repack and English Above All pg. 115-117

1. What has the mood changed to now that they have arrived in America? Provide one

detail with an explanation to support your answer.





2. Why is it so important for them to learn English?




Read First Rule to Third Rule pg. 118- 128

3. The poems “First Rule”, “Second Rule” and “Third Rule” reflect that they are struggling

while learning English. What is the struggle the poems in between reflect (“American

Chicken” and “Out the Too High Window” and “American Address”)?





Read Passing Time to Rainbow pg. 129-142

4. Name two struggles people who become refugees face. Provide evidence and

analysis from the text to support you answer (ie: one detail with explanation for EACH

struggle named).









Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Part 3 Pages 143- 168

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Read Black and White and Yellow and Red to Laugh Back pg 143- 147

1. How (describe) is Ha adjusting to her new school environment? Provide two

details from the text with analysis to support your answer.






Read Quiet Inside to Feel Dumb pg. 149-156

2. How are the interactions with Americans making Ha and her family feel? Support
your answer with details and analysis from the text.





Read Wishes pg. 158

2. Why doesn’t Ha feel smart?


Read Hiding pg. 160

3. What does Ha mean when she says, “I’m practicing to be seen”?



Read Neighbors to More is Not Better pg. 162-168

4. Describe Ha’s interactions with the Americans. What is happening? Why do you
think they treat them that way? Support you answer with details and analysis from
the text.







Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Part 3 Pages 169- 191

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Read HA LE LU DA pg. 169

1. What is the significance of Ha getting baptized? How does she feel about it? Use
one supporting detail and analysis to support your answer.





Read Can’t Help pg 173

2.Ha says it is “more difficult than I imagined”? What is more difficult that she
imagined? How do you know?






Read Spelling Rules to Most Relieved Day pg 177 to 186

3. What is getting better for Ha? Name at least two things and support your ideas with

details from the text and analysis.









Read Smart Again pg 187

4. In a previous poem, Ha had told us she didn’t feel smart anymore. What made Ha
feel smart again in this poem? Why do you think she was still able to do this?





Read Hair pg.189

5. The little girls fix up Ha’s hair. Was this a positive or negative interaction? Support
your answer with a detail and analysis from the text.




Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Part 3 Pages 192- 212

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Read The Busy One pg.192

1. What changes in Ha’s mother in this poem? What causes the change?



Read Pancake Face pg. 196

2. Why are the kids dressed up? Why wouldn’t Ha be dressed up too?




Read Mother’s Response to MiSSSisss WaSShinton’s Response pg. 198- 202

3. What was similar about the women’s responses to Ha’s troubles? Use two details

from the text with analysis to support your answer.






Read Cowboy’s Response pg 203

4. Based on the Cowboy’s reaction to the situation, what can you infer about his

character? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.





Read Boo-Da, Boo-Da pg 205

5. What is “surging” from Ha’s gut? Describe her feeling, what is it she is experiencing?

What made her feel like that? Use evidence from the text with analysis to support your







Read Hate It to Brother’s Quang’s Turn pg 209- 212

6. Compare Ha in America to the way Ha was in Vietnam. What is different about her

now? Support you answer with a detail from the text.




Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Part 3 Pages 213- 234

Directions: For each poem title, read the questions, read the poem and answer the

Read Confessions pg. 213

1. What does Ha realize in this poem? How does it make her feel?




Read NOW! to Rumor Pg. 217- 221

2. Why would Ha’s mom buy the things to make eggrolls for Thanksgiving? What does
this tell us about her acclimating to the American culture?




3. How are Americans treating Ha and her family? Are all Americans treating them the
same? Support your answer with two details and analysis from the text (support can be
from any poems).






Read A Plan to But Not Bad pg. 222-234

3. Make a prediction about what you think Ha’s brother’s plan is. Why do you think






4. Why did Ha punch that boy? Why did she not kick him?





5. Why do you think the presents make Ha frown?





6. Consider what the papaya tree symbolized for Ha. Why would it mean that the

papaya was dried? What does this mean for Ha?




Name___________________________________________________________ ELA 8

Inside Out & Back Again Part 4 Pages 237-60

Directions: Read the poem and answer the questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Read all of PART 4 pg 237-60. Answer the following question in quickwrite form.

Consider how Ha’s life was turned “inside out” by where and when she lived in
Vietnam, her experiences with war and fleeing her home. Describe what it means for
Ha to come “back again” and using evidence and analysis from the text, explain how
Ha has come “back again”.
















Explain why you think the author chose the title “Inside Out & Back Again”. Be sure
to support your ideas with multiple pieces of evidence with analysis from the text.






















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