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Reductionism vs Holistic

McKinstry and Wang: This study took a reductionist approach due to it only looking at appearance and
its affect on patients. There could be other factors that can affect the way a patient judges their doctors,
which were not focused on. This was also a snapshot study as it took place in less than 2 weeks so the
results may have been based on a few events. The study also produced only quantitative data and did
not have any qualitative result.

McKinlay: This study had a reductionist approach due to it’s restricted sample. They only chose their
sample from one place, being Aberdeen, who were all using the same maternity service. This was also a
snapshot study as it despite it being conducted for a long time period, the sample was only interviewed
four times, which means that the results are only based on a few instances. This study also did not result
in any qualitative data and only focused on quantitative information.

Ley: This study also had a reductionist approach due to its restricted sample. The sample is low in
population validity as it was only taken from one clinic in Liverpool only. Since other people from
different clinics or countries were not involved, then the different behaviors and attributes of people
that could have affected the study and its results were not recorded.

Byrne and Long: This study has a holistic approach as it’s sample is very diverse and big enough for the
study’s results to be applied on other people besides the sample.

Savage and Armstrong: This study has a reductionist look at what they are studying. Their sample is
limited as it only focuses on people from one general practice in inner London. Since other people from
other practices or countries are not a part of the sample, then other personality traits that could have
brought in other views to or affected the results were not considered. The study also only produced
quantitative data so the reasons behind the results were never looked at.

Robinson and West: This has a reductionist approach due to the small sample. The researchers only look
at one clinic and have formed a sample of 69 patients which is not enough for their results to be
generalized to the rest of the population.

Safer: This study also took a reductionist approach as it only has qualitative data. There is no statistical
data given to support their findings. This is also a snapshot study as the actual study from where the
results were made was only for 45 minutes per person. Hence, the time duration of the study is small.

Aleem and Ajarim: Their study also had a reductionist approach as it was a case study. They only studied
one female, which made it difficult to generalize to the rest of the population as it could be that this
woman was unique and her results may not apply to anyone else.

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